Jeez, this is hard to keep up with!!
So Day 5 was Friday. I had the day off. It was wonderous. With the garden deciding that everything needs to ripen all at the same time, it was great to get a little canning done. I was still left with 4 grocery bags full of tomatoes, a bag of beans, and a bag of cucumbers. Thankfully, our friends have this stellar recipe for V9 juice (like V8 but WAY better, incredible Bloody mix) so we gifted a bunch and will anxiously await the arrival of those precious glass jars!
I honestly don't even remember what I ate that day, but I can almost promise you that it was some kind of veggie/potato hash for breakfast. I did make some Mexican Chicken for dinner with some of the days salsa renderings. And fruit. Tons of fruit.
Day 6 was Saturday. I ate 3 compliant sausage links on the way in to work with a banana. Finished the bag of almonds by 10am. For lunch, I got lettuce from the cafeteria and made a little "taco chicken salad" with the leftover chicken and some homemade ranch. Twas delicious. And then somehow I decided that working a double was a good idea and realized I didn't have dinner. Cue Addie to save the day. She brought me a pork carnitas salad with pico and guac from Chipotle so I didn't starve. So I munched on fruit for the whole day and had 2 salads as meals.
This salad thing makes me giggle. The first time I did Whole30, I had this underlying fear of salads. Like I didn't want to be on a "diet" that I could only eat salads. I wanted real food. Hearty food. I had 2 salads the entire first 30 days. These were in restaurants, and I had brought my own dressing. Not sure what it was, I actually really like salads, and I love that you get such a wide variety of veggies and flavors with salads, but for some reason, there was a weird fear of salads. Huh, guess that's over.
So today, Sunday, is Day 7. Breakfast was of course a hash. Sweet potato, white potato, onions, mushrooms, tomato, kale, jalapeno, and eggs. There was way too much for 1 meals, so bonus, lunch is ready as well. Breakfast portion I topped off with the leftover guac I made on draft night. Lunch shall be graced with some fresh salsa. I packed tons of fruit to snack on today as well.
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