Friday, November 30, 2012

I'm a Nerd

I remember when I was about 10ish, we had a babysitter who had gotten in trouble for calling her little sister a Nerd.  As part of her punishment, she had to come up with a positive meaning for NERD.  It stuck with me:


and I wear the Nerd badge proudly...most days. 

I've discovered Pinterest.  This is where my Inner Nerd is really starting to shine!  If you follow me, you will start to see some of these projects I've done, with our own little twists.  But what really gets me, is that there isn't just a few projects that I want to do.  It's ALL of them.  But woe is me, I am still in need of a laminator, cricut system, scissors with a sharp edge, and heavy duty magnets. 

As I'm standing in my yard last night, looking around and thinking about all that I would like to do, I realized something.  Sometimes, I overwhelm myself. 

And then I went inside and looked around, and remembered all of the things that I want to do inside the house.  Yes, sometimes, I overwhelm myself. 

When the To-Do list is longer than there are days in a year, it gets a bit scary.  And when I think about how much work is involved, I start to panic.  I used to be really good at getting down and dirty and just getting things done.  A real go-getter.  Nowadays, not so much.  I would rather be spending time with my family, not doing work.  Yes, gardening and baking and crafting are wonderful times to visit with the girls and talk about our days and stuff in our lives.  They don't want to do the other stuff.  The hard stuff.  Like pack up the inside of the garage.  Or move rock.  Or put away laundry.

Low and behold, some of these projects that I want to do...they WANT to do too!  Addie loves to do crafts, especially ones she can wear and use.  Ry likes to bake.  Well not really, but she sure does enjoy the eating part!  But she does like things that make you feel good or treats we could make for her HorseChildren.

So picking projects that are fun for all of us is the goal.  And for D too, there are plenty of projects that I would like to do that he may also enjoy (some involve using a blow torch even!).  Please be expecting lots of "Homemade With Love" gifts from our house this year :) 

I've got a list.  I've got some ingredients.  I've got a sewing machine.  I've got mason jars and mismatched china pieces.  I've even got a borrowed Cricut System!  And I've got a plan.  Baby steps.  One project at a time.  We are all set.  Almost.

If you don't follow me on Pinterest, you should, I'm a Creative Genius!  Just kidding, but I'm trying. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Goals and Baby Steps

In September of last year, I set a goal to lose 25 pounds and become healthier. 

I had done Weight Watchers previously and had great success...losing.  It was the keeping it off that was the issue.  I had gained back all the weight I had lost, and then some.  So, when I saw this picture of myself:

I about threw up in my mouth. 

WTF happened?!?!  I had worked so hard to get the weight off!  I realized that I had gained 'some' back, I just didn't realize how much! 

Immediately, I printed off this picture and put it on my desk.  This is my motivation picture, and it remains there still today.  So I could look at it every day and it would serve as a constant reminder that wearing my boyfriends clothes (while very comfortable) was not what I wanted. 

I wanted to be healthy.  Never did I really have a problem with the number on the scale.  Well, maybe a little bit, but my bigger focus was that I was not healthy.  I was not eating to provide a full balanced meal (unless you count bacon and butter as food groups).  I was not exercising to maintain a healthy inside.  I was simply not making healthy decisions for myself, and I was not setting a good example for my girls. 

Let me further explain this.  I was setting a good example for them in that I was comfortable in my own skin.  And by example, showing them that it is totally ok to be comfortable with the body you have.  It did not matter if I was pushing 2 Bills or if I was at my lowest weight ever, I would still walk around the house in next to nothing.  I am not ashamed of my body, not now and not ever.  This is the body I get.  What I do with it is up to me.  This is what I tell the girls too.  It's what's on the inside that counts.

So, what if the inside of you is not healthy?  What if bacon and butter really aren't food groups?  And what if the Doctor tells you that at 30, your cholesterol is so bad you're Heart Disease Walking?  What then?

Go back to Weight Watchers, duh!  So starting on October 10, 2011, I went back to my 'first' meeting.  And wouldn't you know it, the first thing I learned...everything in moderation is ok.  I learned to not deprive myself of anything.  If I want bacon, or ice cream, or beer, or cake, or white bread, or anything else that is 'not allowed' on other diets, I can have them.  And I could have as much as I wanted. 

This was about accountability.  Taking responsibility for my own food choices.  Taking responsibility for my own activity (or lack of).  I learned how to pick the better choice.  And wouldn't you know it, most of the time I liked the better choice better!

So, after about a year, I've finally dropped those 25 pounds!!  And it's been a struggle.  I love to eat things that are not nutritionally sound - especially salt - but I've also learned that I can get a salt fix from some cucumber slices sprinkled with sea salt, just as well as I can from a bag of potato chips.  Remembering these substitutions is key.  Now, when I want something sweet, dark chocolate is my go to.   If I'm craving crunchy, raw veggies crunch. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm still a glutton during my "girl time".  Salt can be in no better form than ham and directly poured on my hashbrowns & cheese.   But picking up on the activity during this time helps even it out, right, maybe? :)

 Just the other night, I substituted greek yogurt for sour cream in a recipe, when I figured out the nutritional and PPV difference, it was incredible. And this is when it hit me.  I was so disappointed that it took me a whole year to drop 25 pounds.  But it was a good reminder that good things come in time.  Baby steps.  I cut 250 calories from 1 meal the other night.  Another 100 calories, I walked out on the treadmill on my break at work.   A year ago, I would have eaten those calories, and not walked on my work breaks.  A year ago, I was not moving much at all.  A year ago, I was pretty unhealthy. 

At my physical last month, my Doc was impressed with how my cholesterol is improving.  I'm still dangerous, but it's getting better.  Baby steps.  She told me to exercise, I told her to shut it. 

So while I've reached the number on the scale goal, I've still got healthy living goals to achieve.  Baby steps, Wii fit, and dates with the gym on my breaks.  Good Cholesterol, I'm yourself!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2 By 2

I was sitting outside the other night and something occurred to me.  D and I must be direct decedents of Noah.

I was thinking:
2 Daughters
2 Dogs
2 Cats
2 Rodents
2 Blenders
2 Crock Pots
2 Apple Trees
2 Garages
You get the picture.  We have a lot of pairs in our home!

And as I'm thinking deeper about this, since I am such a deep thinker - we've tried to have more or less of all of many items.  But it always comes back to 2. 

We had 1 dog, then 4, then 1, then 2, then 3, now 2. 
We had 2 kittens, then 3, then 2, then 3, then 2, then 6, then 3, now 2. 

Somehow we always go back to 2. 

Maybe it's something underlying with my CDO ways, I don't know, but we just can't seem to have things in odd numbers.  Like the volume on the TV.  Or the number of projects I have going on at a time.  Or the number of pies baked.  Or the number of jars of veggies canned. 

Something is deeply rooted here in the preference to pairs....

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

All I Want for Christmas

**Disclaimer, I'm talking about shooting animals - just FYI, if you want to stop now. 
If not, don't say I didn't warn you.

We are still wrestling with our masked friends.  They continue to disturb everything they possibly can out at our house.  It's the fact that they have thumbs that really gets me.  It's seriously like having a toddler trying to deter them from coming back. 

We have 'pests' all the time.  After all we live in "The Country".  There are all kinds of critters out here.  I've also decided that Boxelder Bugs, qualify as critters!!  The deer eat the apples, we eat the deer, circle of life.  Racoons eat grain, cat food, kitten legs, we eat none of the above.  Food chain maybe fits here, not sure.  Just let me go with this - killing little critters is not something I ever imagined would be happening in my first hand life, so the struggle is still there.  I like to eat animals, yes.  I do not like to look at thier faces before I eat them, no. 

However, when they are as destructive as these little monsters, I'm considering sticking one of those fat boys in a crock pot with some BBQ sauce and eating it late night, outside my window, just to show that little bugger who has worked the shutter off, What's Up.  And I'll hold and stroke so lovingly the kitten that he attacked.  And when he looks at me with his little innocent eyes, I'll cry.  That probably isn't the best idea.  I'll just stay inside and let the rest of my family handle this problem. 

I had posted this picture to Facebook a couple weeks ago.

Photo: My Little Killer!  I know, I'm disturbed as well.  But I am so strangely proud of her!

The funny part of this story is that D told me I had to shoot it, like that would ever happen.  To which I promptly replied that he had to shoot this creature - he is the Man, this is Man's work, I would just stay inside and make lunches for our family, this is Woman's work - and before I can finish this sentence, our little girl, a little Woman, comes tearing out of her room and asks if she can shoot it.  Proud Daddy Moment.  I did what any good Mom would do and grabbed the camera. 

I was worried about what would happen when it was actually time to pull the trigger. 

Now, mind you, this is the same child who last year when cleaning a deer, used the legs as telephones and had conversations with imaginary people while talking into the hoof.  It was rather disturbing. 

