Monday, August 8, 2011

What's Goin On

There is nothing in particular that I have to write about today.  That is not to say that there is nothing going on in my life.  There are in fact many things happening, but nothing in particular is getting today's entry devoted to it. 

Let's start with my children.  One is 16.  And acting like it.  The other just left for a week at Summer Camp.  A week away from home, with NO COMMUNICATION. 
I don't want to talk about my children anymore.

How about we talk about the dogs.  That is usually a great conversation.  Oh, except yesterday, I came home from bringing the youngest spawn to camp and find that one of them has gotten sick.  All over the back living room.  And my entire house reeks of it.  Guess who cleaned that up. 
I don't want to talk about the dogs either. 

Deron.  Let's talk about Deron.  He makes me happy.  Except yesterday, when he thought he was Invincible Man and flipped the four wheeler and shredded his self like a 16 year old kid.  And made me have a mini heart attack.  He's fine.  A little swelling, a little gravel, a little heart attack never hurt no one right. 
Let's not talk about Deron either. 

Work.  Always a bright spot in my day....bwahahahaha....that was a good one.  Actually today at work will be great.  Employee Appreciation is super huge here and we are rewarded for doing a good job...completely foreign concept to most of us, I know, it's taken me years to get used to it....anyways, today I am going to the movies for the afternoon, courtesy of GE, and courtesy of a great team of folks who work in this building and are not afraid of meeting and beating challenges laid before them.  I'll enjoy my movie.  And popcorn. 

I'll tell you the rest later. 

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