Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Knock Knock
Who's there?
Dwayne Who?
Dwayne the bathtub I'm dwonding. 

This is one of my favorite knock knock jokes of all time, and also how I feel today. 

With the party this weekend, a full time job,committee member, full time mother, full time housekeeper, chef, chauffer, loan officer, nursemaid, and every other hat that I wear weighing heavily on my head this has been a day.  In fact, it was so much that day, that I went to Burger King for lunch,  because I wanted something MY WAY!  No one says no at BK. 

The day from hell started out like this.  4:20 am - KV starts barking.  I am assuming at the cats, but can't be certain.  She gets over it and shuts up.  BUT, she woke up Simba in the process, so guess what we get to do...oh yes, eat, and scamper for our poo spot... all before the sun comes up!!  It was wonderful. 
I did get to go back to bed for a wee bit, which was very nice and I did thouroughly enjoy. 
5:15 comes around and out of bed we roll.  For some reason, the whole first part of my morning is a blur to me.  I can only remember a few things.  I think because they set the tone:
*child rolled eyes at me when asked to do housework
*email from a fellow human reprimanding me about my slacker ways
*email from another fellow human reprimanding me about my job
*conversation with people who want my money
And the list goes on and on, and this is all before 8am. 

So, needless to say, I arrived at this day in full on Bitch Mode.  Maybe I should invest in a fun hat to wear on days like this, just to forewarn people before they try to talk to me.

Here's the deal, I realize that it is just a party and everyone coming loves me anyways so they do not care that my house looks like piglets live in it.  However, I do.  It's gross. 
We have 3 dogs.  1 which could be sold as a stuffing factory. 
We also have children who do not know the meaning of "Pick Up After Yourself"; because they know that their mother does, in fact, work there. 
And we are still trying to find a place for all our stuff.  We did just move into the house not that long ago.  The good thing about this party is that it has forced us to complete a lot of projects that we would have otherwise neglected. 
And I do know that everything will come together.  It always does. 
I did find a groomer to see my Old Girl tomorrow night and get her spiffed up.  Get a couple little bows in her hair, she's gonna look like a beauty queen. 
It rained today, so God was on our side filling the pool.  Last night, D estimated that it would take approximately 30 more hours of fill time.  This is difficult since we can only run the hose for 4 hours at a time or risk draining the well.  And in the evenings, it is pretty much a no-go with clothes washer, showers, etc using water also.  So, Thank You God, please send more rain.
It's supposed to be cooler tonight so I can finish up the outside stuff.  I still have a bush to remove, fencing to put up, a few plants to go in and lots of cedar chips to scatter. 
It's coming together, just like it should. 
AND, my boss is super awesome and let me sneak in a half vacation day Friday afternoon even though there will be no one else here.
Whoo Sah

As far as people reprimanding me.  I would like to just say, take a look in the mirror.  When I can answer your email about how much I suck with legitmate reasons as to why I suck.  And those reasons are because I am missing information from you (ie. you suck), maybe that is 1email you might want to let sit in your drafts folder for a little longer before hitting send. 

And to the people who want my money.  Let me claify that this is not directly my debt.  It is in my name, yes. And they got my money.  They should.  I have worked way too hard the last few years repairing my credit to let something like this drag me down again.  The frustrating part is that it was not my debt. My only hope is that these folks who are responsible, step up and be responsible.  Let's cross our fingers, I really hope that we can work it out and still remain friendly. 

So, even though today started out pretty shitty, it's turned out alright.  I am sure it was the Burger King for lunch, or the healthy excrement I left behind as a result, but either way, I am going to say Thank You to The King.  And Dwayne, cause that always makes me giggle.

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