Tuesday, August 16, 2011

5th Grade Band

So, a couple weeks ago, they had 5th Grade Band "Try-Outs".  All the kids who wanted to got to go try out the instruments and see what they all felt like and sounded like and all that good stuff. 

I made Addie go.  She didn't want to.  But I told her that at least we had to try them, then if she still didn't want to do band, then she didn't have to.  So, I signed her up; and she got mad at me. 

I told her all about our family's rich history in band, and how important music is to our every day lives, and how the band kids sometimes get to go on trips to really cool places, and how in the marching band you make so many friends and I won't make her get a summer job if she is in the summer marching band, and all that good stuff. 

So last night, at Open House, they handed out the Instrument Recommendations (what the teachers think would be your childs best bet based on what happened when they tried all the instruments).  Addie, well, she got the Tuba. 

And we thought she might.  At try-outs, this was pretty much the only instrument that she was able to make a sound with.  And at try-outs I was really sad for her.  I felt like it went too fast, maybe if I would have done this with her beforehand, she would have been able to make noise and she could have made beautiful music with the flute or clarinet.  But she didn't really seem to care.  And Deron talked me down.  And I let it go. 

But that still didn't change me trying to change her mind about Band being cool.  Honestly, I tried my darndest for 2 weeks to get her mind changed, in my not so subtle ways.  When watching TV, I would point out how the music in the background "really makes this show good, huh?".  And how in the car with the radio off, she actually had to listen to me speak, wouldn't it be nice to have music to listen to instead of a naggy old mom.  And even when we overheard the High School drumline practicing, her face lit up, and we watched a little bit.  And, wouldn't it be great to be a part of that. 

Yeah, not so much.  It's not that band isn't cool.  It is.  A lot of her friends are going to be in band.  And she says that isn't why she doesn't want to.  She just doesn't want to.  I ask her why.  Just because I don't want to.  You know me, that's not a legitimate answer, so I press.  Why, why don't you want to be in band.  And again...Just Because. 

And you know what, I have to accept that.  She doesn't want to.  She doesn't have the interest in music that I thought ran thru her veins.  She loves music on the radio and in movies and on YouTube and everywhere else.  She just doesn't want to be a part of it. 

I asked if it was because of the instrument try outs and the Tuba.  Because we can always get something else, the Tuba is just a suggestion.  Nope.  No interest. 

So then last night, again, I try.  And tell her how awesome it would be to play the Tuba in band.  Another kid in her class also had the Tuba recommended.  Nope.  Still no interest. 

I'm a pusher, obviously, so I keep pushing.  And finally she blows up.  She just doesn't want to be in band.  "And I went to the stupid try-outs like you wanted me to and tried them all out.  And I just don't like it mom.  I don't want to be in band.  Maybe I'll try choir next year.  But I don't want to be in band."

Damn.  I lost.  My only hope at a reason to go to a band concert....gone. 

I guess I'll just have to wait for 6th grade Choir.  I sure hope she doesn't change her mind before then. 

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