Thursday, July 21, 2011

I Rammed Her Back End...


For the second time, I rear ended someone.  Well, I guess if you count that time on my 17th birthday, this would be 3.  But I am only counting these 2.  Cause these 2, I did in Mariah's truck. 

Yes, I crashed the childs truck.  Again.

Oh, what a day!  My morning started out completely awful.  Bad moods are contagious, and I caught it.  After I drop Addie off at the sitter, I am still a bit steeming and not really all there.  There is a good song on the radio, so I turn it up, and start singing along.  This soothes me, and I am calming down, feeling ready to take on my day.  I even do the so very cliche "Bring It On Day" chant at the top of my lungs to myself and anyone else that has their windows down.  I'm ready, Bring It On Day, I got this! 

So, when I pull up to the stoplight, I see the car there, I think she is moving, as this is what normal people do when it is safe to turn, I slow to the intersection, stop and look to the left to make sure there are no cars coming, and I go.  Well, turns out, she wasn't going.  No worries, I gave her a nice push.   

Now mind you, had I had my little itty bitty Neon, this would be pretty much a non-issue.  There is no way that any damage would have happened, she wouldn't have moved, maybe I would have dented a license plate.  I "tapped" her going about 1.5 miles per hour.  However, I was not driving my itty bitty Neon.  I was driving a Big Giant Blue Silverado, with tow hooks on the front even.  So guess what this nice lady now has. 

Anyways, I realize that in a "rear-end" situation, it is clearly your fault.  And I will accept that.  I certainly can't blame the girl who didn't turn when it was safe to turn, it was her choice to sit there, and I have to respect that.

Whatever, bottom line is that I rammed some nice, pregnant lady (oh yeah, I forgot to mention that part!!) on her way to work. 

And the best part....wait for it....I did this on the off ramp RIGHT OUTSIDE MY JOB!!!  So co-workers, managers, visitors, everyone who knows me pretty much, got to drive by or look out the window and see what a complete moron I am.  And yes, I have been folks who saw it, or folks who drove by, or folks who saw me talking to the cops in the parking lot.  I am not sure if my name getting around like this is exactly how I wanted my reputation to be established.  Honestly, I am much better at my job, than I am at driving.  In fact, I am better at a lot of things than I am at driving. 

And....even better...the insurance coverage...goes with the vehicle...not the, the full coverage I pay for in the event that I do something stupid like this, does not apply.  Well, this is what I am told anyways.  This is a conversation that will be re-held at a later time.  In the meantime, I think I may take a cue from my Seester and hold a bake sale.  Proceeds going towards whatever damage I may have caused to Mariah's truck.  So far, looks like no damage.  Sounded fine when I pulled into the parking lot from the "crash site", and didn't drive any differently, so I am crossing my fingers.  Of course, last time, when I hit the nice old man, it seemed fine.  And then I went to Starbucks.  And then the radiator needed to be replaced.  Say a prayer please, and I'll stay away from Starbucks, together we can get thru this. 

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