Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Are you kidding me?!?!?!

I finally came on here to write about something, and wouldn't you know it, I forgot what I was going to write about!!  I did notice that I had 1 post thru the entire month of September (excluding this one obviously!).  I guess I was kinda busy.  Here's a recap of my September....

Mariah was in an accident on September 4, one of her friends was driving and in a hurry.  She was blinded by the sun and missed a stop sign, putting them in a ditch.  The good news was that everyone was ok.  Mariah and 1 friend were taken by ambulance to the hospital to be looked over and get a few stitches.  The driver was able to walk away with no injuries.  There were a few lessons to be learned that morning:
Slow Down
Wear Your Seatbelt
I think there may have been a few more, and I think they were learned.  There are a few lingering injuries with Ry that we are keeping an eye on.  Just this morning, she was complaining of blurry vision and she continues to get migraines.  Hopefully, a visit to the Dr will get some answers. 

Brittany in the hospital, takin it like a champ.  She said it made her look Bad A$$

Ry, after her stitches, I spared you the nasty of the before pic!

So then, after this happened, Deron and I went on a lovely Salmon fishing expedition in Kenosha, WI. 

Deron caught a biggun

So did Jamer

And we got to see the Nina and Pinta replicas, that was pretty awesome!

Just a few pics from our trip.  It was great!  The weather was cold and windy and nasty and we were the only fools from our harbor who went out on either day.  There were times when I was certain that the boat was going to overturn...I learned quick that as long as the Captain wasn't freaking out, I shouldn't either.  By the end of our second session out on the mass that is Lake Michigan, my arms were like jello.  Not sure if anyone else knows that I have absolutely NO arm strength, like really, NONE.  So, reeling in these giant fish out of 200 feet of wicked water, was a chore.  Don't get me wrong, it was awesome, just really hard!

The following week was followed by long hours at work and lots and lots of practice for my Project Presentation.  Lots and lots of long hours, and a brutal presentation.  I have never been so nervous to give any kind of presentation like I was for this one!!  I had the shakes, sweats, butterflies (aka dragons), all the usual stuff, but when it was my turn, they all went away.  It was wierd!!  But I did get compliments, and some good feedback, so I was relieved.  Now, to finish out the month strong at work...September 30 marks my departments end of year.  My department of 3.  Needless to say, September is a crazy month (and probably not the best time for vacation!!)

The Next week was spent tying up loose ends for the Walk to Defeat ALS on Sunday, September 25.  Final numbers are not in yet, but we are close to our goal.  This year seemed to go much smoother than in the past, it was a great day!  As in the past, we had nasty weather all week, and on Sunday, the skies parted and the sunshine was upon us.  Thanks Dad!! 

For the 2nd year in a row, Addie got to play with Sheltered Reality (who by the way are amazing, you should book them for your next event!!)...except this year, there were also some other special guests

Just 1 of the many raffle baskets, Hand Painted Amazingness from my cousin Casie Kastner, hand painted ceramic frame and the other ALS Awareness loot was a huge hit.  The raffle baskets and quilt auction (I can't get the quilt photo to upload which is really a shame because it is pretty awesome!) brought in over $1000 on Walk Day!!
The Walk is always a great time, we had a larger number of teams this year also which was incredible.  And Addie's Girl Scout troop was on hand to help out.  Addie actually did a little presentation of her own, telling her troop about what ALS is and why it's important for us to Walk and why it's important to help out.  She also did AWESOME!!

So, this will bring us to this week.  Well, last night I kicked off my new business Thirty~One with an Open House.  We had a larger turnout than expected, and it went pretty well.  I still need to spend some time working on my "Organization Skills" (hahahaha, I know everyone who has known me will laugh at that!!)  But for real, I've been so busy with everything else in my life that this kinda crept up on me!  Tonight, after I get the grocery shopping (that I haven't done in weeks) done, and after I mow (last time for the summer, but also the first time this month!) and after I finish up the laundry (that I started last Friday) and after I shave my Dog (because I thought I could cut her hair...just FYI...I have no future as a groomer!!)...I will spend some time getting this new business organized.  I have a little time before my first party, so I'm not stressed about it...YET!

So, there you have it, September in a nutshell.  I'll do better in October.

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