Monday, August 29, 2011

The Best Twice Baked Potatoes You Will Ever Eat Recipe:

Dear Mandra~
I am going to share with the world the basics of your famous recipe...only because those were the BEST twice baked potatoes that I ever had in my entire freaking life!!

The Best Twice Baked Potatoes You Will Ever Eat Recipe:

9 medium size baking potatoes
1 container Top The Tater
1 C shredded cheddar jack cheese
1/4 C half & half
Huge Scoop Butter
8 green onions, chopped
1/2 lb bacon, cut into tiny pieces and cooked
(don't use the Oscar Meyer bag o bacon bits, it's not the same!)

Bake the Potatoes, cut in half, cool slightly and scoop out insides.
Put the shells directly onto a foiled baking sheet.

Add to potato guts:
Top The Tater
half & half
mix with hand mixer to smooth out the lumpy-bumpy-ness

Fold in:
Green Onions

Mix with spatula until well mixed. 
Salt, pepper, garlic salt to taste.
Scoop potato guts mixutre into Potato Shells.
Top with additional shredded cheese. 
Bake in a 325 oven for about 20 minutes, til heated thru and cheese melts. 

I only modified this just a slight bit, so if you really like it, thank my BFF Mandra. 
Loved these when she made them and had a hankerin last night.  Even ate some leftovers for breakfast this morning.  Twas Amazing.  Ohhh, yeah, and it's only 162 calories.  So, eat a few, you'll need to bulk up for winter, might as well do it with something that tastes like this :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

How I Spent My Saturday

Last Saturday was an eventful day.  I will spare you the minor details, and only fill you in on the highlites. 
Honestly, one of the best funnest days I've had in a super long time!

Woke up and was going to go to work, decided not to.  I cleaned the house instead.  And then I hung up some pictures.  And worked in the garden and burned some yard waste and trimmed some branches.  And went thru the shopping ads and made my grocery list comparing sales and coupons and all that good stuff.  After that I ventrued out to the stores...

I did pretty good.  I think that I am going to start putting my "coupon savings" amount into a jar.  I could possibly finance a new car by next year! 

And I refilled the wine rack.  This is where the story "really" starts :)

So, I open the first bottle.  I'm home alone.  And cutting up the fruit and veggies I bought at the store.  Me and the dogs are singing along to the tune in my head and we're having a gay old time. 

Before I know it, Mariah comes home with a new friend.  I like this girl, she seems nice, I hope she comes back.  They hang out a bit, and then leave again. 

And I'm all alone again, me, and the dogs, and my wine.  So, I crack another bottle. 

Then Deron comes home.  He's been working all day and made plans for us to go 4-wheeling with some friends.  This sounds like fun.  I'm excited.  He tells me to get ready, they'll be here soon. 

I decided that this would be the best time to clean the pool.  And I do.  I spent quite a bit of time out there, vacuuming, and scrubbing, and just plain old lolly-gagging and swimming and having a great time.  Before I know it, I have splashed out quite a bit of water and Deron is hollering that I need to get my butt ready or they will leave without me.

I place the hose in the pool to top it off and head inside to prepare myself.  I put on a skirt, tank top and flip flops.  Yes, this is the appropriate gear to go 4-wheeling in.  Usually.  Not so much today.

We stop down by the river and do a little fishing.  We caught a couple of turtles.  And 1 bit me.  No fish though, they weren't biting.  The bait or me.  We hang out instead.

see, it's fun and relaxing

The river is pretty low.  Like....super low.... and there is alot of mud.  This is fun.  Yes. 
We cruise along a ways and find a nice spot where we can actually get to the island.  It's great, we tootle around a bit out there and start to make our way back to shore. 

"First one to get stuck is a rotten egg"

Man, we stink!  We got stuck first.  Tried to get out the right way, I even offered to get my "extra weight" off  so it might glide over the mud.  No such luck.  Stuck like a pig.  So we get off and look to the left for assistance...and wouldn't ya know it....they are stuck too.  Well, Shit!

Luckily there is a wench attached to Deron's wheeler.  I crawl to shore, and by crawl, I literally mean crawl.  Sinking in mud up to my thighs, my arms and legs take turns sinking and getting pulled out as I crawl out of the mud bank.  Got the wench hook thingie all hooked up and here they come out of the mud.  Huh, that almost looked easy!  Oh, but guess what, some parts have melted, can't turn it back on.  Damn. 

