Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some Truths I've Learned

You know how there is "Something to be learned" in every day?
Well, here are a few things I've learned:

1 - It doesn't matter if you set the Peanut Butter cups in my line of vision or not.  I will find them and I will eat them.  All of them.

2 - If you ask me to do something for you, the best way to ensure it gets done is to remind me every few hours.

3 - When I put on pants, if I have to jump up and down like a goomba to pull them over my hips, they most likely will not close.  So the whole jumping up and down thing, is just for exercise.

4 - When I stick my hand out the window of the car, and wave it in the know, like when you were a kid and your hand would 'ride the wave' of air...yeah, it makes my Chicken Wings flap.  I quit doing that.

5 - Stick with something if you really want it.  When you stumble down a stair, you get back up and continue to walk down the rest.  Not throw yourself down the remaining stairs.  Don't let a bad day, or a derailing event get you down.  Get back up and walk down the rest of the freaking stairs. 

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