Nonetheless, I was still worried, she is my little angel, my kind hearted mini me, I could never do something like this, this is why I have D.  I was thinking she would get nervous and not be able to do it.  I was hoping that she would see it's eyes and change her mind.  I was praying that she would have some overwhelming feeling regarding stopping another heartbeat. 

But she didn't.

And she did it. 

And was so proud. 

And her Dad was so proud.

I threw up in my mouth and cried on the inside. 

So, a few days later during a long practice session - she says all she wants in her stocking for Christmas is "a new can of BB's". 

Lord help me, why does D steal all my girls?!?!?!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Freezer Cooking

I've been on Pinterest...

Freezer Meals.  What more needs to be said?  A few hours on a Saturday and you have meals for the whole week!  Whoo Hoo!!

I always make a menu for 2 weeks before shopping.  Whether or not we stick to that menu is usually determined by how motivated I am to make dinner when I get home.  So sometimes, some of those ingredients are wasted, or used for other things.  And the amount of money spent going out to eat, is significantly increased.  So, in an effort to curb our out to eat spending habit, I went ahead and planned the next 4 weeks.  And left Wednesdays for leftovers, Friday open and only planned for dinners on Saturday and Sunday.  This should help.  And if the meals are already prepped, and all that is required is re-heating...BONUS!!  I was determined to give this whole Freezer Cooking thing a try.

So first thing, I scoured my "Freezer Meals" board for recipes that I liked.  And recipes I "knew" I could get my family to eat.  And when I say "knew", I am still crossing my fingers and holding out hope since these are new.  New is kinda scary in my house.

I came up with these:  - I'm not posting recipes, that takes too much of my precious time - if you want them, click on the links :)
Garlic Honey Chicken -
Crock Pot Beef Burritos - modified from -
Teriyaki Pork Chops - modified from -
Italian Sausage Soup w/ Tortellini -
Chicken Fajitas -

I also had a few other things I wanted to try:
Banana Bread - just cause we hadn't had it in a while, and the bananas in the freezer were starting to pile up
Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Rice Krispy Treats - modified from -

So, first item on the agenda - do an inventory of the kitchen and make a grocery list.  I had a $165 budget to get groceries for these next 2 weeks.  If you know my family, and how much we eat, that is a VERY tight budget!  And of course I did go over.  BUT, only by $35 - and I blame it on school starting.  Those little things for "I don't like school burritos" days and some after school easy snacks, yeah, they added up quickly.  So I went over, but it was worth it.  I went shopping Saturday morning, and filled the counter by noon.

Time to get started!
I busted out all the recipes and looked for a recipe that had pre-cooked ingredients.  Only the soup did, so that was the first item on the agenda.  The soup is almost totally cooked beforehand (only the tortellini goes in when you are ready to eat) and needs to cool before freezing.  I stuck to this recipe and as the family started arriving home, they all had to check out the pot and tell me how good it smelled.  Too bad they have to wait 2 weeks to eat it!

Next, I started writing on all the bags.  I learned previously that writing on a wet (or even slightly moist) freezer bag...doesn't work!  So write on the bags first.  I put the name of the dish and any prep instructions, as well as any serving suggestions or side dish suggestions. 

Then following the directions for the recipes, I started filling bags. 

First up - Teriyaki Pork Chops - this turned into Teriyaki Steaks as I forgot to buy the pork chops on the grocery list, and we had steak in the freezer already.  So I transferred the steak, made up the sauce, and viola, first freezer meal complete!

Next - I also modified the Crock Pot Beef Burritos because I knew some of the ingredients would be iffy for my family.  We used steak tidbits instead of the London Broil it called for 1, because I already had it, and 2,  London Broil is spendy!  And I went with no peppercorns, no vinegar, no chipolte and used 1 packet of taco seasoning instead.  Cross your fingers.

Then - Garlic Honey Chicken - I should not have taste tested the sauce on this one!  Oh My Delicious!!  At this point in time, I doubled the sauce recipe and froze it all.  It is amazing!

Next - Chicken Fajitas - I followed this recipe almost exactly.  Since there is a certain person in our house who does not care for peppers, I put in a few less than it called for, and an extra piece of chicken. 

Next - I started on the Rice Krispy Treats - this recipe must be done in phases.  It was a little difficult as many of the ingredients kept accidentally getting on my fingers and making their way into my mouth (it's ok, my kitchen in not certified by the Health Board, we encourage licking our fingers - but NOT eating off the floor!!).  They were definately well worth the effort!  I did leave off the top layer (chocolate gnache) but I didn't feel it needed it.  And I was getting full :)  Of all the things that we made, this was by far the favorite!

After That - Pancake Bites - these were super simple.  Loved the idea!  I did modify the recipe and use just plain old pancake mix and regular pancake syrup.  I prepared the mix as directed and added just a couple of squirts of syrup to the mix.  Then poured into the greased muffin tin and topped with frozen blueberries, chocolate chips, and bacon.  And I made a couple just plain, just cause. I heated these up for the kids breakfasts this morning.  Hit Made. 

Lastly, was the banana bread.  I just love the smell of banana bread baking in the oven.  It was as good as always, Betty Crocker provided this recipe. 

So, when all was said and done, this is what I ended up with:

Meals for a few days of the week so I don't have to cook, and enough goodies to last at least through Wednesday.  It took a while, and I kept getting interrupted, but the time spent was well worth it. 

I'll be doing this again in 2 weeks, when the next cycle of the menu rolls around.  And in the meantime, I won't have to worry about cooking dinner, except for 5 times.  I think I can handle 5 times in 2 weeks :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

A Trip Down Ricky Lane

Whenever we go "North", we take 35.  And usually, 35 ends for us in Albert Lea.  Driving any further North, usually results in a bit of anxiety.  And that's one of the main reasons our trips are usually limited to Mankato, not any further North.  35 is a road filled with memories.  And I can hear my Dad saying "35 Dub-Ya" right now. 

It's been a really, really, really long time since Dad lived on Ricky Lane.  It's the house that has all the "growing up with Dad" memories.  We have wonderful memories in the "new" house.  Addie was never in the "old" house, all of her Grandpa Larry memories are in the "new" house.  But for me and Alicia growing up, this was the place.  The "Old" house. 

Yesterday, driving home from getting the kid and spending the weekend with Gramma Debbie, we were coming up on the turn.  And we decided to take it. 

I didn't even recognize the entrance!  I thought we had missed a turn somewhere.  The entrance was lined with beautiful trees and grass.  It was completely different than what I remembered, thank goodness there was a sign!  Even coming into the park, I wasn't sure I would remember where to go it looked so different.  Dad moved out of that house when I was 18 years old.  That was a while ago!  But I remembered. It was like coming home.  The turns pretty much made themselves.

The first thing I noticed was that the park Alicia and I played at so often, just in the backyard, was gone.  I started to think I was going the wrong way.  Then I saw it...

Ricky Lane.  There it was, the street.  It was time to take the turn.  Alicia was on the phone with me, it felt like she was there with me, minus that we would be holding hands in real life.

The strangest feeling came over me.  I couldn't and still can't tell you what it was.  It was just this strange feeling.  Anxious, Happy, Pride, Scared, Sad, and about 50 million other emotions.  All rolled into 1.  Memories were racing through my mind by this point. 

My girls were with me.  We pulled up in front of the house and just looked.  Thank goodness no one was home, they probably would have thought we were some crazy stalker folks.  Really, who pulls up in front of your house and sits there to cry for a few?  That was us.  I just needed to see it again. 

The house looks almost exactly the same.  I took pictures, but won't put them here to respect the new family.  But, I could tell it was the exact same the front door.  It's a new color, there were gorgeous plants everywhere, a cute swing set in the yard, the patio had new "railings" (for lack of a better word).  It was beautiful.  Someone was loving this house and making new memories with their little girls (I say girls only because the 2 little bikes out front, were Pink Princess bikes), just like our Dad had done with his little girls. 

Alicia even asked me, "Are you sure it's the same house?  Go look at the back door."  Didn't need to, the bush gave it away.  When he was still there, it was a lonely bush.  One bush out front, growing up in the tongue of the trailer.  It's still there.  And it's beautiful.  And it's surrounded by beautiful flowers, and new pretty bushes.  But it's still there, in all it's glory. 

We sat for a spell and I told my girls about growing up there and a few stories of how it used to look and the shed he built for the snowmobile that was still standing out back.  About the way there was a path worn into the backyard hill leading to the playground that was no longer there.  About how I remembered when the patio overhang went up.  And the door.  It was the same front door.  Still after all these years, and all the changes to the house, the front door remained the same. 

