Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Cleaning Continues...

Day 1 was the Master Bath. 
There are 2 things left on that list...and they will probably stay there :)

We've been working really, really hard on the outside (cause it's just too flipping nice, we just can't help it!!) so really I don't feel quite as bad for slacking on the inside.  The regular cleaning stuff has been done, it's that deep down cleaning stuff that keeps getting put off!

So, here's the plan.  And I'll be held accountable for these things this weekend.  There is ice cream involved.  And this girl LOVES her some ice cream!

Anyways, here's the "List of 10" -
1 - wipe down fireplace wall to remove any remaining grout and shine up the tile. 
2 - clean out ash from inside fireplace.
3 - finish up girls laundry
4 - put girls living room furniture back where it belongs
5 - Treadmill - needs a new home OR to get fixed.  1 or the other needs to happen this weekend!
6 - Dust electronics and entertainment center in our living room.
7 - Dust electronics and entertainment center in girls living room.
8 - Clean off Washer and Dryer
9 - Put screen back in our bathroom window
10 - Relocate giant spider that has taken up habitation behind screen in bathtub.  (This guy is seriously frightening!  He's still around as he is large enough to eat boxelder bugs, I can only assume from his size that he could eat small rodents as well.  Either way, I hate boxelders more than I hate spiders, so he's welcome to stick around...just somewhere else!)

There are only 10 items on this list to allow for me to get outside and do some of the other larger clean up projects we've been working on out there. 
There are a few trees that no longer look sick and dangly.
There is a nice area now for the horses so they don't sink to their knees when entering their lair. 
There is a previously sickly looking bush that took over the front fence, he's now looking like an anorexic tree, if there is such a thing, I think there is, I took off 90% of his branches and trimmed him back to blend back in with the lilacs, we'll see if he likes it, so far, he's thanking me with some new little green budlings.

And of course much more is happening at our lovely little country abode :)
So the "List of 10" is all that I am requiring of myself.  That way I can play too, and do the fun clean up stuff.  And still get something unpleasant done. 

What's on YOUR list of 10?

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