Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Kittens in the dryer....interesting concept!

So, if you've been on my facebook, you see that we have added 2 baby boys to our zoo.  The intention is to rid our yard of the moles, chipmunks, squirrels, etc that are corrupting our otherwise peaceful existence.  So far, they are a couple of pussys (pun definately intended).  They are people lovers.  The girls do not help with this, they are out there every day loving on these kittens, they have even affectionately named them John and Presley.  John Kitty and Presley Kitty. 
Anyways, the story goes like this....I am up at the crack of dawn every day anyways with our lovely Simba Dog who thinks that when the sun comes up, it is time to eat, which is always followed by a wonderfully long scamper around the yard to find the perfect spot to poo.  So, after the dog chores are complete, I climb back into bed to savor any remaining sleep that is left to be had.  When suddenly....meow, meow.  I say, "Honey, do you hear that?"  He says, "Uh-Huh".  I say, "Sounds like they are close, kinda wierd that we can hear them on this side of the house."  He says, "Sounds like they are being murdered, you better check it out". 
And it does sound like they are being murdered.  Desperate cries of Meow have now filled our bedroom.  So, I do what any good mom does and go outside to investigate.  I'll be damned if those kitties didn't climb into our dryer vent.  And get themselves stuck in there.  The first kitty, I am not sure of his name, we will assume it was John.  Well, John has crawled in forward, as any good kitty would do.  And now has to navigate his way out....backwards.  It was actually quite comical watching this take place.  They knew I was there, when they heard my voice calling for them, the Meow's became frantic, as in, "OMG, Help Us We Are Trapped In Here And Will Probably Die If You Don't Save Us!!"  So, John Kitty is in the process of backing himself out, onto my hands, since the dryer vent is about 2 feet off the ground and I would hate to see him fall out of the side of my house, when suddenly, I see another paw poking out.  Both Presley and John Kitty are trying to exit the same the same time....from 2 different directions.  This is where it got really funny! 
As soon as John Kitty has been removed to safety, Presley Kitty still needs to come out.  And he has somehow gotten himself behind the tube thingy that goes to the dryer.  I am elbow deep in dryer lint trying to retrieve this kitten who is screaming bloody murder when all of a sudden, he smacks my hand.  I withdraw, and Presley Kitty pokes his teeny tiny head out of the hole, sticks out his front legs and waits.  He sat there and looked at me and cried as if to say, "I'm here, now get me."  And he waited, did not move, until I took him and pulled him gently out of the dryer vent. 
Before I go back inside to try this whole sleeping again thing, I move the front gate to the position to lock them in the yard, with no access to this hole.  Everything seems fine right?
Wrong.  As I leave to go to work (with no extra sleep, by the way), these stinker-faces have found their way under the gate and are again trying to hoist each other into the dryer vent!!!  Literally, I caught them, one standing on the other, trying to reach this hole. 
I figure food is the answer here (as it is the answer to everything) and bring them a little snack to the middle of the yard and mention that we may want to block that hole off today.  We will have to see how this worked out when I get home.
But what I really can't understand, is why on earth these kittens WANT to be in the dryer vent.  It's warm in there, yes.  However, it is also warm outside.  It is warm in their house.  It is warm pretty much everywhere.  So next reason, it smells good.  Really, I think to myself, is this a legitmate reason?  But maybe it is.  The dryer vent smells like the kids probably.  They know that the kids love them and play with them and feed them.  So follow the scent of the kids and they shall be rescued from the torture of the yard and forever be loved in the arms of the lovely girl heroes. 

Or, they are just curious.  Which is most likely the correct answer.  No matter what, those little boys are lucky they are cute. 

Boy Kittys

John Kitty

Presley Kitty

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