Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Addie's a Player

A Softball Player, that is!

And in true Bad Mom fashion...I have no pictures.  Although, I do want to make it clear that I am blaming my phone for this!  In today's technology, I have not had to carry a camera because I had one on my phone...key word there...had. 

BUT, what I did want to share doesn't require a picture.  It is burned into my memory as one of the highlights of my Mom Career.

Addie wanted to play softball this summer, something bad.  She had been outside playing catch and hitting balls to get ready for months.  It worked out nice that Brewtus still fetches :)

One of our neighbors and her friend from school plays for one of the other small towns around us and they still had room on the roster, YAY!!  We were excited! 

What I didn't know, is that it would not be Coach Pitch.  I know, I know, she's getting older, blah, blah, blah.  But really, how would I know this?!  She laughed at me.  And also said she has no desire to pitch, there is too much pressure in that job.

Last week, they had a pre-season game.  Against Giants.  No, the team name was not The Giants.  The girls were ginormous.  And our girls got crushed.  It was really discouraging.  The other team was bigger, faster, and way more experienced.  We got nervous.

Last night was her first "real" game.  The other team was more realistic in size.  They were more compatable in ability.  And their pitcher, well she threw the ball at an appropriate 11 year old speed. 

And guess who got a hit, off the pitcher nonetheless.  Oh yeah, that's my Baby Girl. 

She watched the first pitch come in and let it go by.  As the second pitch came in, I held my breath.  She swung.  And hit it!  Her first "real" game hit off a pitcher.  Oh my JOY!! 

So, that's it.  She's a Softball Player.  And she got a great hit.  And we couldn't be more proud!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

TCRG~ The Food Garden, 2012

A few things we learned last year during our Maiden Voyage into the Magical, Mythical Realm of Gardening:

1. We need more room.

2. We need a better fence.

3. We need a better variety.

4. We should water more.

5. You just can't have too many tomatoes. 

So this year, as we were planning out the garden, it was a meticulous chore.  Not a troublesome chore by any means.  But it was well thought out with maps and diagrams, time consuming with research on plants that will grow in an overabundance of clay...and a bit overwhelming.  Now that it's in, let the plethora of produce appear...POOF!  Here's how we learned from above mentioned lessons.

1. We needed more room.  Last year the garden was roughly 6' x 8'.  Sounds big enough when you hear it.  Not nearly big enough when you were looking at it.  And not nearly big enough when the cucumbers start climbing the tomatoes and the green beans get lost and kill the red peppers.  The funny part is, we had TONS of veggies in there.  And for the most part, they did great.  With a little more breathing room this year, we will definitely see an increase in happy veggies and they shall reward us with dinner.  At least, this is the plan.

2.  The main purpose of the fence last year was to keep the dogs out.  Our garden is inside our large privacy fence, so large critters, and even smaller critters (like those pesky rabbits!!) are not even an issue.  It's the dogs.  The dogs are the issue.  So Deron, being the wonderful man that he is, has built an impenetrable lining around said garden.  Here's to hoping the cats follow suit and stay the crap out of there too!

3. As far as variety, we had plenty of produce last year.  The funny part is that everything we grew, was pretty much only stuff that only I would eat.  However, I do not need that much natural fiber in my diet, thank you very much!  So this year, we tried a few new things.  Things we've never, ever, ever tried to grow before.  Like cantaloupe.  And potatoes.  And cabbage.  I'm excited.  A little nervous.  But still excited.  If all goes well, we should have enough to eat fresh and enough to last us through the winter.  Maybe we went a little overboard, maybe not, either way, we're eatin' good in this neighborhood!

4. Watering goes without saying.  But sometimes a girl forgets.  And sometimes that girl is punished by unhappy plants that refuse to produce food.  Lesson learned.  Drinking Party in the Garden, every night, 7ish, come on over, we serve fresh hose water (until I can talk Deron into building me this amazing rain water catcher/waterer thingy I found and absolutely need to have, then we shall serve rain water) and beer. 

5.  The funny thing about tomatoes, is that I never liked them.  Deron doesn't like them. Addie's never liked them.  Mariah, eh, not the biggest fan either.  So why the crap did I need to plant 13 tomato plants? 
For 1, I planted that many so that in the event some don't make it, we've got a few back ups. 
For 2, Grandpa Gus loves tomatoes and I planted 2 specifically for him, everything produced on these 2 plants all belongs to Grandpa, don't touch! 
For 3, do you know how many things I can can with a tomato base?!  Sam's Club makes a fortune off this family in terms of Tomato Sauce, Tomato Paste, Diced Tomatoes, Stewed Tomatoes, Salsa, Pasta Sauce, Pizza Sauce, Tomato Juice, etc.  I shall attempt all of these "canned goods" this year and report back.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Mother's Day, and Daughters

Mother's Day is a day to celebrate Mothers.  And also a day to celebrate Daughters.  And Sons too, but I don't have any that walk on 2 feet, so we are only celebrating Daughters. 