So, those strong, manly men push this wheeler over to the other, hook up the wench hook thingie and pray there is enough juice left to pull the other one out.  There is.  We're all good.  Tow Rope, check.  Hook 'er up, we're outta here!

We get towed home and after a quick rinse and install of better parts, we are off again.  This time, to dinner.  Can I just tell you how much I love that we can ride the 4-wheeler "out to eat".  Ahhhh, country livin!

Oh and remember how I stuck the hose in the pool to refill....yeah, I forgot about it until Sunday morning.  So, I might be holding a fundraiser soon for a new well pump since I am trying to wreck the one we have!

I have no pictures of the mud debacle, nor any pictures of the turtles that tried to take my fingers off.  Oh well, use your imagination.  However funny it is in your mind, is probably how funny it looked in real life!

Anyways, the reason I am sharing my last Saturday story with you today, is that tomorrow, we won't be doing that. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

ALS Season

This here may require some 'splainin. 

There really is no season for ALS.  But in my house there is.  And it's fall. 

In the fall of 2005, my Dad was diagnosed with ALS
In the fall of 2008, my Dad passed away from ALS
In the fall of 2009, the 1st Cedar Rapids Walk to Defeat ALS

And each fall following, we have the Walk and we also have the Anniversary. 

And also if you are familiar with my job, you will remember that end of year is also in the fall. 


I am the Walk Committee Chair for the Cedar Rapids VOLUNTEER Walk to Defeat ALS.  I work with a wonderful group of women and 1 lonely but lovely man to put this shin dig together.  It is a lot of work.  There is absolutely no down time when it gets to be crunch time, and guess what time it is now!

The 2011 Walk is coming up on Sunday, September 25.  This will be a spectacular day!  It gets bigger and better every year and this year I am especially looking forward to the entertainment that has been lined up.  We have a fantastic logistics team that has really exploded us into a Fun Filled Family Entertainment Bash! 
Check out these links.... - Sheltered Reality Drumline - Bobby Colquhoun
and much much more!  We will also be welcoming Mr. Schucks, Ricochet, Linn County Royalty, and many more special guests and activities. 

Walk Day is a great time, and it's usually an emotional day, not gonna lie!

In 2009, for our first walk, it was A LOT of work.  Like seriously, we had no idea what we were doing.  As walk day approached, we started to get pretty nervous.  It had been raining all week.  My Grandma and Grandpa Kelly had come down to be a part of the walk started in honor of their son, and they had brought Eden with.  We had all of Dad's GrandGirls (well, at the time, there are 3 more now) there to cut the ribbon during the Opening Ceremony.  And wouldn't you know it, on Sunday morning, the skies parted and we had SUN!  It was chilly, don't get me wrong, it was October, it was definitely chilly.  But, we had sunshine all day long.  Thanks to Dad and another committee members Mom.  They were probably up there in Heaven hi-fiving each other over what awesome daughters they have.  Watching the families that were there and the people laughing and having a good time, it was pretty amazing.  But, I did spend a major part of the Walking Portion of the day curled up in Deron's armpit crying.  Couldn't help it.  It was a beautiful day.  And it was a beautiful occasion.  We had made it happen.  And know what, it rained the whole next week too.  We just got that 1 day of sunshine.  But it was a good day.  We were able to raise $25,000 that first year.  It was a pretty amazing feat to raise that much for the first year of a volunteer walk.  We're RockStars!

