Thursday, May 24, 2012

TCRG~ The Food Garden, 2012

A few things we learned last year during our Maiden Voyage into the Magical, Mythical Realm of Gardening:

1. We need more room.

2. We need a better fence.

3. We need a better variety.

4. We should water more.

5. You just can't have too many tomatoes. 

So this year, as we were planning out the garden, it was a meticulous chore.  Not a troublesome chore by any means.  But it was well thought out with maps and diagrams, time consuming with research on plants that will grow in an overabundance of clay...and a bit overwhelming.  Now that it's in, let the plethora of produce appear...POOF!  Here's how we learned from above mentioned lessons.

1. We needed more room.  Last year the garden was roughly 6' x 8'.  Sounds big enough when you hear it.  Not nearly big enough when you were looking at it.  And not nearly big enough when the cucumbers start climbing the tomatoes and the green beans get lost and kill the red peppers.  The funny part is, we had TONS of veggies in there.  And for the most part, they did great.  With a little more breathing room this year, we will definitely see an increase in happy veggies and they shall reward us with dinner.  At least, this is the plan.

2.  The main purpose of the fence last year was to keep the dogs out.  Our garden is inside our large privacy fence, so large critters, and even smaller critters (like those pesky rabbits!!) are not even an issue.  It's the dogs.  The dogs are the issue.  So Deron, being the wonderful man that he is, has built an impenetrable lining around said garden.  Here's to hoping the cats follow suit and stay the crap out of there too!

3. As far as variety, we had plenty of produce last year.  The funny part is that everything we grew, was pretty much only stuff that only I would eat.  However, I do not need that much natural fiber in my diet, thank you very much!  So this year, we tried a few new things.  Things we've never, ever, ever tried to grow before.  Like cantaloupe.  And potatoes.  And cabbage.  I'm excited.  A little nervous.  But still excited.  If all goes well, we should have enough to eat fresh and enough to last us through the winter.  Maybe we went a little overboard, maybe not, either way, we're eatin' good in this neighborhood!

4. Watering goes without saying.  But sometimes a girl forgets.  And sometimes that girl is punished by unhappy plants that refuse to produce food.  Lesson learned.  Drinking Party in the Garden, every night, 7ish, come on over, we serve fresh hose water (until I can talk Deron into building me this amazing rain water catcher/waterer thingy I found and absolutely need to have, then we shall serve rain water) and beer. 

5.  The funny thing about tomatoes, is that I never liked them.  Deron doesn't like them. Addie's never liked them.  Mariah, eh, not the biggest fan either.  So why the crap did I need to plant 13 tomato plants? 
For 1, I planted that many so that in the event some don't make it, we've got a few back ups. 
For 2, Grandpa Gus loves tomatoes and I planted 2 specifically for him, everything produced on these 2 plants all belongs to Grandpa, don't touch! 
For 3, do you know how many things I can can with a tomato base?!  Sam's Club makes a fortune off this family in terms of Tomato Sauce, Tomato Paste, Diced Tomatoes, Stewed Tomatoes, Salsa, Pasta Sauce, Pizza Sauce, Tomato Juice, etc.  I shall attempt all of these "canned goods" this year and report back.

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