Tuesday, June 14, 2011

You Can't Hide Cookies From a Fat Girl

2 things are on my mind today:
I'm fat

I think each may be a direct result of the other, but who am I to point fingers.

For the last few months, I have been using myfitnesspal.com to track my calorie intake and my exercise and such.  Well, lets just say I have been slacking.  And really, I haven't lost weight or gone overboard or anything; it is really just a tool to keep me accountable to myself.  It's really actually been great.  You can imput your weight and measurements and there are tons of message boards to communicate with others who are trying to be healthier. 

I went to weigh in today, my Tuesday thing.  Not too far after the weekend to keep me accountable, but still early enough in the week where I haven't screwed up too much yet.  And guess what...I gained.  Not only just gained.  I gained 7.8 pounds!!!  7.8 POUNDS!!!

Maybe it was the Monster cookies (that Deron seriously tried to hide from me, really, you can't hide cookies from a fat girl.  I found them.  And I ate all but 3.  And then put them back.)  Maybe it was all the alcohol this weekend.  Maybe I ate too much meat.  Meat has tons of fat you know.  I don't know what it was. 

But at the same time, I do know what it was.  It was me making poor choices.  Bottom Line...I did that to myself.  So whatta ya gonna do abot it? Well, I'm not sure.  I like food.  I don't like exercise.  I'm doomed. 

I think I will try to start the Insanity program again tonight.  Or at least get on the treadmill.  We'll see. 

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