Thursday, July 7, 2011

Updates & Follow Ups - June

So, I noticed that I talk about alot of things that I am doing, or want to do, or am going to do; but, rarely do I ever close that circle.  So, here are the updates from all my June postings. 

Kittens in the Dryer~ The kittens can not get into the house anymore through the dryer vent.  They are pretty much learning when and where they can and can't be.  And getting confused because heaven forbid we all do anything consistently.  NO FOOD ON THE FRONT STEPS PEOPLE!!  They eat like they are starved all the time.  Truth is that we all feed them every day, I am almost certain.  If they are begging at a door, someone is bound to go get some food and stick it outside.  I think they have figured this out.  It is interesting though, because they are not growing much.  They are still itty bitty kitties.  This also makes it is difficult to kick them when they do get underfoot.  But, they sure are cute little guys (well, 1 guy and 1 girl, whoops) and we sure do like them.  The whole 1 girl/ 1 boy accident, and now a pain in the arse!  Gotta get 'em fixed, we don't want to be running an incestual kitty mill operation.  They are now also easier to tell apart, John Kitty (renamed JoAnna Kitty) is very grey.  And Presley has turned more of a brown color.  But they are never far apart and both come running to "Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty."  Presley Kitty has also taken quite a liking to the dead mice we are putting outside for "training".  This, my friends, is good news!!

Shopping Gone a'Ry~ well, really, how do you follow that up?  Kids grow up, and as much as we (as parents) don't like it, it's the sad reality.  In fact, they are growing up so fast that it's hard to believe there is a 10 year old and a 16 year old living in my house.  Seems like just yesterday, we moved to Iowa with a 7 &13 year old.  And in the 3 years we have been here, they have both blossomed into some pretty awesome young ladies.  I like them, a lot. 

To Do~ So, the party definately forced us to get some projects done around the house.  And maybe we need to have another event coming up.  Because, quite honestly, after the party was was our motivation. But, here are a few update pics.

Clean Pool!!  YAY

 The fence is finished, the barn is coming along and the horses are home.  Mission Almost Complete.


Garden filled in really nice!  The fencing is to keep the dogs out, the privacy fence keeps out the other critters, but for some reason, the doggies sure love to lay, and walk thru, and run around in, and dig up my garden...silly boys!

had all kinds of garden goodies for the 4th!  LOVE IT!

New project, clean up the fountain, so it's pretty.  Yes there is a fountain in there, I'll prove it in about 4 weeks

and clean out all these weeds...again...

Doing the Dishes~ At this point, the dishes are a moot point.  No one helps with them, so they have no right to say anything about when or how I do them.  And that's that.  I've started running it whenever I dang well feel like it.  I do believe this will be an ongoing saga, everyone has something to say about it; but, until you do it, ZIP IT!

Dwayne~ Overwhelmed.  Always.  Too many irons in the fire.  That's how I roll...

Hide Cookies from the Fat Girl~  I never did get my rather large (and ever expanding) ass on that treadmill.  So, that would also lead you to believe that I didn't start the Insanity program again either.  Well, that assumption would be correct.  What I have done...swim more.  That's about it.  There are all the little things people do around the house, that really does count as exercise, because you better believe that I am entering THAT on as exercise!!  Doing the dishes, standing and folding laundry, dusting, weeding the garden, push mowing the lawn, all that wonderful stuff that we do all the time.  That counts.  Maybe if I just do more of that...yeah, probably not.  Remember...motivation drain...

Standards~ Haven't lowered my standards, pretty much on anything.  I have come to the realization though that people don't know what you expect of them, unless you tell them.  Thank you to my Close and Personal Life Coach, Cheli Porter, for pointing out this oh so obvious but severly overlooked point! To test this theory, I went over some "new" expectations with Addie, and low and behold, she now does what I expect from her.  I guess sometimes all you have to do is open your mouth! 

Father's Day~ I will always hate this day, because my Father is gone.  We will always celebrate Deron being a Father to our children.  He is a wonderful Dad, and it really shows thru sometimes in the craziest moments.  He is loving, kind, crazy, stern when needed, understanding, absurd, concientious, ridiculous, generous, affectionate, curteous, dramatic, gentile, abnormal, gracious, and really priceless to our family.  We love him, and we will celebrate him.  And remember my Daddy too. 

TCRG - Zinnias~ Houston, we have a problem.  I think I killed them while trying to nurse them back to health.  You be the judge...

Obviously, I have not thinned the pots.  But I also quit watering them, I'm not sure why.  This is what happens when you don't water them for about a week, and then realize it.  And overwater them.  A few are proving to be quite tough, but the others...MEDIC!! 

Hormones & Emotions~ Well, this I believe will be an ongoing battle.  Deron and I actually talked about it in depth this weekend.  I want to go back on the meds, they really help with the symptoms.  I am able to function somewhat close to normally and not have complete spaz attacks repeatedly throughout the day.  But, they turn me into a zombie.  And they make me not crazy.  However, I don't want to go back on the meds, BECAUSE they turn me into a zombie.  But they make me not crazy.  They help so much, but at the same time, they don't.  I am in La La Land most of the time on them.  And have no focus or energy.
I know that many of you reading this are thinking, oh it's fine, everyone gets testy around that time.  I do NOT get testy.  I go crazy.  Literally crazy.  Like to the point, I am surprised that Deron has put up with me for 4 years acting like this, cause you best believe I would have left my sorry behind a long time ago!  And I can't control it.  I try really, really hard to control it, and I just can't.  I have been doing more research on my BFF Google and finding different "Natural" ways suggested to help subside the symptoms.  Nothing will make them go away, I can just forget about that.  PMDD is really a real disease.  And it is NOT PMS.  It is not even close to PMS.  It is like a freak show awaiting to emerge.  And when it comes out, watch yourself!  Cause no one is safe.  No one. 

TCRG - Charlie~ Still haven't gotten around to spraying the 2,4D.  I have however, come up with a plan of action.  A real timeline, so that I can get the outside (of the fence) taken care of, as well as the inside.  All this summer!  My yard will look rather un-welcoming and un-healthy this summer, but next year, it will be fantastic!  And there will be no more Charlie.

Well, that's all folks.  Updates for the June postings, thanks for hangin with me!

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