Thursday, August 31, 2017

Day 3...& 4

Day 3:
This was an interesting day.  Working long hours makes for lots of snacks.

For breakfast I had made a mash of sweet potato, onion, green pepper, tomato, kale, compliant sausage, and egg.  Had some honeydew and strawberries as well.  Super delicious and super full.

Lunch, Dinner, Snacks - all lumped into 1 here:
BLT salad - compliant bacon and homemade ranch make this salad
Grapes, Carrots, Banana, Orange, Almonds, hard boiled eggs and salami.

Got home at 12:45.

Day 4 -
Woke up late 7:05 - had a 7:30 meeting.  I was only 5 minutes late, minus my socks.

So threw some junk in my lunch bag and out the door I went.  Managed to scarf a banana on my way in, and had 3 compliant sausage links after the meeting.  It was crazy busy.  Crazy busy.  Did manage to sneak in some strawberries and honeydew between patients, but was starving by lunch!  I had grabbed a chicken breast, so I ran down to the cafeteria at lunch and added some steamed peas and onions, 2 hard boiled eggs, and salami.  Washed it down with a nice refreshing sparkling water.  Ahhh.

Now I'm home.  Totally exhausted from my lack of sleep and super busy day.  Fantasy football draft is tonight.  I feel like this should be paired with a very large plate of nachos.  So instead I baked some plantain chips and made some fresh salsa and guac.  Close enough right.

And then I thought it would be great to relax in a nice bath, got in, let the jets do their thing on my terrible achy, tight muscles...and then my candle fell into the water.  Yes, that happened.  I promptly turned off the jets, let out all the water, and spent the next 20 minutes scrubbing the tub and then scrubbing myself.  So much for relaxing.  Anyone needs me, I'll be picking wax out of my hair.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Day 2

Breakfast was again a mash up.  Today was compliant bacon, egg, and fresh salsa.

Then I went to the dentist and it was wonderful.  I love clean teeth.

As I left the dentist, I was out to run some errands.  Pulled into my parking spot at the grocery store and grabbed my purse.  I recently switched to a smaller purse, which is ok.  It prevents me from carrying around the kitchen sink.  What I am still getting used to is a long strap.  Well, that long strap caught on the side of my coffee cup...and dumped the whole thing (well like 3/4 since that was what was left) into my drivers seat.  So now I have coffee all over my car seat and my butt.  Walked through Aldi and Walmart with a coffee soaked bottom.  Awesome.

Got home and made some lunch.  I had leftover grilled chicken with some sauteed kale and tomato.

Snacks: Grapes, carrots, and celery with almond butter.

For dinner I went out with some of the ladies from work.  Ordered a plain hamburger patty with the veggies, no bun, and a side of watermelon.

When I got home, D and I spent a good portion of time in the garden picking veggies.  We filled 2 bags and a large bucket!  Good thing I have Friday off to start the canning factory.  As much work as it is and as overwhelming as it can feel at times, we are so blessed to have such a good garden and be able to not only put food away for the winter but also to share with our friends and family.

After I prepared 3 huge bags of beans for the freezer, I made one of my favorite snacks - banana with a handful of cashews and some shaved dried coconut.  Try this.  It's just plain good.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

This too I shall do

These keep showing up in my memories, and a friend recently blogged about her Whole30 journey, and I am reminded that sharing life and lessons and journeys is something that I really enjoy.  And also feedback, I love feedback. So welcome back.  There are quite a few things going on in life and I'd love to share just a few with you today.

I mention Whole30 above.  It was an amazing journey that I also participated in this past May.  A look at food - relationships, ingredients, it was incredible to see how food affected my body.  For 30 days you change your food, strip out the "extras", and feel like a whole new person.  No sugars (except those naturally occurring in food), no artificial sweeteners, no dairy, no grains, no alcohol, the list goes on.

For those 30 days, I did not have a single headache.  Not 1.  I used to get headaches fairly often, the kind where it feels like there is sand in the back of my head and there is a knife in my frontal lobe.  And I'd get a pretty good migraine every couple of months where everything I did made me want to vomit and dark, quiet rooms were the only safe haven.  During that 30 days, not a single one.  And after the detox period, I felt like a million bucks.  More energy, my mind felt sharper, my muscles didn't ache, I was sleeping better.  It was terrific.  And then May was over and I did really well into June adding things back in but still being mindful of what I was eating (black beans went back in right away.  seriously.) Then you just kind of get back into the grind of quick meals (fast food), easy snacks (chips and ice cream), and alcohol (wine was missed desperately).  I have not gained back any of the weight that I lost during this time; however, my body is seriously pissed off.  And I have the bloating to prove it.

So I decided to do this again before the wedding.  My dress fits just fine, that's not the issue.  I want to feel good for my wedding.  Who wants to feel like a tired blob on the happiest day of their life?

Yesterday was Day 1 (so this will be a Whole 20, as there are only 25 days left until the wedding - another post, I promise) and I found it so easy to get back into the swing of saying 'no thanks' to the cookies in the office.  I would like to post daily to not only keep myself on track, but to give anyone else ideas on meals, easy swaps, and delish snacks.

So Yesterday - Day 1:
Breakfast: Potato, mushroom, onion, and chicken sausage "hash".  Basically just fried all the ingredients in some ghee (dairy free butter since dairy is off limits) and it is so filling.  This is one of my favorite breakfasts specifically for that reason.

Lunch: leftover grilled chicken with a tomato and green beans from my garden!  And a sweet potato.  I cut up the beans and sweet potato and fried them in some coconut oil for an extra sweet taste.  It was delicious - and again so filling!

Snacks: Oranges and almonds.  Again, a go to snack.  Easy, delicious, sweet.

I stopped at the grocery store after work to pick up a few things.  Usually I am a Hangry Mama after work and this is a seriously dangerous task.  BUT, I was still not hungry, so it was easy to get in and out and not overspend (added bonus).

Dinner: I made beef and broccoli - 2 versions.  I made 1 for the rest of the family with rice and not a whole lot of extra veggies.  And then I made mine.  Beef, broccoli, carrots, onions, celery, a whole zuchinni and fresh green beans (both from my garden!).  I used coconut aminos for my sauce (soy is off limits) and it tastes just as good.  I didn't get rice as I forgot to buy cauliflower at the store, which quite honestly was the main reason I went, but whatever, there were so many veggies that there just really wasn't room for more.

So there you have it, Day 1 in the books.  Tomorrow I have the day off and lots of wedding stuff to finish up.  And a visit to the dentist - I LOVE THE DENTIST!!  Something about that clean teeth feeling really gets my motor going.  Until then peeps.