Friday, May 18, 2012

Mother's Day, and Daughters

Mother's Day is a day to celebrate Mothers.  And also a day to celebrate Daughters.  And Sons too, but I don't have any that walk on 2 feet, so we are only celebrating Daughters. 

I have been blessed with a wonderful Mother. 
And I have an amazing Step-Mother. 
And I have an incredible pseudo Mother-In-Law.
And I have Sisters who are Moms.
And I have an impressive collection of Aunts. 
And quite a few other women who have touched my life, and taught me how to be a Mother.
I kind of feel like I'm bragging here, and I am!  I have a whole slew of folks who have taught me about parenting. 

Sometimes I feel like I am letting them down, and not being the best Mom I can be.  And then I cry about it, and then I remember, that I saw all of them do that too.  And it's ok, and I'm normal.  And a Good Mom. 

What got me thinking of these wonderful Mom Moments is my girls.  And my love for them.  And promises.  They are not little girls anymore.  I have little women, young adults, budding members of society! 

I Promise:

*To Remember what it's like at 11 & 17.  And to not start my sentences with, "When I was your age..."  The world has changed from when I was your age.  And I know that.  And I will remember with my heart, and my head,  and not my fear.

*To be Present.  When you look out into the crowd at your softball game, band concert, horse show, college graduation, you WILL see me.  And you will see me beaming with all the pride and love that I have for you.  I'll be there.  And I'll make your Dad leave the bull horn at home, except at your weddings. 

*To not be your Momager.  To not try to control and run your life to the nittiest, grittiest detail.  To not plan your days.  To not plan your activities.  To let you decide what you want to do.  And support you while you figure that out.  And also teach you the importance of sticking with something. 

*To teach you the value of Service.  Every single living being on the face of the planet needs help from time to time.  I promise to show you WHY we help them.  And I promise to show you HOW to help them.  And I promise to show you it's ok to accept that help from others as well. 

*To teach you to be Independent Thinkers.  To show you that Women can and should be strong.  To help and let you find, and follow, your own passions and dreams.  To show you how to define yourself by YOU.  Not what others expect of you.  And how to grow into a wonderfully strong and capable You.

*To love your Dad.  And show you what a crazy, loving, forever relationship looks like.  To show you how it feels to love a good man, just like him. Someone who embraces all that you are, because you are wonderful.  And to show you how to give that person the love and respect they deserve in return.

*To listen.  Listen about anything.  Boys, friends, school, bus, work, anything.  I have 2 ears for a reason.  And I have years of wisdom to share if you want me to speak.  But I don't have to.  I will listen, whenever, wherever, however you need me to. And I'll tell you this secret...I really enjoy this one, let's do it more!

*To show you that SMART is where it's at.  To not let others get you down for being smart, or wearing glasses, or having freckles, or not wearing the cool name brand , or any other silly reason that they come up with.  Let them be jealous.  Being smart will never go out of style.  Embrace your Inner Nerd and let her lead you to success. 

*To show you how to be a friend.  A Dog may be Man's Best Friend (and totally proven with your Dad and The Brew), but a Diamond will never be a girls best friend.  Girls need Girlfriends.  Real friends, good friends, are trusting and loyal and just as squirrely as you.  Friends are there through thick and thin, good times and bad, happy times and sad.  You will watch some go, some just come in for a short time to teach us something.  But a good true friend, will have your back forever...when you are a good friend in return. 

*To show you the importance of Sisters.  This goes a little hand in hand with Friends, but not really.  Sisters are the friends you are born with.  In this case, the friend you got stuck with.  Sisters are Forever Friends.  And the absolute best friend you can ask for.  Who else knows you better?  Who else understands your parents?  Who else knows exactly what you are going through?  Sisters are Sisters.  Have a Sister, Have a Friend. 

And don't you ever, ever forget, that no matter where your road has taken you, no matter what has happened on that road, no matter how you got onto that road...that road will always have a path that leads back home.  The door at home, will always be open.  And I'll always be there, behind that door, to welcome you, and love you and support you and comfort you.

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