Tuesday, October 29, 2013

TCRG - 2013

I've been trying my hand at this whole gardening thing now for a few years.
Things I've learned:
- I kill plants that require care
- Tomatoes like water
- Tomato cages are NOT as sturdy as one might think
- Beans and Peas are not fool proof
- Cabbage takes FOREVER
- Canning is a lot of work for what looks like little reward

This year, we have faced a lot of the same challenges we did last year - and they all relate to heat and water.  I am not sure what the people of Earth have done to really piss off Mother Nature (well, I have a few ideas!), but seriously, these 'Heat Waves' have got to stop!  The last time I remember rain - over a month ago.  There was a few sprinkle showers here and there and I could be wrong, maybe we got one in there somewhere - but generally, I'm not wrong. 

BUT on the plus side, I've learned valuable lessons these last couple of years.  Like watering is a really important component of growing a garden full of deliciousness.  Especially when you are growing water based fruits and veggies.  So, lesson learned. 

I harvested another bounty this morning and really I have nothing inspiring or funny or anything to say about my adventure in the garden this morning - other than I am so THANKFUL to have the opportunity to grow these things and feed my family without using poison in their food.  And even though not everything I wanted to grow actually grew this year, we are still blessed with enough to can these nummies for the winter. 

I've already made salsa and pizza sauce with some of our bounty and this morning picked enough tomatoes to do a batch of stewed.  It is a lot of work to do canning, I never realized that!  And now, I have a totally different outlook on it and I am so sad that I took it for granted all those years my Grammies would send me on my way with home canned goodies.  I can certainly appreciate all the love and hard work that went into each and every one of those jars!

So, after picking a full bucket of tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, peppers, and a couple honeydew this morning - I know what I'll be doing tonight.  And I'm going to love every minute of it!

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