Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rule Breakers

We had a rule.  A simple rule.  No More Heartbeats. 

And of course, no one in this house can follow the rules.

So now, I'm sitting here in the dark, its 1:30 in the morning, I'm afraid to move a muscle, or make any noises, or even breathe for fear of waking the beast.

We've gotten a new puppy.  His name is Felon.  He is so cute it's a crime.  And he doesn't like his kennel.  And I'm not really good at letting him cry it out.  I'm  breaking the rules.  And probably wrecking our puppy.  In my defense, I couldn't do it with my human baby either, and she turned out ok. 

I'm almost feeling like a new Mom.  And I think that now I understand what it feels like to bring home the second baby.  You already have a good routine down, sleeping times, feeding times, potty times, etc.  And we have a big brother for our baby.  Simba is a WONDERFUL dog, an even better (tolerant) big brother.   And I'm very grateful for him.  Especially now.  I think this is how people get into the conundrum of feeling like they love 1 child more.  Simba has NEVER had an accident in our house.  Simba does not chew on anything.  Simba does not follow you around biting your feet and ankles.  He's a wonderful Fur Baby, and I am so thankful for him.  And at this point (it's now after 7am), I'm sitting here and almost questioning our decision to "have another baby". 

Please don't get me wrong.  I love this little boy.  Love, love, love him.  Love him like I would love a human baby.  And then it makes me think about Why.  Me?  The long-term self-proclaimed "Dog Hater"?  Love a dog?  Yes.  I do love my dogs.  And it's all because of another rule I broke, this guy.

The bestest ever dog that ever was.  He taught me all about a dogs love.  And why it's one of the best kinds of love there is.  Unconditional.  When we love a dog, we are rewarded with pure, unaltered, no holds barred love.  Brewtus was and always will be a very large piece of my heart.  He showed me it's ok to love fur.   And dammit, I do.

As I type this, my little villain, this Felon, has passed out cold from all the activity this morning.  And I can't even imagine my life without him.  All the "No Bite"s forgotten.  And my heart is swelling. 

We might not be having any more human babies, but that certainly doesn't mean we can't share our love with Fur Babies.  So see Sarah - we finally have that little boy you've been requesting :)  And isn't he just perfect!

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