Thursday, September 7, 2017

Days 9, 10, & 11

I seriously suck at keeping this thing updated.  Whoa.

So Day 8 - Tuesday -
For breakfast I fried up 2 small sweet potatoes in some ghee.
Lunch was some of the Mexican chicken with broccoli and asparagus.  Topped it with some delicious guac and ranch.  I had some carrots and ranch for snacks.  For dinner I was super starving and ate 2 hamburger patties, a tomato, half a jar of pickles, and a giant heap of sauerkraut.  It was marvelous.

Day 9 - Wednesday -
I found some chorizo in the fridge.  I LOVE chorizo!!  How in the world I forgot about it is beyond me.  So I made some with a potato and 2 eggs for breakfast.
Lunch was more of the chicken with asparagus and some honeydew melon.  I snacked on celery and almond butter today, I like celery plain, but I really really like almond butter.
I wasn't really hungry for dinner (and I was canning for 3 hours) so I just had an apple and made some plantain chips.

Day 10 - Thursday - today.
Breakfast was again chorizo, sweet potatoes, and a green pepper from the garden.
Ate some more of the chicken for lunch on a salad with another fresh green pepper and some ranch.  Snacked on an apple, more celery and almond butter, and a coworker brought in some pears from her tree.  AMAZING.  They are the most flavorful and juiciest pears I've ever had.  Delicious.

Tonight I had my Practice Hair Appointment.  Started to feel a little less stressed knowing that my hair is going to look stellar for the wedding.  Then I came home and we met with our Preacher Man.  He reminded me about the marriage license.  This is on my list of things to do with a reminder to get 2 weeks before the ceremony.  We are down to 16 days.  Oh My Crap.  So that needs to happen.  But all in all, the 2 people we met with tonight have brought a bit of peace.  I know that no matter what, at the end of the day we will be married and that's really all that matters.

So, dinner was late.  Just fried up some chorizo with onions, jalepenos, and eggs.  And now I'm munching on an apple from the neighbors tree.  Something that I am continually reminded of when doing this is that quick and easy doesn't always have to be unhealthy.  I made dinner tonight in 15 minutes.  And the apple, wiped it off on my shirt.  Eating healthy all the time is not unrealistic. But, I truly miss cookies, so much that there is one in the freezer at work with my name on it waiting.  I think that doing this though does make you take a look at what goes in and also how much goes in.  1 cookie is ok.  The entire package is probably a bad choice.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Day 8

After a long weekend, we met some friends for dinner last night.  Eating out can be scary.  I totally resisted the cheese fries and the fried cauliflower, both of which I love.  Drank water and ordered a grilled chicken breast and a baked potato with salsa.  Easy peazy.

I had a nice conversation this weekend about how days off always become days where you do all kinds of things and they are never relaxing.  Yeah, that happened today.  D has been working so hard preparing for our wedding and I was supposed to be helping him.  I am not a good helper.  Too easily distracted.  I did a bunch of other stuff.  But I did score points when I ran into town for some take out bar food and cold beer.  Odie's (said bar) has crinkle fries.  I have an unnatural love of crinkle fries.  None of them made their way into my mouth.  Although they really are "just potatoes", they are frozen with some kind of chemical that makes them delicious and crispy, and then fried in some unknown oil.  Chemical and Fried = off limits.

Today I made a potato and meat hash for breakfast, surprise, surprise.  I can't help it, just love it.  For lunch I ate the leftovers from breakfast and for dinner I had a salad.  Nothing too exciting today.  Bedtime snack is a banana with coconut and cashews.  Love this also.

Did make some more mexican chicken for lunches this week, so much easier when there is stuff in the fridge to just grab and go.  So the recipe for this famous Mexican Chicken - chicken and salsa.  That's it.  Bake it.  Eat it.  And the homemade ranch, also easy -  - this is the one that I like the most.  I use canned coconut milk, portion it out into baggies and freeze it.  Then next time you need a batch, it's ready to roll.

Anyways, super tired.  Canned pickles and salsa again tonight, after a long day outside.  And then took a wonderous bath (sans candles, I'm now frightened after the last fiasco).  Fresh air and warm baths wear me out, I'm kind of like a baby.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Day 5, 6, & 7

Jeez, this is hard to keep up with!!

So Day 5 was Friday.  I had the day off.  It was wonderous.  With the garden deciding that everything needs to ripen all at the same time, it was great to get a little canning done.  I was still left with 4 grocery bags full of tomatoes, a bag of beans, and a bag of cucumbers.  Thankfully, our friends have this stellar recipe for V9 juice (like V8 but WAY better, incredible Bloody mix) so we gifted a bunch and will anxiously await the arrival of those precious glass jars!

I honestly don't even remember what I ate that day, but I can almost promise you that it was some kind of veggie/potato hash for breakfast.  I did make some Mexican Chicken for dinner with some of the days salsa renderings.  And fruit. Tons of fruit.

Day 6 was Saturday.  I ate 3 compliant sausage links on the way in to work with a banana.  Finished the bag of almonds by 10am.  For lunch, I got lettuce from the cafeteria and made a little "taco chicken salad" with the leftover chicken and some homemade ranch.  Twas delicious.  And then somehow I decided that working a double was a good idea and realized I didn't have dinner.  Cue Addie to save the day.  She brought me a pork carnitas salad with pico and guac from Chipotle so I didn't starve.  So I munched on fruit for the whole day and had 2 salads as meals.

This salad thing makes me giggle.  The first time I did Whole30, I had this underlying fear of salads.  Like I didn't want to be on a "diet" that I could only eat salads.  I wanted real food.  Hearty food.  I had 2 salads the entire first 30 days.  These were in restaurants, and I had brought my own dressing.  Not sure what it was, I actually really like salads, and I love that you get such a wide variety of veggies and flavors with salads, but for some reason, there was a weird fear of salads.  Huh, guess that's over.

So today, Sunday, is Day 7.  Breakfast was of course a hash.  Sweet potato, white potato, onions, mushrooms, tomato, kale, jalapeno, and eggs.  There was way too much for 1 meals, so bonus, lunch is ready as well.  Breakfast portion I topped off with the leftover guac I made on draft night.  Lunch shall be graced with some fresh salsa.  I packed tons of fruit to snack on today as well.