Friday, October 14, 2011

I need to VENT!!

Venting is healthy right.  So, I've been told.  Well here it goes:

My Job ~ While I love my job, I am less than impressed with a few of the folks who work at my job.  Without naming names or job duties, this will be quite difficult to get my frustrations across.  So let me just say this...have you ever had a conversation with a brick wall?  Same concept here.
*I will say this... If there was someone who you repeatedly gave the same instruction to.  Someone who you answered the same question to daily.  Someone who you thought was seriously just not capable of performing daily functions...this starts to wear on you.  And I am seriously WORN OUT!!

My Car ~ I have finally discovered that the old saying "Once you pay it off, it's gonna fall apart" is so sadly true.  I have always had used cars, bought straight out, no payments, just my POS from the get go.  Ok, so maybe I had something to do with them falling apart, BUT my point is this...I bought my current car with only 17 miles on it.  It had no "pre-existing" conditions.  It was brand new, and ran like a dream.  Now, Ol Blackberry is 6 years old...and starting to age....not so gracefully.  There have been normal wear and tear things, and since I travel long distances more often than most folks, there is quite a bit of wear and tear.  So last Friday, the God awful wretched sound coming out of that thing was terrible!!  I called Deron and told him it sounded like my car was being stabbed.  Turns out, it kinda was.  Stabbing can cause death.  My car was dead.  He so graciously replaced the alternator....and then the battery.  And then she started again.  So now, I just need to invest in Oil stock or something because I also need new tires and also I need that thing that holds the tires together.  Donations will be accepted. 

My House ~ This is tricky.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE where I live.  I am not so fond of the amount of work it takes to clean it up.  Had we moved into something that hadn't been touched before, this would be different.  Everything would be created by us, put where it belonged, and maintained from the start.  But we didn't, we moved into something that was once beautiful...and then hadn't been touched since.  Cleaning up someone elses mess has never been something I enjoyed doing.  Ask my children.  There were once wonderful gardens filled with beauty.  Now there are dead spots where I had to kill the everything to control the weeds.  There was once a wonderful, playful pool.  Now there is a half filled leaf catcher.  There once was a sturdy, clean, sanitary structure where one could park a car and also work to repair small things and store items without fear of insects or rodents taking up habitation inside.  Now there is a dilapitated, stinky, hay filled, dirt floored, spider infested, tree catching, craphole where I park my car and run inside cause I can't bear to look around at the nastyness that it has become.  I am praying that a wind storm comes and knocks that hovering tree right on top of it and squishes it all to heck.  Then maybe I can have a nice new garage, with a lovely breezeway connecting to the house, and nice clean cabinets and a working space and some cubbies for storage and a nice floor made from anything but dirt, and without a creepy underground lair.  Really is that too much to ask?!  Get on it Wind!!  Mama needs a new garage. 
I realize that everything takes time.  But that is not what I want to hear right, moving on.....

My People In My Life ~ I am not fond of some of the people in my life right now.  Specifically, a few people.  But again, at the risk of "giving it away", I will tell those people all to themselves and leave the rest of you guessing if you have ticked me off.  Most likely you haven't.  I am just in a really crappy mood, and I am mad at those who say pretty much anything that resembles something stupid.  And yes, I am the only judge of what is stupid and what is not. 

My Clothes ~ With my habit of "Shape-Shifting", I no longer have anything that fits me "just right".  I have tons of stuff that makes me look like I am a drowning rat.  I have tons of stuff that makes me look like I ate a tire.  I have tons of stuff that makes me look like I'm trying to be a "hip mom, who isn't really good at fashion, but dang she tried hard and still looks ridiculous".  I have tons of stuff that makes me look like a Libraian, and not the Hot Kind.  But I have nothing that I really like.  Or anything that really feels good.  Or anything that really looks good.  So, when I stand in the closet in the morning, I pull out the same old things.  I think the folks here at work know what day it is by the outfit I'm wearing.  We are on a rotating schedule.

My Body ~ It's falling apart.  Last night as I was encouraging Addie to jump off the roof of the garage, I couldn't do it myself, because I was afraid of hurting my knees and ankles.  Really!?  When did I get so old?

Oh well, I guess I do feel better!  Thanks for listening.  And I am sure I will feel better about all this in the morning :)

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