Monday, February 6, 2012

Oh What A Life

It's been quite a while since I wrote on here and 1 of my New Years Resolutions is to get my ducks back into that row.  They have strayed, and I have let them.  No more.  Ducks, Beware!

So where did I leave off...oh yes...Thanksgiving.  We shall start there. 
Thanksgiving was wonderful!  We hosted at our house this year and I didn't really know how much I missed hosting parties until this day.  My birthday party was great this summer, but it sure left a few things in my mind that I had forgotten to do or prepare for, so Thanksgiving was a great redemption opportunity.  And I think we pulled it off!  There was enough food for a small army, there was enough family for just about anyone to handle, and there was enough Scotch to go around. I think the highlight of the day was the deer hanging in the garage by sundown. 

Then we celebrated a birthday on December 6.  Mariah is an old hag :)  Turning 17 was celebrated of course with Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cake. 
Aria also turned 16 on the same day.  Is it wierd that my daughter is older than my sister?  I think it's funny when Ry calls Aria "Auntie", that makes my insides giggly.

Then, on the 8th I had the long awaited Bladder Sling installed.  And this day was not without event.  I think I shall save this for another post topic. 
Christmas Holidays are finally done for.  We made a few trips to MN to celebrate with our friends and family up there.  We got to see most everyone we intended on, but of course missed a few, that's the way it always goes.  Addie says her favorite present was her basketball.  Now she just needs a new concrete driveway and a hoop.  She is her Grandfathers Granddaughter!!

In January, Addie turned 11.  She is also an old had :)  I don't like that the girls are getting older and becoming little women, and I tell them that.  But alas, it does me no good. 

I think that will be the update for now.  There are of course a few things in there that really are wonderful stories, and I will share them at a later date. 

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