Friday, December 27, 2013

2013 Holiday Letter

So since I am super busy (or just getting more disorganized by the day) we didn't get out any Christmas cards this year!!  And I even wanted to do a letter since this was SUCH a big year for us!  Biscuits!  Thanks to modern technology, I can still share an abbreviated version of our letter.  Since modern technology and I don't always agree, I lost the original version.

Mariah graduated High School!  Whoot Whoot!  She is doing well, working 2 jobs, going to college, and training and riding her new horsey Blue. 

Addie started 7th grade this year and became a Cross Country All Star!  She is keeping busy with band, choir, friends, the mall.  You know all the typical pre-teen girly stuff. She made the Honor Roll at school for first trimester.  We're pretty proud!

Deron's business' are doing wonderfully.  He has been blessed with many opportunities this year!

I made a career change and couldn't be more happy about it!  I am currently working as a Caregiver providing home health for seniors.  LOVING IT!  I will continue pursuing my nursing degree :)

We welcomed a new member to our family, Felon Myers Von Stauffenheim (or something very similar, but his papers are in the other room and I am too comfortable!).  This little guy is a pain in our butts and a joy in our hearts.  His paws are bigger than his head, so we are expecting another big boy!

In April, we got engaged - FOR REAL!! No big plans are in the works yet.  Hey, it took us 6 years to get this far, patience people.

We also were able to purchase property that will be the new site of our forever home.  Trees are being cleared (only where the house goes, we like the trees) and all kinds of work is being done.  We're very excited!

So there you have it, the abbreviated version of our Holiday Letter.  Now, I'm taking a short nap while Felon does.  Wishing you all the best in 2014!