Then we drove up to the pool and I told them about all the summer days we spent in that pool.  That was where I learned how to do a somersault, front flip, and dive.  That was where Alicia and I had matching swimsuits - but not matching haircuts.  That was where Dad taught us how to properly launch a Canonball for the biggest splash possible.  For a skinny guy, he could sure make a splash!!

There was so much emotion, and I still had to drive 250 miles.  It was time to go.  We drove out, and I got lost, the other entrance is totally different.  Thank goodness Mariah has a good sense of direction!  We made it back to the highway and were on our way to Our Home.  The home where D and I make these memories with our little girls.  The home that someday will hopefully bring them the same nostalgic feelings when they crazy stalk it. 

Aha moment of the trip, homes are just homes.  But the memories you make in those homes are what's important.  Make the memories.  Give the kids, and yourself, something to hold on to.  And something to tell their kids about. 

The very best part, that morning, we were sitting out on the patio at the "new" house just chatting and enjoying some girl time talking about the absolutely beautiful gardens Debbie has created and talking about some of the silly things Dad would say and do, and we were accosted by a Dragonfly.  And this Dragonfly, would not go away.  We didn't shoo him, we watched in amazement as he circled and circled and circled all of us girls.  He landed a few times, never far away, still within sight.  I believe that those who love us are never truly lost, they come back and check on you when you don't even know it.  But we knew it.  He stopped to say Hey.  And show us that no matter what, he's still with us, and he still loves us, and he will always be with us, no matter what form he takes, he will always be there. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 2 on this Non-Smoking Planet

I had set a goal for myself to quit smoking while Addie was on vacation this summer. 

Yes, I had quit.  I had not smoked for over a year and a half.  And then I just started again, like it was no big deal.  But it was, and I shouldn't be smoking.  I realize this. 

So I'm "Kicking The Butts Out Of My Life", not 'quitting'.  Cause I am NOT a quitter!

On day 4 - I bought some patches, I realized I would need help.  And anyone near me while I was on Chantix, I think would rather that I just kept smoking rather than becoming the absolute bat case I was while taking it.  So patches it shall be. 

And yesterday - Day 8 of vacation - was Day 1 on The Patch (I call it Patchy).  And wouldn't you know it, it wasn't terrible.  It was bad, don't get me wrong.  But it wasn't terrible.  I made it thru the day without having a smoke.  I even stood outside with D while he had one, and it was ok.  I had stuff to do.  I was busy.  The urge wasn't overwhelming...until I got into the car. 

I realized that being in the car is a HUGE trigger for me.  So I got some new air freshners.  That was my treat to myself for not smoking:  a nice, fresh smelling car.  And they were way more cost effective than a pack of smokes.  And I also started rubbing my patch in the car.  It didn't help the cravings, but it did help keep my hand busy.

So, today is Day 2.  Patchy is trying so hard to help me.  And she's doing a good job.   This morning I was sure wishing that Patchy came in the form of a 3 inch stick I could inhale.  But, as the saying goes, wish in one hand, sh*t in the other...  And I didn't cave, I'm doing this!

Today, on my daily Walmart visit, I seemed to notice every single person who was smoking in their car.  I had not noticed how many people really actually smoke in their cars.  Or smoke with their kids in the car. 

And here, I had an epiphany - I realized I was being selfish.  I was a smoker for my own personal gratification, and for my own personal satisfaction.  It was something that I did only for myself.  This habit in no way benefitted anyone around me.  But it affected everyone around me.  Our kids hate smoking, seriously hate. Our kids ask us all the time to quit. They try to make deals with us so we would quit.  They make fun of us all the time for smoking, and smelling, and killing ourselves. And they are right. I took years off my life and away from my future grandchildren.  I teach a class to troubled kids, smelling like an ashtray.  "Hey kids, don't smoke, it's bad, nevermind that smell".   I went to my own kids events, and I was the bad smell in the gym, not the sweaty kids.  We are late for everything, so I could suck down a quick smoke before we go.

So, the lesson on Day 2 - smokers are selfish.  And I aim to be a non-selfish, non-smoker. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Wild Creatures (no, not my kids)

We live in the country.  The country is home to a wide variety of Wild Creatures.  Of this, I am aware.  We have not really had to deal with many creatures too much since we moved in.

Deer are not a problem.  They don't eat anything they aren't supposed to.  And we like to watch them.  Birds are also not a problem.  Squirrels, Chipmunks, Rabbits, even the little Beaver family that lives down the road doesn't bother us or cause issues.  We like wildlife, we don't mind sharing. 
*I do realize that they were probably all there first, but since we didn't build the house, I'm going with we didn't invade their homes because there was already a human home there. 

This summer, we've got some issues.  We've got mosquitoes, which we haven't seen since moving to Iowa.  We've got some other weird feathery looking flying biting bugs, yes biting, I hate them.  We've got a few toads hiding out in the fountain.  And we've got Raccoons. 

Yes, effing RACCOONS!!

I have come to realize that these creatures are clearly smarter than most humans.  And I understand that, again, they were probably in our area before we were.  However, we have not had issues with them until recently.  And by issues, I mean they are destructive little beasts!  And smart, did I say smart?  Cause those little buggers are freaking SMART!

First time we noticed them was when we were awoken in the middle of the night by scratching on our bedroom window.  Showed him the flashlight, he ran away. 

Then, Mariah saw them outside.  And by them, I mean 3. Within the next few days, they started helping themselves to the grain and horse treats in the barn.  The rubbermaid cans and totes are no match for mice or horses; but, remember how Raccoons have thumbs.  Not just thumbs....opposable thumbs...human thumbs...thumbs that can effectively open rubbermaid cans and totes.  We started talking about buying a live trap. 

Next, we found that one of our little baby kittens has been wounded.  Since the kittens don't get over the fence alone, and Mama has decided they do not live in the garage (which now I understand why!) we fed them outside on the back porch.  Bad idea.  Just bad.  Mr. Rocky Raccoon woke me up scratching at the window again.  I went out and tried to scare him off.  In the morning, all the cat food was gone (duh!  that little stinker licked the porch CLEAN!) and Wilbur the baby kitty had puncture wounds and a bloody foot.  No worries, he's recovering very well in the house.

That was the last straw (or so I thought), so Ry was sent out to get some live traps.  So far, we've caught 4.  And the neighbor across the street has also captured 4.  And the other neighbor, well apparently he's been catching fish and leaving the "leftovers" from cleaning them, outside.  Smart, real smart bucko!  We had been smelling fish, and of course wondered, but really, who would think to leave nasty, stinky, leftover fish guts outside?  And in this heat?  Oy Vey!

Rocky was again attempting his break in skills last night at our bedroom window, not exactly sure what he's after, but he has managed to take the shutter almost completely off. 

So, as the saga of Raccoon Valley continues, I am hoping with a nice neighborly chat, we will be able to end the Wrath of Rocky Raccoon.  If not, these poor smart creatures will continue to be relocated.   And I'm gonna go through a lot of marshmallows!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

TCRG 2012 ~ Update

It's been a few weeks since we got the food garden all ready to go.  Not gonna lie, we were pretty scared and a little skeptical about the "Growth Probability" this year.  We have a lot of clay in the yard.  Like, a lot!  Even with the extra time we spent tilling everything, and mixing in the poo, there was still a lot of clay that lumped. 

But, low and behold, we've got some produce coming!  It's super exciting!

What's not so exciting is our new visitors this summer.  BUGS.  Last summer, we had no problem with bugs eating our produce.  So, when I noticed that there were small holes in most every little leaf, this was a surprise...and a concern. 

They have eaten everything.  From the strawberries to the jalapenos to the cucumbers.  Oh the poor cucumbers, I actually have to plant more!  Of the 12 seeds that went into the ground, and the 9 that sprouted, there is only 1 lonely guy left!!  ONE!!  Those crazy buggers chewed everything off to a nub in the cucumber area!!  Rotten, I tell you, ROTTEN!!

Poor, poor sad Jalapeno has been eaten to pieces!

From my BFF, Google, I've learned that non-anti-bacterial dish soap is a great way to start attacking this problem.  I also read many other home remedies, but this one was the most common, and I already had all the ingredients :)  The first night, I came home and mixed up some of this Magical Soap Elixir, using Norwex (since I'm not really crazy about putting chemicals into the FOOD garden, I thought this would be the best option) dish soap.

Totally side note, but I don't understand why, if you are having a garden in your yard to feed your family and get away from the chemicals on the produce in the grocery store...why on earth would you put poison on the produce in YOUR garden?  I am the kind of girl who likes to go outside, pick a few peas, have a snack, and go about my business.  If I have to stop and wash each bite, that kind of defeats the purpose of a 'quick snack'.  And the whole "Natural Food" thing.  Whatever. I am not however, opposed to spraying chemicals on Creeping Charlie.  I will spray that nasty beast with whatever I can find that will kill it's guts out!  Food, no chemicals.  Weeds (YES, it's a weed!!), ok with chemicals.  Now that that's cleared up....

