Monday, March 5, 2012

It's nice to know People

I've known people my entire life.  This is no different.  I had a great experience last week and one of the things that really stands out to me...I knew people. 

At "home" in Mankato, I know people.  This is no surprise.  I grew up with these people.  We went to school together.  We worked together.  Our parents were friends.  We played sports together.  Our kids were in the same preschool class.  I went to school with your sister.  You get the picture.  I knew people.  And when I went somewhere, even running to the gas station, it was likely that I would run into someone I knew. 

Well, I don't live in Mankato anymore.  When you don't live somewhere you grew up and played sports and worked and all that other stuff your whole life, it's a little more difficult to go somewhere and run into someone you know. 

Last Thursday night, I ran into 2 people I knew!  And it was so exciting!  At the bowling alley of all places.  A former neighbor and a former co-worker!  I guess when you give it time, these things come.
As crazy as it sounds, that was one of my favorite things from the evening.  Actually knowing people.  It made it feel more like home.

Of course we knew the other couple that we went with.  Of course the other folks bowling with the guys were polite and chatty.  But we didn't know them first.  There was no cute little stories of "what a small world".  These were new friends. 

Here's how it happened, Deron says, "Hey, over there, who IS that?"  Well, wouldn't ya know it, it's our old neighbor!  We start telling our friends cute little stories of when we lived in that house and interactions with said neighbor.  I chatted with her for a bit, how's the kids, how do you like the new neighbors, etc.  It was nice.

Then it's time to eat and walking back to our table, I'm yakking away to my friend, not paying attention, like I do, and am almost knocked over when I realize the person saying..."Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey" is talking to ME!  Oh my gosh!  A former co-worker, huh.  It was great to see him too! 

Well, doggone it, I think we’ll just have to make time to go do stuff more often.  That’s how you make the friends.  And how you make the people you know.

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