Monday, April 30, 2012

TCRG Returns ~ The Fountain

Remember last summer when we were working on cleaning up the yard? 
And there was a fountain.  It was hidden beneath all the weeds and overgrowth. 
And it was gross. 

Remember?  Here it is in it's less glory filled days. 
 We started the clean up last year, cleaning the weeds away, trimming back the overgrown bush that wanted to be a tree, moving the rocks out of the flower bed, etc.   It started to look real nice. 

See, you can almost see the little pond

So this year, we've stepped it up a notch.  Monday night, we spent a lot of time outside.  Moved all the rest of the river rocks, cleared away all the weeds, and started cleaning out the actual pond.  GROSS!  Now don't get me wrong, I'm ok with getting dirty, I'm ok with foul smells...I'm a Mom, and I live in the country, it happens.  But seriously!  

In this pond, we spent a good hour pulling out each of the rocks and washing them off.  We scooped out all the old water, leaves, and mud, scrubbed the algae and mold off the sides of the tank, rinsed, scooped, rinsed, scooped, rinsed, and scooped once more before filling with fresh water.  It's lovely.  D even got the pump working again, so it's truly a fountain now with a soothing babbling brooke sound.  Give it a few more "touch up" times and she'll be shining like the top of the Chrysler Building!

But, of course, no good deed goes unpunished.  Guess what happened. 

You guessed it folks, ANOTHER FREAKING RASH!!!  This time, Dr. Google has diagnosed a case of Chiggers.  Originally, we thought Pond Mites, although I am not even sure there is a thing as Pond Mites, but it sure made sense at the time.  Good thing Dr. Google says these will clear up on their own with a little cortizone to help with the itching. 
So, the lesson in this edition of TCRG...don't clean your fountains or ponds.  Just kidding :)  Maybe not dive into nasty water infested with the unknown without proper protection.

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