Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Burpee Challenge

I have mentioned before that I track my food on myfitnesspal.com and sometimes I spend some extra time tootling around the website looking at things people post and such.  Today, I was doing some tootling after entering my lunch items and found a Burpee Challenge.  I do believe I will take this challenge.  And I invite you to take it with me. 

Here is how it goes:
The idea is to complete burpees each day for 100 consecutive days, increasing in reps each day, starting at 1 burpee on day 1, and finishing with 100 burpees on day 100.
The Rules:
1. Use proper burpee form (start standing, jump feet backward to plank, complete a good form push up, jump forward to squat position, jump up with feet completely off the ground)
2. You can complete each day's burpees all at once, or broken up and done at different times throughout the day
3. If for some reason you miss a day, you have to make up all the missed burpees the following day
4. If you don't start the challenge on the first day, you can "buy-in" at any time by doing ALL the missed days burpees on your first day
5. Any burpees you complete during your regular workout can count towards that day’s Challenge burpees, if you want them to
6. Have fun doing burpees and getting stronger doing it!

I do believe that this will be a challenge.  And to be quite honest, I have gained quite a bit of unhealthy weight since going on Prednisone for my Poison Ivy. When they say that a side effect will be "increased hunger" it's not just increased, it is like you have developed a hollow leg and there is no way that you can be satisfied when you eat.  I tried eating good tasting foods so that I could savor the flavor and eat slower and get fuller faster.  No, still hungry.  I tried eating good for me foods so that I wouldn't feel so bad about it later.  No, still hungry.   The hungry would not go away!!  I would eat and eat and eat until I was in pain.  But, still, I would continue to be hungry.  And so I would eat again.  And I have paid for it, dearly!  I'm now done with the prednisone, and my hunger control is returning to normal.  The Poison Ivy, well, that's a different story, and a whole nother blog post!  But, point being, I'm over the scarily hungry part...and ready to be me again!

So, this Burpee Challenge seems to be just the thing to help me get my hind end moving again, and in time, help me shed my extra poundage I have aquired in the last 2 weeks. 

This challenge started yesterday on MFP.  So, really, today is Day 2. 

Who else is "Buying In" to the challenge with me?  Go do 3 burpees, and then come back and tell me, "YES, I'm in"

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