I sprayed everything.  Even the plants that didn't have any holes.  I sprayed everything.  And so far, so good.  There are no new holes.  Just a few guys trying to recover and repair themselves from the attack of the invading creatures. 

Spraying again tonight, it said to do it a couple times right away, then just as needed.  I also saved a bunch of eggshells, in the event that we get slugs.  I thought it was such a neat trick (put egg shells around the base of the plant to keep the slugs off) that I was actually saddened that none of our invaders were slugs!  Maybe I'll get some, and get to use this fancy trick :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

New Mommy Survival Kit

A super long time ago, I asked all my New Mommy Friends on Facebook for some assistance in putting together a lovely little gift for my friend who was about to enter the wonder filled world of being a Mom. It's been over 10 years since I was a new Mom, and I totally needed some help!

I got tons of input, and in the end, stole the show at the Baby Shower with the New Mommy Survial Kit. 

First, I got a Diaper Bag to assemble everything in.  Being a Thirty~One consultant, it was great timing, the Organizing Utililty Tote was on sale!  Whoo Hoo!  So, I let her pick out the pattern she liked and her own embroidery.  Nothing sucks more than getting a gift you don't like or won't use, so I made sure she liked it :)

Nevermind the sale, I am not smart enough to crop or alter these things, so you might from time to time see recycled images on here!  But this is what the bag looks like, so you get the idea!

Then we started collecting pieces to insert.  It took a while, there is a great deal of time and effort that went into this.  But it was totally worth it!!  I took each item and wrapped little blue and pink tags explaining it's use around it. I don't of course have a photo of the finished product, but use your imagination with the items and tag scibbling below!

*Nite Lites - You might think you know your way around the house in the dark...until you are a sleep deprived monster, going potty at 2am, after laying baby down, trying not to make a sound, with your eyes half closed, 1 sock on...just plug them in!

*Bobby Pins & Dry Shampoo  - Showering is one of those long lost "Things I Used to do Before I Had Kids".  And sometimes, the effort it requires just isn't worth it.  This is for those times. 
(You could add Deodorant here as well!)

*Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - Happy Mama = Happy Family
(These were her favorite)

*Advil - Remember this Math Lesson - 4 Advil = 1 Vicodan
(ok, so this is clearly not legit medical advice, but somethings gotta work when those initial pain meds wear off!)

*Baby Wipes - If you have a boy, these can be used to wipe the clearly directed wee off your face during each changing.  These will also remove baby vomit from the back of your jacket before entering a public establishment and get butt paste out of the carpet.  You may start to wonder how you ever lived without them!

*Stool Softener- If no one has told you about your first Post-Birth Poo...I'm not gonna be the one!  Take these, they won't MAKE you go...just make it EASIER to go :)

*Altoids & Wisps - Brushing your teeth will likely move farther down on your daily priority list as you enter your new "Oh my gosh I just slept for a WHOLE 20 MINUTES lifestyle"  Your guests (and baby) will thank you for using these!

*Earplugs - It's not always the "Most Magical Thing I've Ever Heard" and that's totally normal.

*Face Cleansing Wipes - for a pick me up, or a "Oh Crap I'm Scaring The Baby" moment. 

*Tucks Pads - Directions: Put on Bottom.  Yours.  You're Welcome. 

*Maxi Pads, Mattress Size - In the instance your little one rips you open like a bag of Cheeto's, thus causing a rather unpleasant, "OMG, am I supposed to lose THIS MUCH blood" kind of sensation for an extended period of time, you will want these.  Seriously - Heavy & Long will become your best friends. 

*Gripe Water - A sweet miracle in a bottle!

*New Undies, the large ones that will hold above mentioned pads - Sometimes just changing your underwear is like putting on a whole new outfit!  And I know you don't have anything besides thongs, and Honey, those mattresses won't fit on your tight rope!

*The Book "Go The F**K To Sleep" - for those nights when you just feel like saying it, this makes it a little more acceptable to cuss at your baby. 
(And, if you haven't read this, please do.  This author took what every parent says, every night, and wrote it down.  He is a GENIUS.  And now a very wealthy genius!)

*The Book "Porn for New Moms" - Post baby, "Dirty" can take on so many meanings.  A new adventure in "Oh Yeah" begins on Page 1. 
(Again, if you haven't seen this, do it!  Hilarious!  Photos of men vacuuming, doing dishes, staying with baby instead of golfing, making all natural baby food, all while telling you how sexy those sweatpants are!)

Mom, Grandma, Auntie, and Daddy were all very happy with the kit.  Mission Accomplished!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Addie's a Player

A Softball Player, that is!

And in true Bad Mom fashion...I have no pictures.  Although, I do want to make it clear that I am blaming my phone for this!  In today's technology, I have not had to carry a camera because I had one on my phone...key word there...had. 

BUT, what I did want to share doesn't require a picture.  It is burned into my memory as one of the highlights of my Mom Career.

Addie wanted to play softball this summer, something bad.  She had been outside playing catch and hitting balls to get ready for months.  It worked out nice that Brewtus still fetches :)

One of our neighbors and her friend from school plays for one of the other small towns around us and they still had room on the roster, YAY!!  We were excited! 

What I didn't know, is that it would not be Coach Pitch.  I know, I know, she's getting older, blah, blah, blah.  But really, how would I know this?!  She laughed at me.  And also said she has no desire to pitch, there is too much pressure in that job.

Last week, they had a pre-season game.  Against Giants.  No, the team name was not The Giants.  The girls were ginormous.  And our girls got crushed.  It was really discouraging.  The other team was bigger, faster, and way more experienced.  We got nervous.

Last night was her first "real" game.  The other team was more realistic in size.  They were more compatable in ability.  And their pitcher, well she threw the ball at an appropriate 11 year old speed. 

And guess who got a hit, off the pitcher nonetheless.  Oh yeah, that's my Baby Girl. 

She watched the first pitch come in and let it go by.  As the second pitch came in, I held my breath.  She swung.  And hit it!  Her first "real" game hit off a pitcher.  Oh my JOY!! 

So, that's it.  She's a Softball Player.  And she got a great hit.  And we couldn't be more proud!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

TCRG~ The Food Garden, 2012

A few things we learned last year during our Maiden Voyage into the Magical, Mythical Realm of Gardening:

1. We need more room.

2. We need a better fence.

3. We need a better variety.

4. We should water more.

5. You just can't have too many tomatoes. 

So this year, as we were planning out the garden, it was a meticulous chore.  Not a troublesome chore by any means.  But it was well thought out with maps and diagrams, time consuming with research on plants that will grow in an overabundance of clay...and a bit overwhelming.  Now that it's in, let the plethora of produce appear...POOF!  Here's how we learned from above mentioned lessons.

1. We needed more room.  Last year the garden was roughly 6' x 8'.  Sounds big enough when you hear it.  Not nearly big enough when you were looking at it.  And not nearly big enough when the cucumbers start climbing the tomatoes and the green beans get lost and kill the red peppers.  The funny part is, we had TONS of veggies in there.  And for the most part, they did great.  With a little more breathing room this year, we will definitely see an increase in happy veggies and they shall reward us with dinner.  At least, this is the plan.

2.  The main purpose of the fence last year was to keep the dogs out.  Our garden is inside our large privacy fence, so large critters, and even smaller critters (like those pesky rabbits!!) are not even an issue.  It's the dogs.  The dogs are the issue.  So Deron, being the wonderful man that he is, has built an impenetrable lining around said garden.  Here's to hoping the cats follow suit and stay the crap out of there too!

3. As far as variety, we had plenty of produce last year.  The funny part is that everything we grew, was pretty much only stuff that only I would eat.  However, I do not need that much natural fiber in my diet, thank you very much!  So this year, we tried a few new things.  Things we've never, ever, ever tried to grow before.  Like cantaloupe.  And potatoes.  And cabbage.  I'm excited.  A little nervous.  But still excited.  If all goes well, we should have enough to eat fresh and enough to last us through the winter.  Maybe we went a little overboard, maybe not, either way, we're eatin' good in this neighborhood!

4. Watering goes without saying.  But sometimes a girl forgets.  And sometimes that girl is punished by unhappy plants that refuse to produce food.  Lesson learned.  Drinking Party in the Garden, every night, 7ish, come on over, we serve fresh hose water (until I can talk Deron into building me this amazing rain water catcher/waterer thingy I found and absolutely need to have, then we shall serve rain water) and beer. 