Last year, in 2010, the walk blossomed into something even bigger and better than 2009.  I guess everything gets better with practice...hmmm....wonder where I heard that before!  Again, we had an amazing day.  We moved the Pre-Walk Festivities inside the stadium and had all kinds of entertainment, vendors, guests all along the concourse.  We had live entertainment to watch, we had raffle baskets to peruse (including some pretty awesome contents - airplane and race car ride alongs, salsa dancing lessons, wine tasting parties, just to name a few!)  And as far as an emotional day, it was alright.  I was doing great, and then Dad's Video Tribute started playing on the big screen.  I said good bye to the friend I was chatting with and turned to walk back towards the main area of the concourse, stopping here and there to check out the big screen.  And then I saw Addie.  She was running towards me, full speed, tears streaming down her cheeks.  And then I couldn't hold it in anymore.  We sat down right there in the middle of the concourse and cried together.  And when it was over, we went and got some balloon animals, and all was right with the world again.  In 2010, we ended our fundraising season at just over $48,000!!!  Almost double the first year, it was a blessing to have that many people so dedicated to helping those living with ALS!  The CR Volunteer group played a part in a lot of great things that happened to the ALS Community in 2010.
*Support Group - was established and now meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.  It is a great place for anyone touched by ALS to go and just be ok with ALS, or mad at ALS, or get gardening tips or make friends.  This group has helped me cope tremendously.  And at first, I thought it would be hard to see other people as they progressed with the disease.  But it's not.  Well, it's hard in a way.  But it's not dragging me down to complete sadness about the fact that I was robbed of a Dad.  It's actually nice to meet these folks, and to be able to help them and just be there for them.  I have learned a lot from these folks about bravery and determination. 
*The ALS Association, Iowa Chapter - named Chapter of the Year!!  They are Awesome all on their own.  With our help, the Iowa Walks were a HUGE success and they earned this honor!
*The Assn, was also able to hire an additional Patient Services Coordinator.  Having another body on hand to go and meet with these families.  And advocate for them.  And help them understand what's coming.  And help them understand that there is help.  There are now 3 wonderful women who travel to meet these families.  And there could be no better thing!

2011 is looking like its shaping up to be quite a Rendavoux!  We have challenged walkers to raise an absurd amount of money, and have even bribed them with an iPad.  In the end, it will all be worth it.  With an official fundraising goal of $40,000, I think that southeastern Iowa is ready to blow the pants off that goal and surprise everyone with how much they are willing to help!!

2011 is also a great time to start attending if you haven't.  Think about it.  Join my team, or start your own, or just show up and volunteer.  I even have the Friday before and Monday after off, so come on down, make a vacation of it.  We can all do our part. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of School (yesterday)

The first day of school was yesterday.  It was very sad.  I was not allowed to take anyone to school.  I waited for the bus.  And I took the picture.  And then I went to work.

And then I brought some "forgotten" items to school so I could check in on my baby. 

Yep, I'm that mom!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

5th Grade Band

So, a couple weeks ago, they had 5th Grade Band "Try-Outs".  All the kids who wanted to got to go try out the instruments and see what they all felt like and sounded like and all that good stuff. 

I made Addie go.  She didn't want to.  But I told her that at least we had to try them, then if she still didn't want to do band, then she didn't have to.  So, I signed her up; and she got mad at me. 

I told her all about our family's rich history in band, and how important music is to our every day lives, and how the band kids sometimes get to go on trips to really cool places, and how in the marching band you make so many friends and I won't make her get a summer job if she is in the summer marching band, and all that good stuff. 

So last night, at Open House, they handed out the Instrument Recommendations (what the teachers think would be your childs best bet based on what happened when they tried all the instruments).  Addie, well, she got the Tuba. 

And we thought she might.  At try-outs, this was pretty much the only instrument that she was able to make a sound with.  And at try-outs I was really sad for her.  I felt like it went too fast, maybe if I would have done this with her beforehand, she would have been able to make noise and she could have made beautiful music with the flute or clarinet.  But she didn't really seem to care.  And Deron talked me down.  And I let it go. 

But that still didn't change me trying to change her mind about Band being cool.  Honestly, I tried my darndest for 2 weeks to get her mind changed, in my not so subtle ways.  When watching TV, I would point out how the music in the background "really makes this show good, huh?".  And how in the car with the radio off, she actually had to listen to me speak, wouldn't it be nice to have music to listen to instead of a naggy old mom.  And even when we overheard the High School drumline practicing, her face lit up, and we watched a little bit.  And, wouldn't it be great to be a part of that. 

Yeah, not so much.  It's not that band isn't cool.  It is.  A lot of her friends are going to be in band.  And she says that isn't why she doesn't want to.  She just doesn't want to.  I ask her why.  Just because I don't want to.  You know me, that's not a legitimate answer, so I press.  Why, why don't you want to be in band.  And again...Just Because. 

And you know what, I have to accept that.  She doesn't want to.  She doesn't have the interest in music that I thought ran thru her veins.  She loves music on the radio and in movies and on YouTube and everywhere else.  She just doesn't want to be a part of it. 

