Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's NOT your clothes that make you look fat...

I read this quote, and it hit home.

"It's not your clothes that make you look fat, it's your fat that makes you look fat."

Not sure who said it or where I read it, but I read it.  And then I looked down.  At my belly that is starting to protrude further than my boobs.  And the cellulite that I never had on my legs before.  And at my chicken wings that are progressively growing into real people wings for me to fly with.  And I feel my chins starting to block me from looking any further down. 

On Sunday morning, Deron and I went golfing.  I wore a tee-shirt.  I wore a t-shirt because it was my Dad's 3 Stooges golf shirt and I think it is appropriate to wear this since I havent' been golfing since he took me to hit some balls while I was pregnant with Addie.  This is the reason I am telling myself on the outside.  And this is truly legitimate, I did want a part of my Dad with me. 

It's also because I have started to choose t-shirts over anything else.  Because they hide the fat better.  That is what I tell myself anyways.  There is always some kind of reason why a t-shirt is better than a tank top or a fun cutesy top; and it always is covering up the fact that I look like a house in anything that I wear and I think that a t-shirt will cover it.  And then I remember that I look like a house....even in the tee. 

So what to do about it?  This is where I struggle!!  And I need suggestions and motivation...please.

I went home yesterday and cleaned out the pool a bit, and made dinner, and laid down on the couch to watch TV.  By 6:30, I was beat.  Seriously, I was laying on the couch at 6:30 counting down to a legitimate time to go to bed.  And then it freaking hit me.  Here is a great reason why I'm expanding. 

I got up and tried to walk on the treadmill.  It's broken.  So, I wander around looking for Mr. Fix-It, procrastinating this whole exercise thing.  I decide to give the Wii a try.  Stupid...Stupid...Idea

Last time I used the Wii Fit, I set up a profile.  Complete with goals and weight and BMI and everything.  This was also the First time I used the Wii Fit. 

Since that first/last time, I have raised my BMI, and am now in a higher "overweight" category.  I've also gained 18 pounds.  That was in January.

Smack me in the face, why doncha!  (I think at this point, I will clarify that I am not huge.  I am really a normal size when you look around at people.  However, I am not healthy, and I know what I feel like when I am healthy, and that is what I compare it to).  To be healthy, and have a good BMI, I need to lose approximately 30 pounds.  I figure out what 30 pounds would be, and remember what I felt like at 40 pounds is what I now want to lose.  Or at least strive for.  I am happy anywhere in the 140-150 range.

There are a lot of games on that Wii Fit!!  I did some Hula Hooping, some Bicycling, some Running, some Step classes, some Yoga, some Skiing...all kinds of stuff.  Before I knew it, 30 minutes had passed. 

Mr. Fix-It did his thing on the treadmill, and I was able to get in an additional 20 minutes walking on there while I watched Raymond last night.  It's not so bad if you're still watching TV. 

So this is where I need help.  What are some other things that I can be doing at home?  I'm doing all the normal stuff, gardening, mowing the lawn, raking, walking the dogs, etc.  What am I missing?  What else can I squeeze in while I'm at work? 

Not only do I want to lose the weight, for like a million and 12 reasons, but I want to keep it off.  I HAVE to be healthier!  Medical problems are arising every day, and more than half of them would fix if I had a healthy body. 

What are some lifestyle changes that you or other people have made to make it work....and stick. 

I can lose weight like no one's business, I've done that repeatedly.  It's the keeping it off that's the hard part.  HELP!!!  How do you do it? 

Please keep in mind that I am SEVERELY out of shape.  So even the walking and the Wii that I did last night, was very overwhelming and I am really sore today.  I can't jump into any kind of seriously rigorous workouts or anything like that right away. 

Should I start by concentrating on my food?  Conquer 1 thing at a time?  Once I lose a little bit by eating better and walking, then I think my body will be more receptive to the harder workouts (I did buy the Insanity Program off a late night infomercial, and I did take it out of the box). 

Anyways, any tricks, suggestions, motivation, ass kicking you would be so inclined to deliver would be greatly appreciated.  And by putting this out there, I am hoping that I will be held accountable.

Oh, and PS, I quit the Burpee challenge on Day 12. 


  1. Stop eating (drinking) anything with sugar (except fruit) .... watch the pounds melt away. Guaranteed. You will having severe cravings for 3 days, they will decrease and after two weeks - most foods that you eat will taste so incredibly oversweetened and yes, even possibly gross. Eat lots of fruit, drink a lot more water, get enough sleep, go for 20-30 minute walks every morning and night, and your energy will return and your fat will leave the premises. You can do this, you really can. Your body wants to be healthy, it just needs your mind to take control over impulse, bad habits and (consistently) unhealthy choices. Good luck!

  2. I mean to say, that after two weeks of not eating sugary foods, sugary foods will seem really, really sweet.