5.  The funny thing about tomatoes, is that I never liked them.  Deron doesn't like them. Addie's never liked them.  Mariah, eh, not the biggest fan either.  So why the crap did I need to plant 13 tomato plants? 
For 1, I planted that many so that in the event some don't make it, we've got a few back ups. 
For 2, Grandpa Gus loves tomatoes and I planted 2 specifically for him, everything produced on these 2 plants all belongs to Grandpa, don't touch! 
For 3, do you know how many things I can can with a tomato base?!  Sam's Club makes a fortune off this family in terms of Tomato Sauce, Tomato Paste, Diced Tomatoes, Stewed Tomatoes, Salsa, Pasta Sauce, Pizza Sauce, Tomato Juice, etc.  I shall attempt all of these "canned goods" this year and report back.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Mother's Day, and Daughters

Mother's Day is a day to celebrate Mothers.  And also a day to celebrate Daughters.  And Sons too, but I don't have any that walk on 2 feet, so we are only celebrating Daughters. 

I have been blessed with a wonderful Mother. 
And I have an amazing Step-Mother. 
And I have an incredible pseudo Mother-In-Law.
And I have Sisters who are Moms.
And I have an impressive collection of Aunts. 
And quite a few other women who have touched my life, and taught me how to be a Mother.
I kind of feel like I'm bragging here, and I am!  I have a whole slew of folks who have taught me about parenting. 

Sometimes I feel like I am letting them down, and not being the best Mom I can be.  And then I cry about it, and then I remember, that I saw all of them do that too.  And it's ok, and I'm normal.  And a Good Mom. 

What got me thinking of these wonderful Mom Moments is my girls.  And my love for them.  And promises.  They are not little girls anymore.  I have little women, young adults, budding members of society! 

I Promise:

*To Remember what it's like at 11 & 17.  And to not start my sentences with, "When I was your age..."  The world has changed from when I was your age.  And I know that.  And I will remember with my heart, and my head,  and not my fear.

*To be Present.  When you look out into the crowd at your softball game, band concert, horse show, college graduation, you WILL see me.  And you will see me beaming with all the pride and love that I have for you.  I'll be there.  And I'll make your Dad leave the bull horn at home, except at your weddings. 

*To not be your Momager.  To not try to control and run your life to the nittiest, grittiest detail.  To not plan your days.  To not plan your activities.  To let you decide what you want to do.  And support you while you figure that out.  And also teach you the importance of sticking with something. 

*To teach you the value of Service.  Every single living being on the face of the planet needs help from time to time.  I promise to show you WHY we help them.  And I promise to show you HOW to help them.  And I promise to show you it's ok to accept that help from others as well. 

*To teach you to be Independent Thinkers.  To show you that Women can and should be strong.  To help and let you find, and follow, your own passions and dreams.  To show you how to define yourself by YOU.  Not what others expect of you.  And how to grow into a wonderfully strong and capable You.

*To love your Dad.  And show you what a crazy, loving, forever relationship looks like.  To show you how it feels to love a good man, just like him. Someone who embraces all that you are, because you are wonderful.  And to show you how to give that person the love and respect they deserve in return.

*To listen.  Listen about anything.  Boys, friends, school, bus, work, anything.  I have 2 ears for a reason.  And I have years of wisdom to share if you want me to speak.  But I don't have to.  I will listen, whenever, wherever, however you need me to. And I'll tell you this secret...I really enjoy this one, let's do it more!

*To show you that SMART is where it's at.  To not let others get you down for being smart, or wearing glasses, or having freckles, or not wearing the cool name brand , or any other silly reason that they come up with.  Let them be jealous.  Being smart will never go out of style.  Embrace your Inner Nerd and let her lead you to success. 

*To show you how to be a friend.  A Dog may be Man's Best Friend (and totally proven with your Dad and The Brew), but a Diamond will never be a girls best friend.  Girls need Girlfriends.  Real friends, good friends, are trusting and loyal and just as squirrely as you.  Friends are there through thick and thin, good times and bad, happy times and sad.  You will watch some go, some just come in for a short time to teach us something.  But a good true friend, will have your back forever...when you are a good friend in return. 

*To show you the importance of Sisters.  This goes a little hand in hand with Friends, but not really.  Sisters are the friends you are born with.  In this case, the friend you got stuck with.  Sisters are Forever Friends.  And the absolute best friend you can ask for.  Who else knows you better?  Who else understands your parents?  Who else knows exactly what you are going through?  Sisters are Sisters.  Have a Sister, Have a Friend. 

And don't you ever, ever forget, that no matter where your road has taken you, no matter what has happened on that road, no matter how you got onto that road...that road will always have a path that leads back home.  The door at home, will always be open.  And I'll always be there, behind that door, to welcome you, and love you and support you and comfort you.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Prom 2012

Just a few pics from Prom.  No lengthy, drawn out story behind anything, just wanted to share.  Mariah looked absolutely beautiful (and Drake didn't look too shabby either), and had a great time. 

I totally stole these pics from his FB, cause my camera on my phone sucks, and he's obviously more organized and prompt on the photo posting than I.  Well played Drake, well played. 

Ry brings out that stick once in a while, you know the stick I'm talking about.  The "Oh My Gosh The Kids Are Growing Up Right Before My Eyes" stick.  It got pulled out Saturday night.  What a wonderful, smart, beautiful, intelligent, whitty, and true to herself girl I got me.  Love her!

Monday, April 30, 2012

TCRG Returns ~ The Fountain

Remember last summer when we were working on cleaning up the yard? 
And there was a fountain.  It was hidden beneath all the weeds and overgrowth. 
And it was gross. 

Remember?  Here it is in it's less glory filled days. 
 We started the clean up last year, cleaning the weeds away, trimming back the overgrown bush that wanted to be a tree, moving the rocks out of the flower bed, etc.   It started to look real nice. 

See, you can almost see the little pond

So this year, we've stepped it up a notch.  Monday night, we spent a lot of time outside.  Moved all the rest of the river rocks, cleared away all the weeds, and started cleaning out the actual pond.  GROSS!  Now don't get me wrong, I'm ok with getting dirty, I'm ok with foul smells...I'm a Mom, and I live in the country, it happens.  But seriously!  

In this pond, we spent a good hour pulling out each of the rocks and washing them off.  We scooped out all the old water, leaves, and mud, scrubbed the algae and mold off the sides of the tank, rinsed, scooped, rinsed, scooped, rinsed, and scooped once more before filling with fresh water.  It's lovely.  D even got the pump working again, so it's truly a fountain now with a soothing babbling brooke sound.  Give it a few more "touch up" times and she'll be shining like the top of the Chrysler Building!

But, of course, no good deed goes unpunished.  Guess what happened. 

You guessed it folks, ANOTHER FREAKING RASH!!!  This time, Dr. Google has diagnosed a case of Chiggers.  Originally, we thought Pond Mites, although I am not even sure there is a thing as Pond Mites, but it sure made sense at the time.  Good thing Dr. Google says these will clear up on their own with a little cortizone to help with the itching. 
So, the lesson in this edition of TCRG...don't clean your fountains or ponds.  Just kidding :)  Maybe not dive into nasty water infested with the unknown without proper protection.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

'Ol Girl

It's no secret that we love our dogs.  Our 'Ol Girl, KV has been getting on in age, and aging not so gracefully. 

I know I've talked about before, "How will I know?"  And people always say, "She'll tell you." 

Let me say to those people, it doesn't work that way.  Dogs are voiceless.  They can't "tell you". 
Sure they can act different, and their mannerisms can change, they hint at it, but they don't "tell you". 
They can't "tell you" anything.  Not with clear intentions anyways.
So when it comes to that time, it's all on you. 
And it's the most excruciating decision I will ever make. 

KV was only in our lives for a short time, really, only 2 years.  She was an old lady living in the shelter.  She just needed a place to live out the rest of her days with some dignity, and to be loved.  And did we ever love her! 

She is the sweetest girl, the best friend, and the perfect addition at the perfect time. 

When she first came, we read that Sheltie's do not like to have thier faces touched, to be careful as they will sometimes nip or snap if hands are on or near their face.  Not our girl, her favorite thing was to have her long nose stroked and her eyes rubbed.  She would fall asleep if you rubbed her 'eyebrows' just right. 

Pure Sweetness wrapped in tumors and fur. 

Not going to spend a lot of time on this as it breaks my heart all over again every time I talk about it. 

Friday, April 20, 2012 was KV's last day with us.

I do have to say a special THANK YOU to my love, Deron.  He took care of everything so all I had to do was be with her.  To give her special treats, play ball one last time, and hold her beautiful face until she lay peacefully in the arms of God.   

We brought her home and laid her to rest, near the same fence she paced 'barking' at passing cars, squirrels, and tossed softballs.  Addie made it nice for her. 

There is a beautiful RED plant yet to be found that will be perfect, we'll know it when we see it, just like KV. 

