Monday, November 11, 2013


Many, many moons ago, Addie and I brought home my Dad's old computer.  Gramma Debbie had gotten a new one and Addie wanted to use this one for school.  We've been working on retrieving the photos from this computer forever.  Apparently I am not as technically inclined as I would like to think, so I had to use my back up plan - Kevin.  Whenever I need photos retrieved, Kevin is my go to guy.  He's super smart, and I very much appreciate him! 

So, I have had this CD for a while and been putting off looking through the pics - for obvious reasons - and when we did last night, we had such a fun time!  I just thought I would share some of these with all of my friends and family - Enjoy!

Teaching the kids to make funny faces - always a favorite pastime!

Heisman Pose - made famous not by the trophy, but by The Father

Isn't this how everyone plays Barbies with their Granddaughter?

Cuddles are always welcome

Check out her shirt :)  Traditions and Family are so important!!  We miss Lana Banana!!
There were so many more, but just too many to keep posting (cause you know there are stories for each and every photo that we looked)  Such wonderful memories, these are what fill the empty places in our hearts. 

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