Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2 By 2

I was sitting outside the other night and something occurred to me.  D and I must be direct decedents of Noah.

I was thinking:
2 Daughters
2 Dogs
2 Cats
2 Rodents
2 Blenders
2 Crock Pots
2 Apple Trees
2 Garages
You get the picture.  We have a lot of pairs in our home!

And as I'm thinking deeper about this, since I am such a deep thinker - we've tried to have more or less of all of many items.  But it always comes back to 2. 

We had 1 dog, then 4, then 1, then 2, then 3, now 2. 
We had 2 kittens, then 3, then 2, then 3, then 2, then 6, then 3, now 2. 

Somehow we always go back to 2. 

Maybe it's something underlying with my CDO ways, I don't know, but we just can't seem to have things in odd numbers.  Like the volume on the TV.  Or the number of projects I have going on at a time.  Or the number of pies baked.  Or the number of jars of veggies canned. 

Something is deeply rooted here in the preference to pairs....

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