Thursday, June 7, 2012

TCRG 2012 ~ Update

It's been a few weeks since we got the food garden all ready to go.  Not gonna lie, we were pretty scared and a little skeptical about the "Growth Probability" this year.  We have a lot of clay in the yard.  Like, a lot!  Even with the extra time we spent tilling everything, and mixing in the poo, there was still a lot of clay that lumped. 

But, low and behold, we've got some produce coming!  It's super exciting!

What's not so exciting is our new visitors this summer.  BUGS.  Last summer, we had no problem with bugs eating our produce.  So, when I noticed that there were small holes in most every little leaf, this was a surprise...and a concern. 

They have eaten everything.  From the strawberries to the jalapenos to the cucumbers.  Oh the poor cucumbers, I actually have to plant more!  Of the 12 seeds that went into the ground, and the 9 that sprouted, there is only 1 lonely guy left!!  ONE!!  Those crazy buggers chewed everything off to a nub in the cucumber area!!  Rotten, I tell you, ROTTEN!!

Poor, poor sad Jalapeno has been eaten to pieces!

From my BFF, Google, I've learned that non-anti-bacterial dish soap is a great way to start attacking this problem.  I also read many other home remedies, but this one was the most common, and I already had all the ingredients :)  The first night, I came home and mixed up some of this Magical Soap Elixir, using Norwex (since I'm not really crazy about putting chemicals into the FOOD garden, I thought this would be the best option) dish soap.

Totally side note, but I don't understand why, if you are having a garden in your yard to feed your family and get away from the chemicals on the produce in the grocery store...why on earth would you put poison on the produce in YOUR garden?  I am the kind of girl who likes to go outside, pick a few peas, have a snack, and go about my business.  If I have to stop and wash each bite, that kind of defeats the purpose of a 'quick snack'.  And the whole "Natural Food" thing.  Whatever. I am not however, opposed to spraying chemicals on Creeping Charlie.  I will spray that nasty beast with whatever I can find that will kill it's guts out!  Food, no chemicals.  Weeds (YES, it's a weed!!), ok with chemicals.  Now that that's cleared up....

I sprayed everything.  Even the plants that didn't have any holes.  I sprayed everything.  And so far, so good.  There are no new holes.  Just a few guys trying to recover and repair themselves from the attack of the invading creatures. 

Spraying again tonight, it said to do it a couple times right away, then just as needed.  I also saved a bunch of eggshells, in the event that we get slugs.  I thought it was such a neat trick (put egg shells around the base of the plant to keep the slugs off) that I was actually saddened that none of our invaders were slugs!  Maybe I'll get some, and get to use this fancy trick :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

New Mommy Survival Kit

A super long time ago, I asked all my New Mommy Friends on Facebook for some assistance in putting together a lovely little gift for my friend who was about to enter the wonder filled world of being a Mom. It's been over 10 years since I was a new Mom, and I totally needed some help!

I got tons of input, and in the end, stole the show at the Baby Shower with the New Mommy Survial Kit. 

First, I got a Diaper Bag to assemble everything in.  Being a Thirty~One consultant, it was great timing, the Organizing Utililty Tote was on sale!  Whoo Hoo!  So, I let her pick out the pattern she liked and her own embroidery.  Nothing sucks more than getting a gift you don't like or won't use, so I made sure she liked it :)

Nevermind the sale, I am not smart enough to crop or alter these things, so you might from time to time see recycled images on here!  But this is what the bag looks like, so you get the idea!

Then we started collecting pieces to insert.  It took a while, there is a great deal of time and effort that went into this.  But it was totally worth it!!  I took each item and wrapped little blue and pink tags explaining it's use around it. I don't of course have a photo of the finished product, but use your imagination with the items and tag scibbling below!

*Nite Lites - You might think you know your way around the house in the dark...until you are a sleep deprived monster, going potty at 2am, after laying baby down, trying not to make a sound, with your eyes half closed, 1 sock on...just plug them in!

*Bobby Pins & Dry Shampoo  - Showering is one of those long lost "Things I Used to do Before I Had Kids".  And sometimes, the effort it requires just isn't worth it.  This is for those times. 
(You could add Deodorant here as well!)

*Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - Happy Mama = Happy Family
(These were her favorite)

*Advil - Remember this Math Lesson - 4 Advil = 1 Vicodan
(ok, so this is clearly not legit medical advice, but somethings gotta work when those initial pain meds wear off!)

*Baby Wipes - If you have a boy, these can be used to wipe the clearly directed wee off your face during each changing.  These will also remove baby vomit from the back of your jacket before entering a public establishment and get butt paste out of the carpet.  You may start to wonder how you ever lived without them!

*Stool Softener- If no one has told you about your first Post-Birth Poo...I'm not gonna be the one!  Take these, they won't MAKE you go...just make it EASIER to go :)

*Altoids & Wisps - Brushing your teeth will likely move farther down on your daily priority list as you enter your new "Oh my gosh I just slept for a WHOLE 20 MINUTES lifestyle"  Your guests (and baby) will thank you for using these!

*Earplugs - It's not always the "Most Magical Thing I've Ever Heard" and that's totally normal.

*Face Cleansing Wipes - for a pick me up, or a "Oh Crap I'm Scaring The Baby" moment. 

*Tucks Pads - Directions: Put on Bottom.  Yours.  You're Welcome. 

*Maxi Pads, Mattress Size - In the instance your little one rips you open like a bag of Cheeto's, thus causing a rather unpleasant, "OMG, am I supposed to lose THIS MUCH blood" kind of sensation for an extended period of time, you will want these.  Seriously - Heavy & Long will become your best friends. 

*Gripe Water - A sweet miracle in a bottle!

*New Undies, the large ones that will hold above mentioned pads - Sometimes just changing your underwear is like putting on a whole new outfit!  And I know you don't have anything besides thongs, and Honey, those mattresses won't fit on your tight rope!

*The Book "Go The F**K To Sleep" - for those nights when you just feel like saying it, this makes it a little more acceptable to cuss at your baby. 
(And, if you haven't read this, please do.  This author took what every parent says, every night, and wrote it down.  He is a GENIUS.  And now a very wealthy genius!)

*The Book "Porn for New Moms" - Post baby, "Dirty" can take on so many meanings.  A new adventure in "Oh Yeah" begins on Page 1. 
(Again, if you haven't seen this, do it!  Hilarious!  Photos of men vacuuming, doing dishes, staying with baby instead of golfing, making all natural baby food, all while telling you how sexy those sweatpants are!)

Mom, Grandma, Auntie, and Daddy were all very happy with the kit.  Mission Accomplished!