I have been blessed with a wonderful Mother. 
And I have an amazing Step-Mother. 
And I have an incredible pseudo Mother-In-Law.
And I have Sisters who are Moms.
And I have an impressive collection of Aunts. 
And quite a few other women who have touched my life, and taught me how to be a Mother.
I kind of feel like I'm bragging here, and I am!  I have a whole slew of folks who have taught me about parenting. 

Sometimes I feel like I am letting them down, and not being the best Mom I can be.  And then I cry about it, and then I remember, that I saw all of them do that too.  And it's ok, and I'm normal.  And a Good Mom. 

What got me thinking of these wonderful Mom Moments is my girls.  And my love for them.  And promises.  They are not little girls anymore.  I have little women, young adults, budding members of society! 

I Promise:

*To Remember what it's like at 11 & 17.  And to not start my sentences with, "When I was your age..."  The world has changed from when I was your age.  And I know that.  And I will remember with my heart, and my head,  and not my fear.

*To be Present.  When you look out into the crowd at your softball game, band concert, horse show, college graduation, you WILL see me.  And you will see me beaming with all the pride and love that I have for you.  I'll be there.  And I'll make your Dad leave the bull horn at home, except at your weddings. 

*To not be your Momager.  To not try to control and run your life to the nittiest, grittiest detail.  To not plan your days.  To not plan your activities.  To let you decide what you want to do.  And support you while you figure that out.  And also teach you the importance of sticking with something. 

*To teach you the value of Service.  Every single living being on the face of the planet needs help from time to time.  I promise to show you WHY we help them.  And I promise to show you HOW to help them.  And I promise to show you it's ok to accept that help from others as well. 

*To teach you to be Independent Thinkers.  To show you that Women can and should be strong.  To help and let you find, and follow, your own passions and dreams.  To show you how to define yourself by YOU.  Not what others expect of you.  And how to grow into a wonderfully strong and capable You.

*To love your Dad.  And show you what a crazy, loving, forever relationship looks like.  To show you how it feels to love a good man, just like him. Someone who embraces all that you are, because you are wonderful.  And to show you how to give that person the love and respect they deserve in return.

*To listen.  Listen about anything.  Boys, friends, school, bus, work, anything.  I have 2 ears for a reason.  And I have years of wisdom to share if you want me to speak.  But I don't have to.  I will listen, whenever, wherever, however you need me to. And I'll tell you this secret...I really enjoy this one, let's do it more!

*To show you that SMART is where it's at.  To not let others get you down for being smart, or wearing glasses, or having freckles, or not wearing the cool name brand , or any other silly reason that they come up with.  Let them be jealous.  Being smart will never go out of style.  Embrace your Inner Nerd and let her lead you to success. 

*To show you how to be a friend.  A Dog may be Man's Best Friend (and totally proven with your Dad and The Brew), but a Diamond will never be a girls best friend.  Girls need Girlfriends.  Real friends, good friends, are trusting and loyal and just as squirrely as you.  Friends are there through thick and thin, good times and bad, happy times and sad.  You will watch some go, some just come in for a short time to teach us something.  But a good true friend, will have your back forever...when you are a good friend in return. 

*To show you the importance of Sisters.  This goes a little hand in hand with Friends, but not really.  Sisters are the friends you are born with.  In this case, the friend you got stuck with.  Sisters are Forever Friends.  And the absolute best friend you can ask for.  Who else knows you better?  Who else understands your parents?  Who else knows exactly what you are going through?  Sisters are Sisters.  Have a Sister, Have a Friend. 

And don't you ever, ever forget, that no matter where your road has taken you, no matter what has happened on that road, no matter how you got onto that road...that road will always have a path that leads back home.  The door at home, will always be open.  And I'll always be there, behind that door, to welcome you, and love you and support you and comfort you.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Prom 2012

Just a few pics from Prom.  No lengthy, drawn out story behind anything, just wanted to share.  Mariah looked absolutely beautiful (and Drake didn't look too shabby either), and had a great time. 

I totally stole these pics from his FB, cause my camera on my phone sucks, and he's obviously more organized and prompt on the photo posting than I.  Well played Drake, well played. 

Ry brings out that stick once in a while, you know the stick I'm talking about.  The "Oh My Gosh The Kids Are Growing Up Right Before My Eyes" stick.  It got pulled out Saturday night.  What a wonderful, smart, beautiful, intelligent, whitty, and true to herself girl I got me.  Love her!