Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 2 on this Non-Smoking Planet

I had set a goal for myself to quit smoking while Addie was on vacation this summer. 

Yes, I had quit.  I had not smoked for over a year and a half.  And then I just started again, like it was no big deal.  But it was, and I shouldn't be smoking.  I realize this. 

So I'm "Kicking The Butts Out Of My Life", not 'quitting'.  Cause I am NOT a quitter!

On day 4 - I bought some patches, I realized I would need help.  And anyone near me while I was on Chantix, I think would rather that I just kept smoking rather than becoming the absolute bat case I was while taking it.  So patches it shall be. 

And yesterday - Day 8 of vacation - was Day 1 on The Patch (I call it Patchy).  And wouldn't you know it, it wasn't terrible.  It was bad, don't get me wrong.  But it wasn't terrible.  I made it thru the day without having a smoke.  I even stood outside with D while he had one, and it was ok.  I had stuff to do.  I was busy.  The urge wasn't overwhelming...until I got into the car. 

I realized that being in the car is a HUGE trigger for me.  So I got some new air freshners.  That was my treat to myself for not smoking:  a nice, fresh smelling car.  And they were way more cost effective than a pack of smokes.  And I also started rubbing my patch in the car.  It didn't help the cravings, but it did help keep my hand busy.

So, today is Day 2.  Patchy is trying so hard to help me.  And she's doing a good job.   This morning I was sure wishing that Patchy came in the form of a 3 inch stick I could inhale.  But, as the saying goes, wish in one hand, sh*t in the other...  And I didn't cave, I'm doing this!

Today, on my daily Walmart visit, I seemed to notice every single person who was smoking in their car.  I had not noticed how many people really actually smoke in their cars.  Or smoke with their kids in the car. 

And here, I had an epiphany - I realized I was being selfish.  I was a smoker for my own personal gratification, and for my own personal satisfaction.  It was something that I did only for myself.  This habit in no way benefitted anyone around me.  But it affected everyone around me.  Our kids hate smoking, seriously hate. Our kids ask us all the time to quit. They try to make deals with us so we would quit.  They make fun of us all the time for smoking, and smelling, and killing ourselves. And they are right. I took years off my life and away from my future grandchildren.  I teach a class to troubled kids, smelling like an ashtray.  "Hey kids, don't smoke, it's bad, nevermind that smell".   I went to my own kids events, and I was the bad smell in the gym, not the sweaty kids.  We are late for everything, so I could suck down a quick smoke before we go.

So, the lesson on Day 2 - smokers are selfish.  And I aim to be a non-selfish, non-smoker. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Wild Creatures (no, not my kids)

We live in the country.  The country is home to a wide variety of Wild Creatures.  Of this, I am aware.  We have not really had to deal with many creatures too much since we moved in.

Deer are not a problem.  They don't eat anything they aren't supposed to.  And we like to watch them.  Birds are also not a problem.  Squirrels, Chipmunks, Rabbits, even the little Beaver family that lives down the road doesn't bother us or cause issues.  We like wildlife, we don't mind sharing. 
*I do realize that they were probably all there first, but since we didn't build the house, I'm going with we didn't invade their homes because there was already a human home there. 

This summer, we've got some issues.  We've got mosquitoes, which we haven't seen since moving to Iowa.  We've got some other weird feathery looking flying biting bugs, yes biting, I hate them.  We've got a few toads hiding out in the fountain.  And we've got Raccoons. 

Yes, effing RACCOONS!!

I have come to realize that these creatures are clearly smarter than most humans.  And I understand that, again, they were probably in our area before we were.  However, we have not had issues with them until recently.  And by issues, I mean they are destructive little beasts!  And smart, did I say smart?  Cause those little buggers are freaking SMART!

First time we noticed them was when we were awoken in the middle of the night by scratching on our bedroom window.  Showed him the flashlight, he ran away. 

Then, Mariah saw them outside.  And by them, I mean 3. Within the next few days, they started helping themselves to the grain and horse treats in the barn.  The rubbermaid cans and totes are no match for mice or horses; but, remember how Raccoons have thumbs.  Not just thumbs....opposable thumbs...human thumbs...thumbs that can effectively open rubbermaid cans and totes.  We started talking about buying a live trap. 

Next, we found that one of our little baby kittens has been wounded.  Since the kittens don't get over the fence alone, and Mama has decided they do not live in the garage (which now I understand why!) we fed them outside on the back porch.  Bad idea.  Just bad.  Mr. Rocky Raccoon woke me up scratching at the window again.  I went out and tried to scare him off.  In the morning, all the cat food was gone (duh!  that little stinker licked the porch CLEAN!) and Wilbur the baby kitty had puncture wounds and a bloody foot.  No worries, he's recovering very well in the house.

That was the last straw (or so I thought), so Ry was sent out to get some live traps.  So far, we've caught 4.  And the neighbor across the street has also captured 4.  And the other neighbor, well apparently he's been catching fish and leaving the "leftovers" from cleaning them, outside.  Smart, real smart bucko!  We had been smelling fish, and of course wondered, but really, who would think to leave nasty, stinky, leftover fish guts outside?  And in this heat?  Oy Vey!

Rocky was again attempting his break in skills last night at our bedroom window, not exactly sure what he's after, but he has managed to take the shutter almost completely off. 

So, as the saga of Raccoon Valley continues, I am hoping with a nice neighborly chat, we will be able to end the Wrath of Rocky Raccoon.  If not, these poor smart creatures will continue to be relocated.   And I'm gonna go through a lot of marshmallows!