I asked if it was because of the instrument try outs and the Tuba.  Because we can always get something else, the Tuba is just a suggestion.  Nope.  No interest. 

So then last night, again, I try.  And tell her how awesome it would be to play the Tuba in band.  Another kid in her class also had the Tuba recommended.  Nope.  Still no interest. 

I'm a pusher, obviously, so I keep pushing.  And finally she blows up.  She just doesn't want to be in band.  "And I went to the stupid try-outs like you wanted me to and tried them all out.  And I just don't like it mom.  I don't want to be in band.  Maybe I'll try choir next year.  But I don't want to be in band."

Damn.  I lost.  My only hope at a reason to go to a band concert....gone. 

I guess I'll just have to wait for 6th grade Choir.  I sure hope she doesn't change her mind before then. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fat Addendum

Here is a brief addendum to the first post of the day regarding my fatness. 

I generally eat small portions. 
I eat 5-6 times a day.
My dinner plate is never a small portion.
I don't eat a lot of sweets.
I will not turn down Ice Cream.
I will also not turn down any kind of cake.
Or Peanut Butter M&M's.
During my "Monthly Visit" I crave salt.
And peanut butter, and chocolate, and salt. 
And I ususally give in.
I almost never drink milk.
But do enjoy Yogurt when I want a good sweet treat. 
I'm not real active. 
Activity consists of gardening, swimming, and walking my dog about a half mile at night.
I like vegetables and have no problem eating them.
My family does not like vegetables and has problems eating them. 
I take Gummy Vitamins every day.
I'm hungry ALL THE TIME.
I drink 8 glasses of water at work every day.
I don't drink much water at home. 

I'm sure there are other questions that you will ask yourself about me or to me, hopefully, this is a good starting point. 

It's NOT your clothes that make you look fat...

I read this quote, and it hit home.

"It's not your clothes that make you look fat, it's your fat that makes you look fat."

Not sure who said it or where I read it, but I read it.  And then I looked down.  At my belly that is starting to protrude further than my boobs.  And the cellulite that I never had on my legs before.  And at my chicken wings that are progressively growing into real people wings for me to fly with.  And I feel my chins starting to block me from looking any further down. 

On Sunday morning, Deron and I went golfing.  I wore a tee-shirt.  I wore a t-shirt because it was my Dad's 3 Stooges golf shirt and I think it is appropriate to wear this since I havent' been golfing since he took me to hit some balls while I was pregnant with Addie.  This is the reason I am telling myself on the outside.  And this is truly legitimate, I did want a part of my Dad with me. 

It's also because I have started to choose t-shirts over anything else.  Because they hide the fat better.  That is what I tell myself anyways.  There is always some kind of reason why a t-shirt is better than a tank top or a fun cutesy top; and it always is covering up the fact that I look like a house in anything that I wear and I think that a t-shirt will cover it.  And then I remember that I look like a house....even in the tee. 

So what to do about it?  This is where I struggle!!  And I need suggestions and motivation...please.

I went home yesterday and cleaned out the pool a bit, and made dinner, and laid down on the couch to watch TV.  By 6:30, I was beat.  Seriously, I was laying on the couch at 6:30 counting down to a legitimate time to go to bed.  And then it freaking hit me.  Here is a great reason why I'm expanding. 

I got up and tried to walk on the treadmill.  It's broken.  So, I wander around looking for Mr. Fix-It, procrastinating this whole exercise thing.  I decide to give the Wii a try.  Stupid...Stupid...Idea

Last time I used the Wii Fit, I set up a profile.  Complete with goals and weight and BMI and everything.  This was also the First time I used the Wii Fit. 

Since that first/last time, I have raised my BMI, and am now in a higher "overweight" category.  I've also gained 18 pounds.  That was in January.

Smack me in the face, why doncha!  (I think at this point, I will clarify that I am not huge.  I am really a normal size when you look around at people.  However, I am not healthy, and I know what I feel like when I am healthy, and that is what I compare it to).  To be healthy, and have a good BMI, I need to lose approximately 30 pounds.  I figure out what 30 pounds would be, and remember what I felt like at 40 pounds is what I now want to lose.  Or at least strive for.  I am happy anywhere in the 140-150 range.