The Rainbow Bridge Poem
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Her bright eyes are intent; Her eager body quivers. Suddenly she begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying her faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Monday, April 16, 2012

Giving Up Makes One Happy

A few weeks ago, I ready this AMAZING article.  It got me thinking, and pondering, and really thinking deep.  You know me, the Deep Thinker :)  It is amazing though, here are a few of the highlights - and my unsolicited thoughts on them.

Give up on your need to always be right.
There are too many people who just can't handle being wrong.  And there is NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING WRONG!  But sometimes, folks just can't even handle the thought of being wrong.  Even if there are risks.  Risks such as ending relationships.  Risks such as causing others pain.  Risks such as acting like a giant Jackwad.  Whatever is powering that overwhelming need to answer someones statement with "No It's Not" needs a swift kick in the STFU button.  It's ok to be wrong.  It's called a Learning Experience.  The article says "Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?"  And then I thought, is that really a question!?  The need to be right all the time, does not belong on the top of a priority list.  This one takes time! 

Give up on your need for control. 
Definitely something I have learned and (sometimes continue to) struggle with.  The me that I am today is nothing like the me I was 10 years ago (in this aspect).  It's ok to just relax and let things happen sometimes.  As hard as it is, it's ok.  YOU can't control anything but YOUrself and YOUr actions.  So let go of the need to control situations, events, people, etc around you.  YOU CAN'T!  It's just not possible.  The saying says, "Let Go And Let God".  So, do it.  God said so.

Give up complaining / Give up the luxury of criticism / Give up labels/ Give up on blame.
Last month we had a training at work, "Living in a Complaint Free World".  Hold your sighs, it was AMAZING!  And if it was up to me, the entire world would be forced thru this training!  The man who put the program together is a Pastor, therefore, works with a lot of people, therefore can give real life examples of what his point is.  Since this training, I have been making a conscious effort to stop complaining, as you are encouraged to do.  And it's hard! Sometimes you don't even realize how much you do it, but once you pay attention, and stop (or at least cut back because obviously no one is perfect and we don't expect you to be), you realize how much good there is around you!  Stop looking for and inviting the bad.  The good WILL find you!  Positive thinking and working through difficult situations without negative thoughts can work wonders.  Try it.  And criticism, well...please, don't criticize something you know nothing about, it makes you look like an ass.  And if you know all about it, please step up and work to change it.  Sitting around complaining and criticizing and placing blame and all that other stuff does nothing, except bring all the people around you down, and I don't want to be around you then.

Give up your resistance to change. 
Changing is what makes the You, you were 20 years ago, the You, you are today.  Change is good.  Change is healthy.  Change helps you deal with things and people around you.  Change helps you to determine what you really want in your life, and what you don't.  Change helps you move on.  Personally, I was deathly afraid of change for way too long.  I'm still afraid, not deathly, but still afraid.  Change can be scary.  Change can pose risks.  Change can seem like an insurmountable task.  But it's worth it.  If you don't like something, make a change.  And like my good friend MJ says, "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the change".  Start with the (wo)man in the mirror!

Give up living your life to other people’s expectations.
Is your life yours?  Or are you trying to live a life that someone else expects you to live?  There are a plethora of people who live their lives according to what someone else (parents, friends, coworkers, clergy, etc) thinks is best for them.  This one was especially hard for me to wrap my head around because I did this myself for way to many years.  People get so wrapped up in pleasing everybody else, living up to other's expectations, that they lose sight and control (this control is good) of their own lives.  Don't forget who YOU are!  Don't forget what makes YOU happy, what YOUR goals are, how YOU want to succeed, where YOU want to go.  Don't forget about YOU!  You have this one life, this one you have right now.  Own it.  Live it.  Make it YOURS!!  I got a fortune cookie once, and the fortune is stuck to my computer monitor, it says, "It is impossible to please everybody.  Please yourself first."

Visit 15-things-you-should-give-up-in-order-to-be-happy to view the entire article.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Cleaning Continues...

Day 1 was the Master Bath. 
There are 2 things left on that list...and they will probably stay there :)

We've been working really, really hard on the outside (cause it's just too flipping nice, we just can't help it!!) so really I don't feel quite as bad for slacking on the inside.  The regular cleaning stuff has been done, it's that deep down cleaning stuff that keeps getting put off!

So, here's the plan.  And I'll be held accountable for these things this weekend.  There is ice cream involved.  And this girl LOVES her some ice cream!

Anyways, here's the "List of 10" -
1 - wipe down fireplace wall to remove any remaining grout and shine up the tile. 
2 - clean out ash from inside fireplace.
3 - finish up girls laundry
4 - put girls living room furniture back where it belongs
5 - Treadmill - needs a new home OR to get fixed.  1 or the other needs to happen this weekend!
6 - Dust electronics and entertainment center in our living room.
7 - Dust electronics and entertainment center in girls living room.
8 - Clean off Washer and Dryer
9 - Put screen back in our bathroom window
10 - Relocate giant spider that has taken up habitation behind screen in bathtub.  (This guy is seriously frightening!  He's still around as he is large enough to eat boxelder bugs, I can only assume from his size that he could eat small rodents as well.  Either way, I hate boxelders more than I hate spiders, so he's welcome to stick around...just somewhere else!)

There are only 10 items on this list to allow for me to get outside and do some of the other larger clean up projects we've been working on out there. 
There are a few trees that no longer look sick and dangly.
There is a nice area now for the horses so they don't sink to their knees when entering their lair. 
There is a previously sickly looking bush that took over the front fence, he's now looking like an anorexic tree, if there is such a thing, I think there is, I took off 90% of his branches and trimmed him back to blend back in with the lilacs, we'll see if he likes it, so far, he's thanking me with some new little green budlings.

And of course much more is happening at our lovely little country abode :)
So the "List of 10" is all that I am requiring of myself.  That way I can play too, and do the fun clean up stuff.  And still get something unpleasant done. 

What's on YOUR list of 10?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sping Cleaning List - Day 1

The last few days have been amazing.  Simply Beautiful!!

I have Spring Fever...BAD!!

Running home at lunch does not help the situation (on the other hand, it helps the dog peeing in my house situation).

So, I've made a list.  It's an ambitious list, and I'm determined to get this done before the end of March.  Hold your thoughts to yourself, I know you are thinking, whoa that's like 2 weeks away, but here is the deal.  This list is only for the inside of the house.  And it is a very large list.  And I am a very busy girl.

The outdoor stuff, well that's a whole seperate list.  And if I time it right, I'll have the house done just in time to really hit the outside hard when April comes.  I may be a bit too ambitious out there, I think I have my hopes set pretty high ; but, with some good planning, charts, and diagrams- I think I just might get 'er done. 

Anyways, so back to the house and The List.  I found a blog, it's amazing, this woman is who I aspire to be.  Well, in the way of Spring Cleaning anyways.  Here's a link to her list, Imperfect Homemaking Thorough Spring Cleaning Checklist, that sparked my juices flowing, and I tweaked it meet my home and my needs. 

As I work thru it, I'll post more of how I tweaked it, so if you strive to be like me, you have a starting point.


1. Open Window
     a. Remove Screen and soak in tub. 
     b. Remove Ugly Valance and accidentally get it caught on something so it rips and I can get a new one. 
     c. Wash all trimwork and window frame wood.
     d. Wash window - inside and out.
     e. Scrub Screen - replace
2. Remove all free standing structures (laundry baskets, portable shelving, etc.)
3. Dust Light Fixtures
     a. Remove and Soak in sink while cleaning
4. Clean Floor Registers and any other vent covers.
     a. Remove and Soak in sink while cleaning.
5.Empty Vanity
     a. Wipe down all shelving.
     b. Throw out anything expired or no longer used / necessary.
     c. Put anything I don't think is necessary into a mini bucket for D to check out, he might need it.
     d. Put things back in an orderly fashion
     e. Wipe down outside of vanity.
6.Empty Closet
     a. Wipe down all shelving.
     b. Throw out anything expired or no longer used / necessary.
     c. Put anything I don't think is necessary into a mini bucket for D to check out, he might need it.
     c. Put things back in an orderly fashion.
     d. Wipe down closet door and knob.
7. Wash all mirrors and wipe down trimwork around mirrors.
8. Clean tub
     a. Clean out jet sprayers & RINSE GOOD!!
     b. RotoRooter Gel in the drain
9. Clean Shower
     a. Wipe down top of insert
     b. Remove all items and wipe down shelving
     c. SCRUB inside of shower.
     d. Clean door...GOOD
     e. Rinse entire shower
     f. RotoRooter the drain. 
10. Clean toilet, inside and out.
     a. Remove seat and clean around seat bolts.
     b. Replace toilet seat. 
11. Finish up Light Fixture, dry thouroughly and replace.
12. Wipe down vanity and backsplash.
13. Clean out sink and RotoRooter the drain...I have a lot of hair!!
14. Shine all faucets - at least they will look nice for a day :)
15. Wipe down switch plate, walls, trim, door and knob.
16. Sweep
17. Wash floor with Vinegar water.
18. Close door and let floor dry with no paw prints watermarked.
19. Wash out laundry baskets removed.
20. Clean out Portable shelving. 
     a. Throw out anything expired or not used any more.
     b. Take out anything not bathroom related and find a new home for it.
     c. Wipe out drawers
     d. Replace necessary items in an orderly fashion.
20. Once floor is dry, replace removed items from bathroom. 
And again, shut door.  I don't even want a fly in there!!

