Thursday, July 28, 2011

Return of the Rash

Remember the song - Return of the Mack by Mark Morrison, circa 1996? 
Well, I made up my own version of the famous chorus.

(Return of the Rash) - it was gone
(Return of the Rash) - it's comin' back
(Return of the Rash) - oh my God
(You know that it'll be back) - here it comes
(Return of the Rash) - once again
(Return of the Rash) - pump up the Prednisone
(Return of the Rash) - watch me explode
(You know that it'll be back) - here I go

(You lied to Me) - cos the doc said you'd never return to me
(You lied to Me) - but you did, but you did
(You lied to Me) - all these pains he said I'd never feel again
(You lied to Me) - but I do, but I do, do, do

And now that I got this song stuck in your head...have a great day, I'm off to get more steroids.

P.S. - I do realize this doesn't rhyme.  Hey, we can't all be great Poets. 
I gotta leave something for the rappers of the world to do :)

Here's the dang pic of my Return of the Rash.  Just my arm, no worries, I won't show you the patches that never cleared up.  My arm is a much more appropriate picture.  At least I went to the Doctor early this time and won't have to go thru the excruciating painful-ness of it spreading. 

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