Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bad Moods are Contagious

Yes.  They are.  Very much so.  Not often do I wake up in a bad mood.  I am very good at coming home in them; however, the waking up in them doesn't usually happen.  So, to my dismay, today is one of those days. 

Addie had wanted to get up early and straighten her hair, so we give her an alarm to use, to wake herself up at 5.  Because apparently, it takes and hour and a half to straighten her hair.  And I am not sure the reasoning behind the straightening because today is Tuesday.  Tuesdays are daycare days.  Daycare days are pool days.  Swimming is not conducive to keeping hair straight.  But whatever, it's not my hair. 

Anyways, I heard the alarm go off at 5.  Addie has decided that her bed is junk, and sleeps on her couch.  I sleep with the door open.  So, I hear the alarm.  She must not have known how to turn it off, because it went off every 9 minutes for the next, oh lets say 54 minutes. 

So, she is up.  And so are the dogs.  Simba has been in quite a few times wondering why we are not feeding him.  KV has been nail dragging all over the house.  And that friggin alarm keeps sounding. 

When I finally look at my phone to get the time, guess what time it is... 6:18.  Are you kidding me?!?!  I have to leave in 20 minutes. 

Good Morning Bad Mood. 

Addie is a little ray of sunshine in all this.  Of course at first, she is the one who will bear the brunt of the Bad Mood Morning, and she does, ever so gracefully.  On the way to daycare, this little love of mine tells me that she learned all the words to the song "Rolling in the Deep" because I told her I wanted to learn it.  So now she can teach me.  Dang it.  I hate when she is so sweet, it makes it harder to be mean!

Start feeling a little better, the clenching in my jaw has loosened, and I will take on the day. 

Get to work and enter the grocery bills from last night into my check register and start the balancing act. 
Bad Mood returns. 

Then Kristi shows me some of the new Thirty-One product she has just received. 
Bad Mood Gone.  The thought of shopping always cheers me up. 

Then I remember the Balancing Act.  No Shopping. 
It's creeping back up on me...

As I get out the Cheerios I packed for breakfast, I notice some pink in the bottom of my lunch bag.  Someone has given me 3 mini post its with a little message:

Bad Mood Gone

Right now, I will YouTube "Rolling in the Deep" and move on with my day.  For some reason, that song can make a Bad Day Good. 
At least that's what usually happens, last time I jammed out to it, the relaxation was quickly followed by a rear ending debacle.  Good thing I'm not driving.  I'm just sitting.  And working.

Working...uh oh...bad mood might be returning ;)

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