Here are a few other tippits of information I picked up on her website that I found to be very useful for this project:
*Carry a little notebook to write down any work you notice that needs to be done
-fill any nail holes, peeling paint, sagging towel racks, etc.
*In said notebook, also write now anything you notice might be getting low
-shampoo, toilet paper, etc - this works for other items as well, but I'm in bathroom mode.
*Keep a few little buckets (or laundry baskets depending on the size of items you may find) nearby to drop in anything for another family member who may need to "review" the item before it is tossed. 
-The stipulation on this is you have 24 hours to go thru the bucket, or it's not important enough to pull out in 24 hours, it gets tossed.
*Use your crockpot
-After a long day of cleaning and working hard, dinner should be something no-fuss, so you can enjoy and relax. 

So, we'll see how much of this I get done tonight.  This is only for our (Deron & my) bathroom, the girls bathroom will get another night.  See, another reason I need 2 weeks. 

I'll let you know how it goes :)  And what's next!

Monday, March 5, 2012

It's nice to know People

I've known people my entire life.  This is no different.  I had a great experience last week and one of the things that really stands out to me...I knew people. 

At "home" in Mankato, I know people.  This is no surprise.  I grew up with these people.  We went to school together.  We worked together.  Our parents were friends.  We played sports together.  Our kids were in the same preschool class.  I went to school with your sister.  You get the picture.  I knew people.  And when I went somewhere, even running to the gas station, it was likely that I would run into someone I knew. 

Well, I don't live in Mankato anymore.  When you don't live somewhere you grew up and played sports and worked and all that other stuff your whole life, it's a little more difficult to go somewhere and run into someone you know. 

Last Thursday night, I ran into 2 people I knew!  And it was so exciting!  At the bowling alley of all places.  A former neighbor and a former co-worker!  I guess when you give it time, these things come.
As crazy as it sounds, that was one of my favorite things from the evening.  Actually knowing people.  It made it feel more like home.

Of course we knew the other couple that we went with.  Of course the other folks bowling with the guys were polite and chatty.  But we didn't know them first.  There was no cute little stories of "what a small world".  These were new friends. 

Here's how it happened, Deron says, "Hey, over there, who IS that?"  Well, wouldn't ya know it, it's our old neighbor!  We start telling our friends cute little stories of when we lived in that house and interactions with said neighbor.  I chatted with her for a bit, how's the kids, how do you like the new neighbors, etc.  It was nice.

Then it's time to eat and walking back to our table, I'm yakking away to my friend, not paying attention, like I do, and am almost knocked over when I realize the person saying..."Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey" is talking to ME!  Oh my gosh!  A former co-worker, huh.  It was great to see him too! 

Well, doggone it, I think we’ll just have to make time to go do stuff more often.  That’s how you make the friends.  And how you make the people you know.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I'm feeling Dogged

*Grab a snack, this is a LONG one!  But I had so much fun writing, I couldn't stop, sorry if your buns go numb!

They are freaking everywhere.
And we did this to ourselves.

Please don't get me wrong, I love our dogs and I want nothing other than for each one of them to be ours.

I am reminded of a conversation that Deron and I had once (ok like a gajillion times) about having more kids.  We both decided that we had some pretty awesome kids already and didn't want to start all over again with babies.  We decided that if at some point we felt the need, we would get a puppy.  At this time, Brewtus was the only dog in our future.  And I still wasn't sure I liked him. 

But over the last 5 years I have learned to love him.  And really, it wasn't hard. 

He's so humanlike, if only he had thumbs, it's a shame!
When I met Deron, I pretty much hated anything with fur.  And dating a man with a dog was against my rules.  Brewtus was gross.  His breath stunk (still does), he shed like a crazy beast (still does), he begged for food (still does), had terrible manners (still does), slept in the bed (still does) and was always in my personal space (this is now Simba's job). 
I even hated him so much, I gave Deron an ultimatum, it went like this:
"Dammit, it's me or the dog!" - shaking fist and I believe at least 1 foot stomping
"You'll learn to love him too." - putting arm around me and kissing forehead.
And as much as I hate to admit this, every time it happens, Deron was right. 
When we moved, my hatred for this dog increased a million fold.  Brewtus didn't care.  Not one bit.
And then life events happened.  And guess who was there for me?  The only one who was ok with my crazy way of dealing with grief?  Stupid Dog.  He broke me.  Brewtus is the best friend I could have asked for at that time.  He didn't judge me or the way that I grieved.  He didn't care what I said to him, as long as I was talking to him.  He didn't care where we went, as long as he got to go.  He didn't care if I was sobbing into his fur, I was showing him affection.  And he showed it to me too.  I love that dog more than most people.

The summer of 2009, we somehow got wrapped up in the Black & Tan Coonhound Rescue .  It is a wonderful organization that really serves these wonderful creatures well.  And I know I've talked about these girls before, but gol darnit, I'm doin it again.
Well, the way the story is told to me, there is a litter of 7 pups found dumped, starving, and half dead in a ditch.  They were able to save 4, they are in a shelter and need foster homes.  Sure we'll take 1, this will be great.  We've wanted a second dog for a while, this will be a great practice run to see how it will go.  And it's only fostering, it's not forever.  We have a practice run and do a leg of the transport run (they use volunteers to drive the dogs from shelters to fosters or forever homes, each volunteer takes a 1-2 hour shift and brings the pup to the next destination) with the remaining boy pup and instantly fall in love with the breed.  What beautiful creatures!  After we try this out and realize that, oh my gosh, these dogs are wonderful, we somehow ended up with the remaining 3 sisters from the litter.  They are 5 months old.

This story is heading south fast, but wait, there are good parts.

Here is the lover of the group.  We called her Momma.
She was the laziest, most easy going puppy I have ever met in my life.  She was also the most vocal.  I remember the first time I heard her bay and wondering how in the crap something so deep and beautiful could come out of this little body that slept 22 hours a day and barely moved.  She also proved to be a tough little cookie.  She once snuck her little body out our front gate and found herself in the path of traffic.  The crazy part, I'm not even sure she knew she was injured! We had her looked at and nothing was broken or damaged, just a nasty cut on her leg.  She was a trooper.  And never quit talking either.  She was the last one to leave our house.  We certainly missed her when she was gone. 

And then her sister "Snoop" as we called her, was the complete opposite.

This little girl was nuts.  Crazy, nuts.  We called her Snoop for a reason.  Always into something, never sat for more than 10 seconds, and certainly wanted your constant attention.  I took her on a long road trip to a family gathering in MN.  She did great, most of the time.  But this really gave me an opportunity to see what she was like away from her sisters.  Amazing.  We always joked that they were "Group Incapable", completely different dogs together and apart.  She was the second to go, to a wonderful family in Wisconsin who had another Coonhound.  I was FB friends with her new Mommy for a while, she seemed to fit in there really nice.  That made me feel good.

And then there was Bones.  What An Animal!! 

She was by far the smartest of the group.  She was also the scrawniest; hence the name she got.  She went running with me, and was the only one allowed to so as she was the only one who caught onto leash manners. She didn't beg at the table, she understood the word NO, and she kept her sisters in line.  She was the gentle "Mother" of the group.  I wanted to keep her, not that I picked favorites or anything because that would be wrong, but if I had a choice, I would have wanted her to remain with us forever.  She was the first one to go.  I think that was on purpose, and for the best. She went to another foster home in Omaha first and they renamed her "Luci", short for Lucifer.  Apparently, she wasn't the sweet, innocent, calm, and mild mannered girl she was with us there!  But she also has the best story.  Remember the book "Where The Red Fern Grows"?  There was a family in Omaha that for generations, when the Son's turned 10, they got a Coonhound, and started to learn the ropes.  Guess who got to be this family's hound :)  Bone's foster Mommy told me that when they came to meet her, the boy and Bones fell in love instantly.  She cried when they left.  And when they came back to get her, everyone cried.  Mom, Dad, Son, Foster Mommy, and Bones found her bay.  I am happy that she found her happy forever home, even if it wasn't with us. 

And while we loved all these girls, we figured something out.  Don't ever, ever, ever take in 3 littermates at 5 months old.  They are crazy, and sometimes downright evil.  They sure were lucky they were cute!  We loved them all, the experience would have been alot better for them, and for us, if there were only 1 at a time.  We'll just put that experience in the "Lesson Learned" column.

