Monday, October 24, 2011

Fried Green Tomatoes

I made fried green tomatoes yesterday for Deron's Grandparents, and they were delicious.  I LOVE fried green tomatoes, the food.  But, I also love the movie. 

Does anyone else remember that movie? With Kathy Bates and Mary Stuart Masterson and Mary Louise Parker and Jessica Tandy (who you are never really sure if she is Idgy Threadgood or not even though her name is Ninny!)

I remember when it first came out, I was 10.  Me and Alicia thought it was the best movie ever, not really sure why, cause at 10, that's a pretty heavy movie.  We watched it all the time.  Maybe because we taped it (hahaha, remember having to "Tape" something....ahhhh, the days before DVR!) off of HBO, that made it cooler or something.  We used to love those free preview weekends.  If we had cable, cause sometimes we didn't, we never had more than just basic, so those free weekends were like Heaven!  Anyways, we watched it so many times, the video tape wore out. kids both love this movie and will watch it anytime it's on TV.  So, I think it's just the movie, not the fact that we thought we were cool.  Although we were. 

So many things have been bringing back some wonderful memories for me lately.  And, this is why we are reliving this time of my life.

I remember Alicia and I would play 'restaurant' all the time.  It was always called The Whistlestop Cafe, and we served Fried Green Tomatoes.  Except that I think we really served cereal and spagettio's and just thought we were master chefs.  I do remember that we used to say, just like in the movie, The Secret's In The Sauce!  That was why our spagettio's were far superior to any others you had previously tasted. 

I also remember other times, we served tuna salad sandwiches, Macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese and scrambled eggs.  And now I think about that....what the hell was my Mom thinking!!!  I don't even trust my mostly grown kids in the kitchen to make Ramens and she was letting us make halfway gourmet meals!!  It's probably because back in our day, we were responsible and diligent and aware of our surroundings.  Kids today are irresponsible, forgetful and just in general spacey.  I'm just kidding, my kids aren't ....oh wait...

Anyways, getting off track.  So, these memories that have been flooding me lately are good memories and bad memories and in between memories.  But they are all memories.  And I have to remind myself that everything that happens in your life, makes you who you are.  Whether they be good events, bad events, or just plain old events, it's shaped me into the person that I am today.  And all except for about 3 days a month, I'm a pretty awesome person. 

A friend said this to me last week, and I love it...take it with you:
"I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh but never thought looking back on the laughs would make me cry"

Here's to making more memories, and reminicing on the old ones...Cheers!

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