Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sping Cleaning List - Day 1

The last few days have been amazing.  Simply Beautiful!!

I have Spring Fever...BAD!!

Running home at lunch does not help the situation (on the other hand, it helps the dog peeing in my house situation).

So, I've made a list.  It's an ambitious list, and I'm determined to get this done before the end of March.  Hold your thoughts to yourself, I know you are thinking, whoa that's like 2 weeks away, but here is the deal.  This list is only for the inside of the house.  And it is a very large list.  And I am a very busy girl.

The outdoor stuff, well that's a whole seperate list.  And if I time it right, I'll have the house done just in time to really hit the outside hard when April comes.  I may be a bit too ambitious out there, I think I have my hopes set pretty high ; but, with some good planning, charts, and diagrams- I think I just might get 'er done. 

Anyways, so back to the house and The List.  I found a blog, it's amazing, this woman is who I aspire to be.  Well, in the way of Spring Cleaning anyways.  Here's a link to her list, Imperfect Homemaking Thorough Spring Cleaning Checklist, that sparked my juices flowing, and I tweaked it meet my home and my needs. 

As I work thru it, I'll post more of how I tweaked it, so if you strive to be like me, you have a starting point.


1. Open Window
     a. Remove Screen and soak in tub. 
     b. Remove Ugly Valance and accidentally get it caught on something so it rips and I can get a new one. 
     c. Wash all trimwork and window frame wood.
     d. Wash window - inside and out.
     e. Scrub Screen - replace
2. Remove all free standing structures (laundry baskets, portable shelving, etc.)
3. Dust Light Fixtures
     a. Remove and Soak in sink while cleaning
4. Clean Floor Registers and any other vent covers.
     a. Remove and Soak in sink while cleaning.
5.Empty Vanity
     a. Wipe down all shelving.
     b. Throw out anything expired or no longer used / necessary.
     c. Put anything I don't think is necessary into a mini bucket for D to check out, he might need it.
     d. Put things back in an orderly fashion
     e. Wipe down outside of vanity.
6.Empty Closet
     a. Wipe down all shelving.
     b. Throw out anything expired or no longer used / necessary.
     c. Put anything I don't think is necessary into a mini bucket for D to check out, he might need it.
     c. Put things back in an orderly fashion.
     d. Wipe down closet door and knob.
7. Wash all mirrors and wipe down trimwork around mirrors.
8. Clean tub
     a. Clean out jet sprayers & RINSE GOOD!!
     b. RotoRooter Gel in the drain
9. Clean Shower
     a. Wipe down top of insert
     b. Remove all items and wipe down shelving
     c. SCRUB inside of shower.
     d. Clean door...GOOD
     e. Rinse entire shower
     f. RotoRooter the drain. 
10. Clean toilet, inside and out.
     a. Remove seat and clean around seat bolts.
     b. Replace toilet seat. 
11. Finish up Light Fixture, dry thouroughly and replace.
12. Wipe down vanity and backsplash.
13. Clean out sink and RotoRooter the drain...I have a lot of hair!!
14. Shine all faucets - at least they will look nice for a day :)
15. Wipe down switch plate, walls, trim, door and knob.
16. Sweep
17. Wash floor with Vinegar water.
18. Close door and let floor dry with no paw prints watermarked.
19. Wash out laundry baskets removed.
20. Clean out Portable shelving. 
     a. Throw out anything expired or not used any more.
     b. Take out anything not bathroom related and find a new home for it.
     c. Wipe out drawers
     d. Replace necessary items in an orderly fashion.
20. Once floor is dry, replace removed items from bathroom. 
And again, shut door.  I don't even want a fly in there!!

Here are a few other tippits of information I picked up on her website that I found to be very useful for this project:
*Carry a little notebook to write down any work you notice that needs to be done
-fill any nail holes, peeling paint, sagging towel racks, etc.
*In said notebook, also write now anything you notice might be getting low
-shampoo, toilet paper, etc - this works for other items as well, but I'm in bathroom mode.
*Keep a few little buckets (or laundry baskets depending on the size of items you may find) nearby to drop in anything for another family member who may need to "review" the item before it is tossed. 
-The stipulation on this is you have 24 hours to go thru the bucket, or it's not important enough to pull out in 24 hours, it gets tossed.
*Use your crockpot
-After a long day of cleaning and working hard, dinner should be something no-fuss, so you can enjoy and relax. 

So, we'll see how much of this I get done tonight.  This is only for our (Deron & my) bathroom, the girls bathroom will get another night.  See, another reason I need 2 weeks. 

I'll let you know how it goes :)  And what's next!

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