So then we got our house back and were able to make all the improvements that we were unable to do while we had the girls so we could sell the house and move to the country like we had always wanted.  This of course took time, but there were no puppies tearing up flooring or chewing thru drywall.  It was a good time.

We started looking at White Labs, we already had a Black one, it seemed fitting.  We looked at puppies almost everyday, trying to figure out a way to justify paying so much money for a puppy when all we wanted to do was love it.  It was amazing and heart stopping to see how much some people sell their dogs for!  And how much the bloodline is taken into consideration, and how great a hunter the Dad is and what a great Showgirl the Mom is.  It's crazy, just find the pups some loving homes and then get your dogs fixed, game over.

Some time passed, we got stuff done, and low and behold....a friend found a poor lonely dog wandering along the highway.  He had been sprayed by a skunk and had obviously been out there a while.  So being the kind soul she is, he came to live at her house until he could be reunited with his rightful owner.  Months pass, no one claims this beast, and so he shall become a Myers.  Did I mention he was a White Lab?  It's like the stars aligned and this boy was meant to come our way. 

He's yawning, it's cute.
The vet estimated his age at 2 when he arrived.  Keeping in mind we had just had 3 puppies, I'm thinking, no way in the crap am I gonna want another dog under the age of 47!  Well wouldn't you know it, this one came housebroken!  Whoo Hoo!!  And, he also came with a whole slew of fears.  Thunder, Cars, Deron Watching Football, Fireworks, Clapping Hands, Loud Voices, Sudden Movements, etc.  He definately came from a home not as lovely as ours. 

It's been almost 2 years and Simba has worked through most of his fears.  He no longer hides under furniture on Sundays during football season, but he still runs and jumps under the covers when there is a thunderstorm. 
He's trembling, Addie is a good comforter.

And while I will always love Simba, I don't always like him.  He is a stinker.  Brewtus has taken it upon himself to teach Simber the Error Of His Ways so someone can carry on the Legacy of Destruction. 
He knows how to open the garbage cabinet and pull out the can.  He can reach anything on the counter, and I'm fairly certain he can reach the top of the toaster although I can't prove it.  
He will eat anything.  And by anything, I mean anything.  Dog food, cat food, bird food, guinea pig food, cookies, cardboard boxes, pizza, wood shavings, any animals poo, grass, insects, lotion, rocks, carpet fibers, stuffed animals, plastic, pretty much anything that may or may not be edible. 
He also has this habit of rolling in stuff.  And by stuff, I mean gross stuff.  Dead snake, horse poo, cow poo, pretty much anything with a disgusting scent.  Apparently he finds this attractive.
He sheds.  Bad.  Like nothing I have ever seen before.  The man walks through the house and we watch the snow storm of white-ness fall behind him, like Hansel & Gretl's bread crumb trail, yes, he too shall never be lost.  Once I get dressed for work, it is a dancing game to not let him touch me so I don't have to 'de-fur' before going in.
He has become a Master Beggar.  He does understand "Get Back"; however, he doesn't always "hear you", as selective hearing runs in the dog blood in our house. 
He is constantly underfoot, and is always looking for direction.  Meaning....don't turn around and walk at the same time, he's RIGHT BEHIND YOU, and you will find the floor with your face very quickly!  He is truly a dog that NEEDS a master.  And he should probably be touching his master at all times as well.  If you move while he is asleep, don't worry, he'll get up, he wouldn't want you to have to do anything alone. 
We used to joke that Brewtus was our 120 lb lap dog.  Well, sometimes when something is true, it's not funny anymore.  Simba, while he may not be 120 lbs (I'm afraid to guess as he has filled out his saggy skin quite nicely in the last 2 years), he is definately a lap dog.  Or at the very least, a constant contact dog.

And then there's our Old Lady.  Well, she's Addie's and my dog.  We love her even though she's not a lab, cause we're not speciesist.
This is the pic from the Humane Society website, look at those eyeballs!!
  I was browsing thru the Humane Society website one day and read a story about an old girl who was an owner surrender.  Her story broke my heart, I needed to meet her.  If it was meant to be, I would know.  So, I went to visit her on my lunch break.  As soon as we walked into that dog room, and she looked at me with her Chocolate Butter eyes, and it was all over.  That poor girl was 10 (well, actually 11) years old, surrendered by her 1 owner where she lived since a puppy.  It was done.  Filled out all the paperwork, paid the adoption fee, and went back to work.  I picked up Addie from school and told her we were going to look at dogs, there was 1 I thought might be a good fit.  Addie knew right away which one was hers, I handed her the leash and the look on her face was absolutely priceless, I will never forget that happiness as long as I live.  We took her home, to live the rest of her years in a loving home where she could just be an old girl.  Well, her birthday is February 19, she turned 13 this year.  And she's aging gracefully.  When we adopted her, she was covered in fatty tumors, the non-cancerous kind.  Deron nicknamed her Chunks.  And now, between her normal aging process and the growth of these fatty tumors, she's making me cry, a lot.
At what point do you make that decision for your pet?  I know that she will tell me when she's ready, but will I know how to listen? 
Most of the time, she can move around fine.  When she can't, she can't even get up.  It's like her hips fall out of the joint and she has no control of them.  She has a tumor on top of her right hip and on the inside of her left, not sure if they are pushing her legs out or what because it's different day to day.  But if there is a car outside, she will do her darndest to chase it and "bark" at it.  I've watched her drag herself along the fenceline trying to chase cars on her 2 front legs.  She likes to chase cars and bark.  And most days, she can do this on all 4's. 
Most of the time, she eats and drinks water just fine.  When she doesn't want to, she doesn't.  There is an expanding tumor on the right side of her stomach, maybe shrinking her appetite.   Maybe she is mad because she gets absolutely no people food and the boys do, I don't know.  I'm just being a good Mom, she might hate me for it, but trust me, her intestinal tract thanks me!
She can't hear anything most of the time, we talk with sign language when I can get her attention.  But she hears airplanes overhead and hears those cars.  When we come home, she stays sleeping until we touch her.  We used to be able to just walk in her direction and the shaking of the floor would wake her up.  Now, there's been a few days, where I have been afraid to shake her awake because there has been so much commotion and she hasn't moved. This is the part that scares me the most I think.
Most of the time, she has no bathroom issues.  This is the reason for no people food, oh man!  This is also the hard one for me.  She's started having "accidents", and I'm not even sure we can call them that as I don't think she really knows it's happening when it does.  She is startled and scared when we jump up to stop her and take her outside. I don't want that poor girl to lose her dignity.  This could also be a result of those tumors pressing on her bathroom organs causing her to lose control, but I'm no vet, I don't know. 
The last time she was at the vet, she was all good.  Aside from the fatty tumors and her selective hearing (at the time it was clearly selective!) she was the picture of health.  I'm afraid to bring her back. 
Removing the tumors is not an option, the poor girl is 13 years old, no surgery for her. 

Anyways, the reason I started writing about my stupid dogs is because we were lucky enough to have another foster last month.  Another Black & Tan Coonhound.  She lived with us for only 1 weekend and found a forever home with Deron's cousins family.  They took a mini vacation last week, and Josey came to stay with us.  She was wonderful.  When her Mommy & Daddy came to get her, she was so excited and happy, she didn't even tell me goodbye.  That hurt my feelings Josey, but it makes my heart swell knowing that she is so happy her whole body wiggles.  She sleeps on an electric blanket.  She has 4 human brothers and sisters who play with her and love her and exercise her and dress her up.  She even has a kitty sister, their friendship is coming.  She is an incredible girl, and her family is lucky to have her.  It was a great reminder that we need to not have 4 dogs at a time. 

So, really, I've learned alot from my dogs. 
I've learned compassion.
I've learned that there will ALWAYS be fur in the house, and that's ok.
I've learned patience.
I've learned that leather furniture wipes clean real easy.
I've learned to communicate without words.
I've learned to not leave food out, or really anything that resembles or smells like food.
I've learned what it means to be a friend.
I've learned bags, cabinets, and closed doors are no match for a determined dog.
I've learned the importance of looking people (and pets) in the eye.
I've learned when you want something really bad, keep trying. 
I've learned to lick peoples faces when they are sad. 
I've learned that happiness is contagious.
I've learned that it's ok to be afraid and ask for comfort.
I've learned that leashes are unnecesary.
I've learned a belly scratch is pretty much the best thing in the world
I've learned to trust my instincts.
I've learned the importance of exercise.
I've learned sometimes it's ok to bite a person. 
I've learned that no one will ever mess with my family and Brewtus will protect me from getting tickled.
I've learned how to love unconditionally. 

And for that I thank them.  All of them.