There are a lot of games on that Wii Fit!!  I did some Hula Hooping, some Bicycling, some Running, some Step classes, some Yoga, some Skiing...all kinds of stuff.  Before I knew it, 30 minutes had passed. 

Mr. Fix-It did his thing on the treadmill, and I was able to get in an additional 20 minutes walking on there while I watched Raymond last night.  It's not so bad if you're still watching TV. 

So this is where I need help.  What are some other things that I can be doing at home?  I'm doing all the normal stuff, gardening, mowing the lawn, raking, walking the dogs, etc.  What am I missing?  What else can I squeeze in while I'm at work? 

Not only do I want to lose the weight, for like a million and 12 reasons, but I want to keep it off.  I HAVE to be healthier!  Medical problems are arising every day, and more than half of them would fix if I had a healthy body. 

What are some lifestyle changes that you or other people have made to make it work....and stick. 

I can lose weight like no one's business, I've done that repeatedly.  It's the keeping it off that's the hard part.  HELP!!!  How do you do it? 

Please keep in mind that I am SEVERELY out of shape.  So even the walking and the Wii that I did last night, was very overwhelming and I am really sore today.  I can't jump into any kind of seriously rigorous workouts or anything like that right away. 

Should I start by concentrating on my food?  Conquer 1 thing at a time?  Once I lose a little bit by eating better and walking, then I think my body will be more receptive to the harder workouts (I did buy the Insanity Program off a late night infomercial, and I did take it out of the box). 

Anyways, any tricks, suggestions, motivation, ass kicking you would be so inclined to deliver would be greatly appreciated.  And by putting this out there, I am hoping that I will be held accountable.

Oh, and PS, I quit the Burpee challenge on Day 12. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

What's Goin On

There is nothing in particular that I have to write about today.  That is not to say that there is nothing going on in my life.  There are in fact many things happening, but nothing in particular is getting today's entry devoted to it. 

Let's start with my children.  One is 16.  And acting like it.  The other just left for a week at Summer Camp.  A week away from home, with NO COMMUNICATION. 
I don't want to talk about my children anymore.

How about we talk about the dogs.  That is usually a great conversation.  Oh, except yesterday, I came home from bringing the youngest spawn to camp and find that one of them has gotten sick.  All over the back living room.  And my entire house reeks of it.  Guess who cleaned that up. 
I don't want to talk about the dogs either. 

Deron.  Let's talk about Deron.  He makes me happy.  Except yesterday, when he thought he was Invincible Man and flipped the four wheeler and shredded his self like a 16 year old kid.  And made me have a mini heart attack.  He's fine.  A little swelling, a little gravel, a little heart attack never hurt no one right. 
Let's not talk about Deron either. 

Work.  Always a bright spot in my day....bwahahahaha....that was a good one.  Actually today at work will be great.  Employee Appreciation is super huge here and we are rewarded for doing a good job...completely foreign concept to most of us, I know, it's taken me years to get used to it....anyways, today I am going to the movies for the afternoon, courtesy of GE, and courtesy of a great team of folks who work in this building and are not afraid of meeting and beating challenges laid before them.  I'll enjoy my movie.  And popcorn. 

I'll tell you the rest later. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

TCRG - Growing Weed(s)

It would be really glamourous if I were to grow Weed; I mean, it looks like that every time I see them investigating drug murders on CSI.  Oh well, if you've known me much, you would know I am not glamourous.  Nor do I strive for a glamourous lifestyle. 

So, I will stick to growing WeedS, since I seem to be quite competent at that.  And it doesn't require any fancy equipment.  I already have every thing I need!

So, here is what my fountain looked like a few weeks ago, remember?

It's coming along nicely.  Here is what it looks like today:

Progress is happening, slowly, but surely, progess is happening.

If I weren't so darn good at growing weeds, this wouldn't be such a chore. 

These are the update of spraying the rock gardens with the 2,4D.....twice.....

This is right beneath the fountain, gotta do some pullin

Ah, the other side of the path.  Portions have been pulled, portions are waiting to die more.  This was all rock at one time.  And then I let the weeds grow, and then it looked like the prairie.  The end result here (future tense) will be a butterfly garden with milkweed and wildflowers,  Addie has a "beginner kit" we're putting in when it's ready.