Friday, November 30, 2012

I'm a Nerd

I remember when I was about 10ish, we had a babysitter who had gotten in trouble for calling her little sister a Nerd.  As part of her punishment, she had to come up with a positive meaning for NERD.  It stuck with me:


and I wear the Nerd badge proudly...most days. 

I've discovered Pinterest.  This is where my Inner Nerd is really starting to shine!  If you follow me, you will start to see some of these projects I've done, with our own little twists.  But what really gets me, is that there isn't just a few projects that I want to do.  It's ALL of them.  But woe is me, I am still in need of a laminator, cricut system, scissors with a sharp edge, and heavy duty magnets. 

As I'm standing in my yard last night, looking around and thinking about all that I would like to do, I realized something.  Sometimes, I overwhelm myself. 

And then I went inside and looked around, and remembered all of the things that I want to do inside the house.  Yes, sometimes, I overwhelm myself. 

When the To-Do list is longer than there are days in a year, it gets a bit scary.  And when I think about how much work is involved, I start to panic.  I used to be really good at getting down and dirty and just getting things done.  A real go-getter.  Nowadays, not so much.  I would rather be spending time with my family, not doing work.  Yes, gardening and baking and crafting are wonderful times to visit with the girls and talk about our days and stuff in our lives.  They don't want to do the other stuff.  The hard stuff.  Like pack up the inside of the garage.  Or move rock.  Or put away laundry.

Low and behold, some of these projects that I want to do...they WANT to do too!  Addie loves to do crafts, especially ones she can wear and use.  Ry likes to bake.  Well not really, but she sure does enjoy the eating part!  But she does like things that make you feel good or treats we could make for her HorseChildren.

So picking projects that are fun for all of us is the goal.  And for D too, there are plenty of projects that I would like to do that he may also enjoy (some involve using a blow torch even!).  Please be expecting lots of "Homemade With Love" gifts from our house this year :) 

I've got a list.  I've got some ingredients.  I've got a sewing machine.  I've got mason jars and mismatched china pieces.  I've even got a borrowed Cricut System!  And I've got a plan.  Baby steps.  One project at a time.  We are all set.  Almost.

If you don't follow me on Pinterest, you should, I'm a Creative Genius!  Just kidding, but I'm trying. 

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