Monday, January 14, 2013

Year of New Tastes - Recipe 1 - Chicken Lo Mein

2012 was a year of getting healthy and making small changes in our home to become, and continue to be, healthy.  So 2013, I've decided to institute something new - well, kind of. 

2013 shall be the Year of New Tastes.  I've seen this many places before, or variations of it - because as your Grandmother (who uses onions for flavoring, but "you can't even taste them!"), and your Mother have always told you - You'll never know if you like it, if you won't try it. 

When Miss A was a wee one, we had a 3 bite rule.  You had to take 3 bites, and if you still didn't like it, you didn't have to eat it.  This rule was strictly enforced and as a wee one, she liked everything.  Well, mostly everything.  But, hey, at least she tried it!  This whole 3 bite rule has gone to the wayside and now I will hear, "I don't like that.", "I already know I don't like that.", and the ever famous, "I tried it last time you made it."  While the first 2 may be true - the third is a total cop out - and will now be monitored - by my Handy Dandy new Menu Planning, New Food Trying System. 

Every week on our menu plan, there is 1 dish (sometimes 2, just cause I love Pinterest and cookbooks so much, I want to cook and eat all the time!) that is new.  Something I have never made before.  And can be made (or modified) to be healthy. 

So, last week it was Chicken Lo Mein.  Who knew I could make some pretty awesome Chinese Food in my own kitchen!!  AND the best part - it was mostly healthy!!

This came from (actually, it came from an old magazine that they used to send out, but you can find it on  and it is absolutely delish!!  I of course modified it a bit :)

Chicken Lo Mein - makes approx 18 Cup Servings - 7 WW PPV

1 pkg Whole Wheat Angel Hair Pasta
1 lb chicken breast - thin strips
1/2 Cup Kraft Toasted Asian Sesame Dressing
1/4 Cup Soy Sauce
1/2 onion - chopped
1/2 package frozen broccoli
5 carrots - sliced into strips - UNpeeled
unsalted peanuts

Cook Pasta according to package directions - start water at same time as chicken so it doesn't sit and get nasty - DO NOT add butter to your pasta, it will throw off the flavor.
Heat the toasted asian in a large skillet - add chicken.  Cook until no longer pink. 
Add onions, broccoli and carrots.  Cover and cook until veggies are ready.  Add soy sauce and stir to mix well. 
After draining pasta, add to chicken and veggie mix.  Toss to mix.  Garnish with peanuts.

This was delicious, in my humble opinion.  And the votes came in as follow:
Don't Make Again - 0
Make Again - 4

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