Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wheww-eeee...What A Weekend!

Whoa!  So, this weekend has left me praising Lazy Sunday, and it's only 10 am!!

Friday afternoon, I get a call from Deron.  "Somethings wrong with your dog."  She's been having some "tummy troubles" this last week...I do believe a direct result of her eating the people food I asked him not to give her...but that's not the point.  She was seriously having some tummy issues on Friday, breathing funny, and really not acting like herself.  So of course I rush home.  She greets me at the garage door and sits right on down while I fawn over her.  I think it was the mommy lovin that made her get better so quick.  She was still acting kinda off all weekend, but at least her tummy seems to be back to normal, and her breathing...well, she's old...she has all kinds of breathing issues.  I need to remember this and not freak out about every little thing.  But I love her very much, and I am glad that she is feeling better.  Yesterday, she stepped in the 1 heater vent in our house that doesn't have a cover on it, and just sat there, with her leg stuck for who knows how long, til I saw her and lifted her out.  What a trooper!

Friday night, Deron and I were treated to a NWC (Night Without Children).  Addie stayed with a friend and Mariah was at work...and we actually LEFT THE HOUSE!!  I know!!!  I'll wait while you catch your breath...........................................ready...................................ok.  I know, I was a bit thrown off as well!!  And, guess what we did....wait for it.... we went to see the remake of Footloose!  AHHHHHH, I was so filled with excitement!!  The movie was great.  It stayed so true to the original, it even uses some of the same lines.  And Willard, well, it's kinda creepy how much the new Willard, looks like the old Willard.  Even some of the "costumes' are the same.  Ren still wears a tie to his first day of school, and he still shows up to the dance in the Maroon blazer.  I did notice that the man who plays Ren's Uncle Wes does look an awful lot like my Uncle Tom, even kinda talks like him.  But seriously, go see this movie.  It is an homage to the original, not a horible remake.  On the radio on the way home the announcer was talking about new movies coming out that day and says, "Footloose is the movie you are being dragged to right now if you have a woman in your life."  Ahahahahahahahaha, we laughed all the way home.  Oh, and at home, Deron made Steak and Crab Legs for dinner...perfect evening!

Saturday, we got up and got right to work :)  Went and got the lighting for the new flip house, went home to get the car so we could drop the van off at the shop, get the van to the shop to find out the engine is blown and necessary repair shop can not see it until Monday, take van home.  This stinks more for Deron because it is the One Call van.  Shoot, huh!

 I spent a lot of time (and way too much money) shopping for food and toilet paper.  On the plus side, I got a great deal on bread.  I always hate to make that extra stop at the Hostess Outlet, but dang it is so worth it!  Our family goes thru so much bread it's a Wonder (hahaha, I crack myself up) we don't own a bakery.  I spent $15 at the bread store and left with 2 full bags.  At the food store, this would have only covered about 1/4 of what I bought.  The girls like when I go there too, cause I buy the Brown Sugar Cinnamon bread.  And I will only buy it there, cause it's too expensive otherwise :)

I think I got slipped some Betty Crocker pills yesterday as well.  I made a delicious Crock Pot Jambayala, and also got a dozen jars of apple pie filling done.  We have apples coming out of our ears.  It was great to find a recipe that called for 6 pounds of apples, I actually only have about 10 apples left sitting on the counter.  This of course will go up after we make our daily gathering, but for now, I am going to enjoy it!!

Deron asked me to go out in the tent with him last night.  Awwee, how sweet.  He said, "it's a great way for us to spend time together",  I said "but we can't talk", he smiled.  So out we went, I brought my cell phone and played some games, he watched for the deers.  We heard quite a few, and he saw them (I was sitting below the "window"), but all were to little.  So, we just keep fattening them up and hoping Mr. Trophy and Mrs. Dinner will pass thru our backyard.  Keep your fingers crossed, I've already made the room in my freezer. 

We finished off the night with a nice fire in our fireplace.  So nice, that I refused to go to bed.  It was so cozy and comfortable on the couch with the fire....ahhhhh, I want another one today.

So it is Sunday.  Mariahs horses have become Escape Artists.  Saturday and Sunday morning both, we got up and they had gone off on an adventure.  At least they don't go far, and they are fairly easy to catch!  I still gotta go pick up the long lost 10 year old in our lives, that child has such a booming social life, I think I may be jealous a little bit!!  And gotta head back to the store to get the items I forgot yesterday.  Seriously, Deron requested 1 thing for today.  Lays potato chips, sour cream and french onion soup mix.  His Sunday football dinner.  I remembered the soup mix.  Bad Girlfriend.  And I also forgot Q-Tips.  So, off I go complete the forgotten errands of yesterday. 

I am hoping and praying that today I will be able to sit down and enjoy a nice Sunday with my family and maybe, just maybe the Vikings will be able to pull off another win.  Please oh please let this happen!!

You know, reading back over this, I doesn't sound like the exhausting weekend that it was.  Oh well, take my word for it.  Or...even better, come rub my feet and I'll tell you how wonderful it feels, that is the true test :)

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