Monday, April 16, 2012

Giving Up Makes One Happy

A few weeks ago, I ready this AMAZING article.  It got me thinking, and pondering, and really thinking deep.  You know me, the Deep Thinker :)  It is amazing though, here are a few of the highlights - and my unsolicited thoughts on them.

Give up on your need to always be right.
There are too many people who just can't handle being wrong.  And there is NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING WRONG!  But sometimes, folks just can't even handle the thought of being wrong.  Even if there are risks.  Risks such as ending relationships.  Risks such as causing others pain.  Risks such as acting like a giant Jackwad.  Whatever is powering that overwhelming need to answer someones statement with "No It's Not" needs a swift kick in the STFU button.  It's ok to be wrong.  It's called a Learning Experience.  The article says "Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?"  And then I thought, is that really a question!?  The need to be right all the time, does not belong on the top of a priority list.  This one takes time! 

Give up on your need for control. 
Definitely something I have learned and (sometimes continue to) struggle with.  The me that I am today is nothing like the me I was 10 years ago (in this aspect).  It's ok to just relax and let things happen sometimes.  As hard as it is, it's ok.  YOU can't control anything but YOUrself and YOUr actions.  So let go of the need to control situations, events, people, etc around you.  YOU CAN'T!  It's just not possible.  The saying says, "Let Go And Let God".  So, do it.  God said so.

Give up complaining / Give up the luxury of criticism / Give up labels/ Give up on blame.
Last month we had a training at work, "Living in a Complaint Free World".  Hold your sighs, it was AMAZING!  And if it was up to me, the entire world would be forced thru this training!  The man who put the program together is a Pastor, therefore, works with a lot of people, therefore can give real life examples of what his point is.  Since this training, I have been making a conscious effort to stop complaining, as you are encouraged to do.  And it's hard! Sometimes you don't even realize how much you do it, but once you pay attention, and stop (or at least cut back because obviously no one is perfect and we don't expect you to be), you realize how much good there is around you!  Stop looking for and inviting the bad.  The good WILL find you!  Positive thinking and working through difficult situations without negative thoughts can work wonders.  Try it.  And criticism, well...please, don't criticize something you know nothing about, it makes you look like an ass.  And if you know all about it, please step up and work to change it.  Sitting around complaining and criticizing and placing blame and all that other stuff does nothing, except bring all the people around you down, and I don't want to be around you then.

Give up your resistance to change. 
Changing is what makes the You, you were 20 years ago, the You, you are today.  Change is good.  Change is healthy.  Change helps you deal with things and people around you.  Change helps you to determine what you really want in your life, and what you don't.  Change helps you move on.  Personally, I was deathly afraid of change for way too long.  I'm still afraid, not deathly, but still afraid.  Change can be scary.  Change can pose risks.  Change can seem like an insurmountable task.  But it's worth it.  If you don't like something, make a change.  And like my good friend MJ says, "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the change".  Start with the (wo)man in the mirror!

Give up living your life to other people’s expectations.
Is your life yours?  Or are you trying to live a life that someone else expects you to live?  There are a plethora of people who live their lives according to what someone else (parents, friends, coworkers, clergy, etc) thinks is best for them.  This one was especially hard for me to wrap my head around because I did this myself for way to many years.  People get so wrapped up in pleasing everybody else, living up to other's expectations, that they lose sight and control (this control is good) of their own lives.  Don't forget who YOU are!  Don't forget what makes YOU happy, what YOUR goals are, how YOU want to succeed, where YOU want to go.  Don't forget about YOU!  You have this one life, this one you have right now.  Own it.  Live it.  Make it YOURS!!  I got a fortune cookie once, and the fortune is stuck to my computer monitor, it says, "It is impossible to please everybody.  Please yourself first."

Visit 15-things-you-should-give-up-in-order-to-be-happy to view the entire article.

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